Foster care system

  • Noid
  • 05-25-2015, 05:36 AM
Is it loving parents or scammers getting money from the state to raise(?), warehouse. ABUSE their charges?
sue_nami's Avatar
do we have a foster daddy turning out his charges here? or are u concerned about the entire foster care system that the current state powers that be have denuded of funding and support?
nbnsennbn1's Avatar
It is a current solution to the problem. It may or may not be perfect, but it's certainly not everything or nothing as you might imply.

If you don't mind me asking you a question: "Do you have a solution or a suggestion?" I ask because, like many things around us, it's the best we gotten so far. And questions such as the one you pose, may help to start the discussion on better solutions with better outcomes.

For starters here are some suggestions I have:

* The state should market the system so more people are willing to become foster care parents
* As a society we need to see how we can help the biological parents take better care of their kids
* Improve drug law enforcement, as that seems to sometimes be the root of these issues
* Educate society on family planning. I don't see ANY ads about that anywhere
* Reach out to teenagers in a way they will understand

I am no expert at the subject, but I am trying to think thorough options that come my mind from what I know and can think of.

Also there is the "how" do we do these things. I can go on, the bottom-line being, if more of us get involved we can make this better.

Thanks for asking.
nuglet's Avatar
It is a current solution to the problem. It may or may not be perfect, but it's certainly not everything or nothing as you might imply.

If you don't mind me asking you a question: "Do you have a solution or a suggestion?" I ask because, like many things around us, it's the best we gotten so far. And questions such as the one you pose, may help to start the discussion on better solutions with better outcomes.

For starters here are some suggestions I have:

* The state should market the system so more people are willing to become foster care parents
* As a society we need to see how we can help the biological parents take better care of their kids
* Improve drug law enforcement, as that seems to sometimes be the root of these issues
* Educate society on family planning. I don't see ANY ads about that anywhere
* Reach out to teenagers in a way they will understand

I am no expert at the subject, but I am trying to think thorough options that come my mind from what I know and can think of.

Also there is the "how" do we do these things. I can go on, the bottom-line being, if more of us get involved we can make this better.

Thanks for asking. Originally Posted by nbnsennbn1
Maybe you missed the obvious option ...WHISPERS has the answers to all of this.. no reason to wonder when he is the Lord of all things knowable..
nbnsennbn1's Avatar
Well then, I hope he is has solved this one and is moving on to world peace. And you should go along as his spokesperson.
In one of my classes, a girl did a speech about the foster care system from her experience. It was one of the most awful things I'd ever heard.

She talked about the diagnosing of mental illness and administration of psych meds to very young children. Once they are on all these meds the day they are 18 they completely cut off from everything.

That was just one of the MANY things that really enraged and upset me. These children are already at risk for potential furthered abuse by adoptive/foster parents and then they just get abused by the system That is supposed to protect them. Ughhh.

I am sure there are great foster parents out there. Actually, I do know of some. I myself think one day when I'm way older and out of this business, I may foster a child if I don't have anymore of my own.

I agree with nbs... sorry your handle is long. I abbreviated. Anyway, I agree that prevention and education is a great idea. Imo, they should teach psychology, family dynamics, and coping skills in high school or even earlier. There is so much dysfunction that maybe if kids were taught about these things in school, when they grew up they might be healthier adults with less mental illness, behavioral issues and substance issues.

Just a thought.
  • Noid
  • 05-26-2015, 04:07 PM
I wonder about the percentage of good,loving foster parents to those that warehouse, neglect,dope up, or abuse emotionally, physically or sexually. For the check from the gov. Yeah, let;s ask whispers.
That's between yall. Whispers has always been nice and respectful to me, but that's because I took the time to cultivate a non bcd relationship with him. I like trying to understand controversial people. I've made some of my best hobby friends that way. Off the board, he is very polite and nice.

I don't understand some of the things he does on here. I like some of the ladies he dislikes and it bothers me to see them get their feelings hurt, but I don't think anyone should be accusing anyone of things like that without proof.

I thought this was about foster care, anyway?