What is Hillary going to do with ISIS?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We all know she is not taking questions from the public or press but our leftie insiders probably get talking points daily.

Anyway, what is the plan for Hillary and our enemies? More of the same or something new? Is this going to be the third term of Obama?
Did you just elect her, judy? Have you jumped ship, and started backing Hillary? I was hoping she wouldn't make it.
We all know she is not taking questions from the public or press but our leftie insiders probably get talking points daily.

Anyway, what is the plan for Hillary and our enemies? More of the same or something new? Is this going to be the third term of Obama? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are you giving up so soon? Instead of worrying about what Hillary will do, why don't you ask yourself what that that car full of assclowns with an 'R' beside their name are going to do.
President Biden is going to kick ISIS's ASSASS!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Kinda of thought you didn't have an answer and you've proven me correct. Without Hillary, whatever will the democrats do? They used to say that the F4 Phantom was proof that you could get a brick to fly. Just put enough power to it and zoom. Hillary is going to need that 2 billion dollars to get that fat, orange pantsuit off the ground.
Kinda of thought you didn't have an answer and you've proven me correct. Without Hillary, whatever will the democrats do? They used to say that the F4 Phantom was proof that you could get a brick to fly. Just put enough power to it and zoom. Hillary is going to need that 2 billion dollars to get that fat, orange pantsuit off the ground.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why should I have an answer for what someone else is going to do about something, 16 months before they may or may not even win? Once again, you're asking the wrong goddamn question.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary is wanting to be POTUS. I'd like to know what her plans are for ISIS. Why is that a difficult question?
Hillary is wanting to be POTUS. I'd like to know what her plans are for ISIS. Why is that a difficult question? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Then why is JD the Retard bitch boy, asking us? So we can get into another illustrious discussion which yields no results and devolves quickly into a shouting match? Unless I'm mistaken, no one on here is Hillary. She needs to answer it, not us.
LexusLover's Avatar
....what is the plan for Hillary and our enemies? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Speculation ... based on the hypothetical possibility she will be elected in 2016.

#1: Blame Bush.
#2: Claim they are still JV.
#3: Declare their demise and defeat.
#4: Send Bill to give them a speech in exchange for a contribution to THE FUND!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
IIt only becomes a shouting match when the lefties try to deflect and impugn the questioners. Think of lefties as bikers at a Twin Peaks. They are only there to start shit.

What we've learned from Baby Killer is that he is going to vote for Hillary come hell or high water. It maybe slightly interesting what she says about ISIS but regardless of her answer, he is going to vote for her.
IIt only becomes a shouting match when the lefties try to deflect and impugn the questioners. Think of lefties as bikers at a Twin Peaks. They are only there to start shit.

What we've learned from Baby Killer is that he is going to vote for Hillary come hell or high water. It maybe slightly interesting what she says about ISIS but regardless of her answer, he is going to vote for her. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I've never said that, with any definitive notion. Your inability to nail me down pains you. I can feel it. I might vote for Paul, depending on his platform once it rounds out. There's just no telling with me.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hillary is wanting to be POTUS. I'd like to know what her plans are for ISIS. Why is that a difficult question? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
She "is wanting to be" POTUS?

Don't you mean she "be wanting?"


BTW -- What do your GOP candidates plan to do with ISIS, Whiny?
LexusLover's Avatar
BTW -- What do your GOP candidates plan to do with ISIS, Whiny? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you want to know what Hillary plans to do about ISIS, IF ELECTED?
Speculation ... based on the hypothetical possibility she will be elected in 2016.

#1: Blame Bush.
#2: Claim they are still JV.
#3: Declare their demise and defeat.
#4: Send Bill to give them a speech in exchange for a contribution to THE FUND! Originally Posted by LexusLover
#5 And spew her infamous "What difference does it make " to justify allowing those muzzie vermin to keep beheading anyone not of their pederast's "religion" . Wouldn't want anyone finding out how she and Bill profited from her time as SOS by allowing gun running into the area from Libya, now would we ? !! Mebbe she'll revert to her husbands tried and true defense of his actions with an " I did not..." or two once she's having to face Trey Gowdy. I sure hope that flaming Alinsky loving socialist, elitist broom driver gets her azz handed to her again in her run for the half-White House. Some of those people that the Clinton's extorted money from expect a return on THEIR investment, and get a bit pizzed when they think they've been stiffed or the other party doesn't come through.
Hear is Crhis Mathews grilling a Obama Supporter in 2008, trying to get him to name one accomplishment of then Senator Obama.


I wonder when he will go after Hillary, since most of her actions ended in failure, ie, Lybia, the rise of ISIS, Russia and the Urkraine, Yemen, and more.

Just admit it. Her ONLY accomplishment is being married to Bill.