Day time game?

I live a couple hours out of town and am wondering if thw amp scene is steictly a day time game. I know they are opwn late, but is theew any talent left after say 7pm?
Hank3fan's Avatar
Hank3fan's Avatar
Horrible grammar and apparently you haven’t read more than the first page.

I mean spellcheck screws one or two things up that can be missed, but damn.

And as far as the time frame thing goes if you look at more than a couple of reviews you wouldn’t need to ask that question.
As far as the spelling the spell check on the ole cell phone does not work on here for sone reason. Reslly wish it did. As far as reading reviews, i have read plenty and almoat all seemed day time encounters. I just wanted to confirm that before trying hit them up. I appologize if that upset you in some sort of way to get that response. I am just trying to get sone info.
Hank3fan's Avatar
Sorry. It didn’t upset me at all.

I’m an asshole sometimes. I was just trying to make a lame joke. But sometimes the same question is asked on here many times with in a couple of weeks and it get Tedious.

They are all open till around 2 or until 4 am depending on if it’s the weekend or not. And it’s always the same ladies that are there. Unless they are already engaged with other clients or it’s their day off.
Cool. Just didnt want to get there latw and get the "b" team.
You will find some good “A team members” here in Dallas.
Ya i am in Wichita Falls, and it is all b team or nothing here. I usually make the 2 hour drive to either DFW or OKC. Just never really done the amp scene in DFW. I appreciate the info.
  • Pro49
  • 09-03-2018, 08:51 PM
They say the A team is tired and not at its best once you get to late or maybe even mid evening.