
Well, I figured there would be consequences and they just landed.

I scheduled an appointment earlier today with a provider - about 12 hours ago.

She pushed back our appointment once or twice, no problem.

Then, 30 minutes before we were to meet - she calls me and says "oh you are gregster. You did a review on a friend of mine that " (I'll edit out the comments).

So, instead of so much, she said it would be double for her to see me!! Well, just about double. I told her I thought that was not fair, and offered to agree to a no review policy if she had concerns. Then she got rude and then she she hung up on me.

Now, I don't mind a provider choosing to see who they like. This is, on the one hand, a business, but on the other, its personal. I would never want a provider to do anything they were not comfortable with.

However, that said, if you are going to screen, screen BEFORE confirming the appointment. BEFORE I've waited all day to see you.

So, I guess I'm blacklisted in certain circles. I guess you are bound to make enemies in this world if you have principles and you stick by them. I stand by my reviews. They were not mean nor "slamming" anyone. They were my honest opinion. And I'm sticking to them regardless.

If you don't want to see me, that's fine. I"m a guy - I may never understand being pregnant but I'll understand being turned down better than any woman.

So, now its late. And I'm in no mood. I'm taking my $300 to where its appreciated - I'm going to a casino!

To the rest of the providers out there now- and those yet to come, I look forward to meeting you. I promise to treat you with respect. I promise to keep my promises. I promise to give you a chance to address any concerns I have before writing a review, or to not write a review if you request up front. In short, I promise to treat you all the right way, because its the right thing to do.

(PS - I'm not naming names and I'd like no speculation here. Don't PM me, I won't tell. I"m not looking to start another fight nor name names. Its already an unfortunate enough situation)
I done told you, and told you! Didn't I tell you? I know I told you!
I know! Let me say it here - loud and proud - you were right! You are right!!
I feel you. I am Banned from seeing a provider by one of the guys on the board (apparently he didn't like something I said). She told me "He said not to see you". Been a long time and I forget who the guy is but, moral of the story......there is always more pussy, alcohol, and money.....don't get it twisted.

I learned to just move on and keep having fun. No one is allowed to live rent free in my mind.

Laissez les bons temps rouler

Next time, you get a beat down!
SknyDiva's Avatar
I feel you. I am Banned from seeing a provider by one of the guys on the board (apparently he didn't like something I said). She told me "He said not to see you". Been a long time and I forget who the guy is but, moral of the story......there is always more pussy, alcohol, and money.....don't get it twisted.

I learned to just move on and keep having fun. No one is allowed to live rent free in my mind.

Laissez les bons temps rouler Originally Posted by disilene
Please don't get it twisted!!
Mmmmm. Twister!
Arverni's Avatar
One of the reasons I never do a negative review. Like my momma told me ... "If you can't say something good - don't say nothin'"

Review system's still effective if guys only do positive reviews on the girls that rock their world. Absence of reviews on a girl should tell a guy that something is fishy. However, guys tend to want to up their review count and review every single one.

I have talked to providers who won't see certain people just based on the reviews they've written (or things they've said on this board). If a girl has four pages of "YES" recommendations ... why the hell should she risk that track record for a guy she knows often writes brutal, negative reviews? Next client please.

I haven't looked at your reviews Greg ... maybe you only wrote one that this girl didn't like (on her friend) ... but that's the way it goes. As the guys - we don't get to call the shots - the girls do.

Sorry you had this experience.
I like all kinds of reviews, good and bad. No such thing as having too much data. I especially think reviews that point out ymmv are helpful. If all reviews are positive, one would never know about possible downers.

Thanks for honest reviewing. Sorry you are banned in certain circles, but there are more women out there that will see you who are excellent.
I like all kinds of reviews, good and bad. No such thing as having too much data. I especially think reviews that point out ymmv are helpful. If all reviews are positive, one would never know about possible downers.

Thanks for honest reviewing. Sorry you are banned in certain circles, but there are more women out there that will see you who are excellent. Originally Posted by mriley000

Let me take it a step further. I believe that negative reviews are much more valuable than a pile of positive reviews.

In all the hobbying I have done, I have only written two negative reviews. Its not because I have been lucky. Its because I have done my due diligence and did my research.

