Malaysia 370, one year later

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Still hasn't been found. No wreckage, no clues. Almost like someone took it and spirited it away to parts unknown.

Now you can start your lies but I suggest you go back to what I really said and how I said it. Anything less shows you are a fool.

This is for Tampon, the royal bird

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I thought you'd found it on a deserted island, hidden under some palm fronds.

For a year, you've been trying to produce a conspiracy here.

Maybe your inability to do that is the conspiracy.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Well now there's more credibility given to the Bermuda Triangle disappearances and Alien abductions- perhaps they do exist.
Still hasn't been found. No wreckage, no clues. Almost like someone took it and spirited it away to parts unknown.

Now you can start your lies but I suggest you go back to what I really said and how I said it. Anything less shows you are a fool.

This is for Tampon, the royal bird
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
We remember your idiocy well.

The jihadis hijacked a plane, flew it to an deserted island, and then - WHAT??

They did nothing for a YEAR? They didn't even claim credit for hijacking it?

Massive failure, probably caused by a fire, killed everyone on board and it sank in the ocean hundreds, possibly thousands, of miles off course. It's at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
  • shanm
  • 03-08-2015, 08:53 PM
We remember your idiocy well.

The jihadis hijacked a plane, flew it to an deserted island, and then - WHAT??

They did nothing for a YEAR? They didn't even claim credit for hijacking it?

Massive failure, probably caused by a fire, killed everyone on board and it sank in the ocean hundreds, possibly thousands, of miles off course. It's at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Still hasn't been found. No wreckage, no clues. Almost like someone took it and spirited it away to parts unknown. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Typical Idiot logic, or lack thereof!

JDIdiot is now trying to make the case that since the airliner has not been located in a year, his theory that it has been hijacked and parked on a remote, deserted island, carefully camouflaged by thousands of Wilted Shrubs, must be accurate.

In typical JDIdiot fashion, he feels the burden of proof is on me to prove that his theory is inaccurate, not upon him to prove that it actually occurred.

There you have it folks, JDIdiot has morphed into a shit-house lawyer right before our very eyes!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well now there's more credibility given to the Bermuda Triangle disappearances and Alien abductions- perhaps they do exist. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You don't have to believe in the paranormal to know that planes, ships, etc., DID disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, WE. In fact, yesterday, March 7th, marked the 97th anniversary of the 1918 disappearance of the U.S.S. Cyclops (AC-4).

Yssup Rider's Avatar
So what's your point, IBIdiot? Are you trying to say that the Malaysian airliner was hijacked to the Beemuda triangle, where it disappeared?

Sure seems you are...
Aliens or Russians take your pick.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We remember your idiocy well.

The jihadis hijacked a plane, flew it to an deserted island, and then - WHAT??

They did nothing for a YEAR? They didn't even claim credit for hijacking it?

Massive failure, probably caused by a fire, killed everyone on board and it sank in the ocean hundreds, possibly thousands, of miles off course. It's at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Lets took Bin Laden six years to plan 9/11. We know that from the documents we obtained. They didn't say a word about attacking the US after 1996. My question for you is why do you think that these people are stupid. Some kind of racial thing? If you're planning a big operation, then you don't brag about it before hand. Is that really too hard to understand? Even Japan embargoed any mention of Pearl Harbor for four years prior to the attack. Not every leader is like that moron Obama who telegraphs everything we do before we do it. The only reason that we sometimes get past them (and thats not very often nowadays) is that there are so many balls in the air that they miss one.

By the way, my idiocy as you call it is now part of a book. The theory that MHC 370 was taken and was landed in a remote area is now being talked about. I'll let you do the rest of the leg walk.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Typical Idiot logic, or lack thereof!

JDIdiot is now trying to make the case that since the airliner has not been located in a year, his theory that it has been hijacked and parked on a remote, deserted island, carefully camouflaged by thousands of Wilted Shrubs, must be accurate.

In typical JDIdiot fashion, he feels the burden of proof is on me to prove that his theory is inaccurate, not upon him to prove that it actually occurred.

