So much for Obama's pledge regarding transparency in his administration....chalk up another Obama lie....
Obama administration is hoping to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. To find out what is in it, you’ve got to be a member of Congress, and you’ve got to go to classified briefings and leave your staff and cellphone at the door.

If you’re a member who wants to read the text, you’ve got to go to a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center and be handed it one section at a time, watched over as you read, and forced to hand over any notes you make before leaving.

And no matter what, you can’t discuss the details of what you’ve read.
This is how Obama rolls...........

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/0...#ixzz3ZI0BZ3y2
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't know how anyone can think that the government gives a damn about the people. This is just another example of what little regard they hold for the American public.
I don't know how anyone can think that the government gives a damn about the people. This is just another example of what little regard they hold for the American public. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Where does it say that every piece of legislation has to be read by the public?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Where does it say that every piece of legislation has to be read by the public? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are an idiot.
Budman's Avatar
Where does it say that every piece of legislation has to be read by the public? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Nowhere does it say it "has to be read" by the public but it damn sure should be available if we want to read it.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I don't know how anyone can think that the government gives a damn about the people. This is just another example of what little regard they hold for the American public. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you don't like this country than move out of this country - I bet you are one of these idiot conspiracy theories that believe the government will invade Texas - go join Governor Abbot you unpatriotic POS.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Nowhere does it say it "has to be read" by the public but it damn sure should be available if we want to read it. Originally Posted by Budman
Budman you are just as looney as whirlway and about as ignorant as COG. I know both you and COG have an agenda against me the truth will be shown very shortly. Obama won get over it he sets the rules that's what happens win you are POTUS if you don't like it either cast your vote in 2016 or leave this great country - I wish you would do the latter because it will be one less racist.
Budman's Avatar
Budman you are just as looney as whirlway and about as ignorant as COG. I know both you and COG have an agenda against me the truth will be shown very shortly. Obama won get over it he sets the rules that's what happens win you are POTUS if you don't like it either cast your vote in 2016 or leave this great country - I wish you would do the latter because it will be one less racist. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Fuck off you lying POS. Winning the presidency does not mean you get to "set the rules" you ignorant ass.

I don't have an agenda against you I just don't like you. You are a two faced lying sack of shit.
I love it when idiots ride to the defense of Obama espousing their stupidity...it lays bare just how bankrupt (and zombified) the Obama syncophants are..............

They are the modern day equivalent of court jesters........to be mocked and laughed at for our amusement.

Where does it say that every piece of legislation has to be read by the public? Originally Posted by WombRaider
If you don't like this country than move out of this country - I bet you are one of these idiot conspiracy theories that believe the government will invade Texas - go join Governor Abbot you unpatriotic POS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It used to be that the people were in control of this country. I should leave this country because I think I should be able to know what's in a treaty before its voted on? How much sense does that make?

First of all, it is the right of the people to know what our representatives are up to. If we are not allowed that opportunity, it is farce to say that we have a representative government.

Secondly, Obama himself promised his would be the "most transparent" in history. He might just have easily claimed to be a "God Fearing Christian."

Thirdly, Obama himself promised that all legislation would be placed online where the people could review for 5 days before action was taken. Another lie.

Fourth, this is a treaty, not some legislation. A treaty is the law of the land, as is the Constitution.

Fifth, why do you think they want to hide this treaty from us? You can't possibly trust this crew after all the lies they've told, from both sides of the aisle.

But, since the Constitution is meaningless now, this treaty probably means nothing. As long as there are people like WormRaper, and God Fearing Christians who are willing to sacrifice their (and our) freedom on the altar of Government, the people will never regain control of the government. We are doomed to be led by corrupt and dishonest tyrants.

You leave this country, God Fearing Christian, and let us with the balls to do so stand up for Liberty. Take your love of Statism elsewhere.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
It used to be that the people were in control of this country. I should leave this country because I think I should be able to know what's in a treaty before its voted on? How much sense does that make?

First of all, it is the right of the people to know what our representatives are up to. If we are not allowed that opportunity, it is farce to say that we have a representative government.

Secondly, Obama himself promised his would be the "most transparent" in history. He might just have easily claimed to be a "God Fearing Christian."

Thirdly, Obama himself promised that all legislation would be placed online where the people could review for 5 days before action was taken. Another lie.