Like many other guys, I have to plan my hobbying. I sure as hell don't wanna waste my time - and money - on a shitty time. I wanna know that I am going to spend my time with a pro who is skilled at her trade.

I wouldn't worry about it one bit. If it were me, I would totally out the lady that tried to upsell you. Thats total bullshit.

Anyway, sorry that lady stood you up. She sounds childish, immature and someone who isn't long for this business.
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
Reviews are to be honest. I am not sure of the whole story but ultimately regardless of a providers preference or reasons they are just that.

I'd never make a judgement solely on the words of other providers...I love them all dearly but everyone perceives things differently as well as handle them in their own way.

I think this post was unnecessary. It kind of puts the op out there as what I call "handle with care" ijs "my 2ct"
As many of you good folks know, Ole Shelton used to be an avid writer of some deliciously humorous, erotic, and/or engaging reviews. After all, is that not the purpose of a review board. Unfortunately Ole Shelton has the uncanny ability to predict the future and did one day gaze out over the open water to see a future when honest reviews and the opinions of the reviewer was not appreciated. Ole Shelton saw the difference of reasonable minds being the primoridal pool from which all board drama would originate. This being the case, Ole Shelton RARELY, if ever posts a review anymore. The review boards have mutated from a source of good objective information to a bragging board. Tis a shame really. Bad reviews helped keep the quality of service high and protected those quality providers from others who may feel this would be a quick way to make a few dollars over a couple of months....the ladder being the ones who generally garner LEO getting pushed to get involved.

Now, does Ole Shelton's no review policy have consequences? Well, certainly. Many a fine lady requires the reading of nice flowery reviews as a predicate to scheduling an appointment. In these situations, Ole Shelton has a "system" he uses to overcome the problem and it tends to work most times.

As to the Gregster fellow, you do indeed receive Ole Shelton's tip of the hat. A finer reviewer you tend to be and one of the more honest ones on this least insofar as your personal opinion goes. Can Ole Shelton look to the future and tell you how this trend of flowery all-positive reviews may come out? Well, I suppose that depends on market economics. Supply and demand will always drive any business and if the consumer becomes concerned that the supply is getting the upper hand, the demand will look for a more viable option where the playing field is more level. In other words, Ole Shelton sees the practice you described by the lady as being short sighted and not consistent with staying power. Ole Shelton has happily seen more than one lady legitimately retire from the business before age 40 with 7 figures in the bank and a passive income of close to 6 figures. However these rare exceptions are the result of good practices.

Keep up the good work Gregster and the rest of your fellers who post reviews. Ole Shelton appreciates your good works. Ole Shelton will be out of the country for a while soon, but will keep an eye on your kids.
One of the reasons I never do a negative review. Like my momma told me ... "If you can't say something good - don't say nothin'"

Review system's still effective if guys only do positive reviews on the girls that rock their world. Absence of reviews on a girl should tell a guy that something is fishy. However, guys tend to want to up their review count and review every single one.

I have talked to providers who won't see certain people just based on the reviews they've written (or things they've said on this board). If a girl has four pages of "YES" recommendations ... why the hell should she risk that track record for a guy she knows often writes brutal, negative reviews? Next client please.

I haven't looked at your reviews Greg ... maybe you only wrote one that this girl didn't like (on her friend) ... but that's the way it goes. As the guys - we don't get to call the shots - the girls do.

Sorry you had this experience. Originally Posted by Arverni
Hey, thanks for the comment. My review was actually intended to help a young provider improve her service.

I got almost a dozen messages of people who felt the same way. If she took my review to heart and changed just a few basic things she would have the opportunity for more business and to charge more money.

I'll take your advice - moving on.
DallasRain's Avatar
quote---Thanks for honest reviewing. Sorry you are banned in certain circles, but there are more women out there that will see you who are excellent.

MRiley hiot the nail on the head!

sorry you had a bad experience,but keep rockin and you will have a helluva good time again soon babe!
Oh, a small update:

The $300 turned into $1,000 (I'm a pretty good poker player)

So, I'm in the process of scheduling a few appointments with nice tips.... going to spread around the winnings!

PS - thanks Dallas. I saw you will be traveling - return to us safe - and soon!