There you have it folks, JDIdiot has morphed into a shit-house lawyer right before our very eyes! Originally Posted by bigtex
For people who have come along since last year and don't know how big of a liar Tampon is, here is my actual theory:

Considering that the engines were running hours after the disappearance, that someone in the cockpit did a rapid climb, descend, and violent course deviation my theory is that someone in the cockpit hijacked the aircraft by climbing and depressurizing the cabin to either kill or subdue the passengers. The plane descended to ocean level and continued on a course intended to avoid occupied areas. They landed the aircraft on a flat piece of ground either a straight road or abandoned runway. In either case that aircraft needs about 3500 feet of runway to land. Just as they did in World War II cargo nets can be put over the aircraft and natural looking obstacles can be put around the area to disguise from a casual viewer the presence of the plane. Trees could be cut and leaned against the aircraft with foilage intact to break up the pattern. Since the plane is hundreds of miles off course the search would not be too intense at that time. In the meantime, the passengers or bodies would be dumped or taken away, the plane repainted, and the transponder code changed. With some fuel trucked in the plane can then take off and fly to some airport as a maintenance problem which would explain the lack of passengers and no need for customs to board would exist. In some of these third world countries that plane can hide in plain sight for a long time. Note that earlier, about a dozen commerical airliners were stolen from an airport in Libya. To date, they have not been found yet either.
For people who have come along since last year and don't know how big of a liar Tampon is, here is my actual theory:

Considering that the engines were running hours after the disappearance, that someone in the cockpit did a rapid climb, descend, and violent course deviation my theory is that someone in the cockpit hijacked the aircraft by climbing and depressurizing the cabin to either kill or subdue the passengers. The plane descended to ocean level and continued on a course intended to avoid occupied areas. They landed the aircraft on a flat piece of ground either a straight road or abandoned runway. In either case that aircraft needs about 3500 feet of runway to land. Just as they did in World War II cargo nets can be put over the aircraft and natural looking obstacles can be put around the area to disguise from a casual viewer the presence of the plane. Trees could be cut and leaned against the aircraft with foilage intact to break up the pattern. Since the plane is hundreds of miles off course the search would not be too intense at that time. In the meantime, the passengers or bodies would be dumped or taken away, the plane repainted, and the transponder code changed. With some fuel trucked in the plane can then take off and fly to some airport as a maintenance problem which would explain the lack of passengers and no need for customs to board would exist. In some of these third world countries that plane can hide in plain sight for a long time. Note that earlier, about a dozen commerical airliners were stolen from an airport in Libya. To date, they have not been found yet either. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JDIdiot, the above statement was the work of a crazed, irrational, delusional conspiracy theorist. There is no other way to explain it! You even went as far as taking ownership by specifically labeling it as your "actual theory." (your "actual" words, not mine)

Mel's Gibson's film character (Jerry Fletcher) did not have a thing on you! I would not be surprised to one day learn that they fashioned Jerry Fletcher's demented character traits after you.

Since you went to the trouble of looking it up, where's the link confirming that the above linked, irrational conspiracy theory actually occurred?

I will save you the trouble! There is no link because no one else (other than JDIdiot) is crazy enough to develop this crazy conspiracy theory.

What is even more amazing would be that JDIdiot felt compelled to start another thread a year later, reminding posters that it was his "actual theory."
I think it bothers most people that in the 21st Century, where we can seem to keep track of everything at anytime, that a huge airliner can just "dissapear".

Look how long it took them to find the Titanic. And they even had a pretty good idea where to look.

The remains of that thing is probably resting in about 12,000 ft of water, somewhere in the Indian Ocean. That's about 29,000,000 square miles of open water.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JDIdiot, the above statement was the work of a crazed, irrational, delusional conspiracy theorist. There is no other way to explain it! You even went as far as taking ownership by specifically labeling it as your "actual theory." (your "actual" words, not mine)

Mel's Gibson's film character (Jerry Fletcher) did not have a thing on you! I would not be surprised to one day learn that they fashioned Jerry Fletcher's demented character traits after you.

Since you went to the trouble of looking it up, where's the link confirming that the above linked, irrational conspiracy theory actually occurred?

I will save you the trouble! There is no link because no one else (other than JDIdiot) is crazy enough to develop this crazy conspiracy theory.

What is even more amazing would be that JDIdiot felt compelled to start another thread a year later, reminding posters that it was his "actual theory." Originally Posted by bigtex
When I post the link to the book what are you going to do for penance? I figure that you will weasel out like you do when you bet but I thought I would give you the chance.
When I post the link to the book what are you going to do for penance? I figure that you will weasel out like you do when you bet but I thought I would give you the chance. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Is the "book? you're referring to a reputable publication or just another of your "conspiracy theory" books?

As for the link, you first must "post the (verifiable) link" before you will know with any degree of certainty how I will react.

Until then it is all conjecture regarding how I will react, on your (JDIdiot's) part.

And while on the subject, you can stick your crazy ass conspiracy theories "where the sun don't shine!".