Fourth, this is a treaty, not some legislation. A treaty is the law of the land, as is the Constitution.

Fifth, why do you think they want to hide this treaty from us? You can't possibly trust this crew after all the lies they've told, from both sides of the aisle.

But, since the Constitution is meaningless now, this treaty probably means nothing. As long as there are people like WormRaper, and God Fearing Christians who are willing to sacrifice their (and our) freedom on the altar of Government, the people will never regain control of the government. We are doomed to be led by corrupt and dishonest tyrants.

You leave this country, God Fearing Christian, and let us with the balls to do so stand up for Liberty. Take your love of Statism elsewhere. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Look here COG knock it off you spewed your anti-American hate so many times in various forums - you are by far the most pessimistic person on here bar none. I have seen you post that no matter if a republican or democrat is elected we are doomed. What kind of bullshit is that - I actually am afraid of people like you because you tend to be anarchist - you don't respect law you want to stir the shit pot and create chaos and drama.
You are not a libertarian so who do you really support? I think you might be a fascist, Marxist or a communist - I don't like what you represent and everytime you put down out government you might as spit on the flag and spit on the grave of every American who has died so you have the freedom to spew your hate.
I know you have an agenda with me and you want to see bad things happen to me - you are not God and despite what you believe you don't know it all - I suggest you pull up your big boy britches and for once in your life realize that if your side doesn't prevail take a loss like a man and stop being a whining jackass .
I love it when idiots ride to the defense of Obama espousing their stupidity...it lays bare just how bankrupt (and zombified) the Obama syncophants are..............

They are the modern day equivalent of court jesters........to be mocked and laughed at for our amusement. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Are you going to provide the legislation that dictates this trade bill or any other bill can and should be read by you before its passage? You call us sycophants, while you are merely the different side of the same coin. You simply suckle at a different teat, nothing more.
Nowhere does it say it "has to be read" by the public but it damn sure should be available if we want to read it. Originally Posted by Budman
Ok. Where does it say THAT?
  • DSK
  • 05-05-2015, 05:57 PM
Look here COG knock it off you spewed your anti-American hate so many times in various forums - you are by far the most pessimistic person on here bar none. I have seen you post that no matter if a republican or democrat is elected we are doomed. What kind of bullshit is that - I actually am afraid of people like you because you tend to be anarchist - you don't respect law you want to stir the shit pot and create chaos and drama.
You are not a libertarian so who do you really support? I think you might be a fascist, Marxist or a communist - I don't like what you represent and everytime you put down out government you might as spit on the flag and spit on the grave of every American who has died so you have the freedom to spew your hate.
I know you have an agenda with me and you want to see bad things happen to me - you are not God and despite what you believe you don't know it all - I suggest you pull up your big boy britches and for once in your life realize that if your side doesn't prevail take a loss like a man and stop being a whining jackass . Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
It is hardly unAmerican to bemoan a lack of transparency from our government. Also, as a Christian, why can't you forgive COG and show him the love of Christ.
It used to be that the people were in control of this country. I should leave this country because I think I should be able to know what's in a treaty before its voted on? How much sense does that make?

First of all, it is the right of the people to know what our representatives are up to. If we are not allowed that opportunity, it is farce to say that we have a representative government.

Secondly, Obama himself promised his would be the "most transparent" in history. He might just have easily claimed to be a "God Fearing Christian."

Thirdly, Obama himself promised that all legislation would be placed online where the people could review for 5 days before action was taken. Another lie.

Fourth, this is a treaty, not some legislation. A treaty is the law of the land, as is the Constitution.

Fifth, why do you think they want to hide this treaty from us? You can't possibly trust this crew after all the lies they've told, from both sides of the aisle.

But, since the Constitution is meaningless now, this treaty probably means nothing. As long as there are people like WormRaper, and God Fearing Christians who are willing to sacrifice their (and our) freedom on the altar of Government, the people will never regain control of the government. We are doomed to be led by corrupt and dishonest tyrants.

You leave this country, God Fearing Christian, and let us with the balls to do so stand up for Liberty. Take your love of Statism elsewhere. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Where does it say any of those things? You believed a politician. That's your mistake, not ours. I still didn't see a link to any information citing the necessity of a bill, law or treaty being available for public consumption prior to passage. Show me that and I'll gladly apologize. Thinking something should be a certain way doesn't make it so.