democrat candidates are 2020 unelectable nonentities

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

The Democrats temporarily have become a hopeless party. As the Russian collusion fraud vanished, so did any possible argument that there isn’t really a crisis on the southern border. The Trump tax and deregulation reform, which Speaker Pelosi called “the worst disaster in history” (no “constructive Trumpian hyperbole” here), maintains a full employment, noninflationary economy with rising family purchasing power and a growing workforce.

The Democrats haven’t got the message, but those who aren’t punch-drunk out of their senses will decode the political message the night of the election in November 2020.

yup. they are definitely clown show non-entities!

they are actually worse than the republicans who ran in 2016.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I was trying to put together a list of all the wannabes...and fell asleep.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
lol those non-entities must've been boring to put you to sleep! LOL!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think the count is now to 20.

the nuclear bomber slawell joined in. that guy needs soap in his mouth like he needs hernia.
lickidyclit's Avatar
Hard to believe any American citizen would want another four years of his Majesties third grade level name calling, mocking his opposition, tantrums for not getting his way, making American the laughing stock of the free world with this buffoon at the helm!
When "middle America" constantly sees the entire field of Democrat candidates lined up to kiss the ring and ass of Al Sharpton and AOC, there is little doubt that the Dems are in trouble.

Their so called Leader, Nancy Peloci, has been reduced to a mumbling old fool who leaves one to believe that she is either in pre stage Alzheimers or just drunk half the time.

In the mean time. president Trump is doing what he does best. Lead.
Look for Killary to jump in at the last minute and drag Beto along as her VP. The fix is in, Texas will go blue due to influx of illegals. Stock up on arms while you can, America is changing for the worse.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
"Overall, we rate American Greatness Right biased based on story selection that favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources."

It would have been difficult to pick a more biased source of information. Odds are it will be a close election in 2020 assuming the Democrats do not nominate a candidate too far to the left.

Maybe you will answer the question I've asked before with only JD Barleycorn responding.

Trump barely won the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin which enabled him to win the electoral college. Based on the 2018 midterms and Trump approval ratings, victories in those states in 2020 is unlikely at the present time. Obviously conditions could change.

So how do you see Trump getting to 270 electoral votes in 2020? Will he keep those states or lose them and pick up other states that Clinton won in 2016?
AS i stated in another thread, it really wont matter which two losers end up being on the dimocratic ticket in 2020, what scares millions of mid-America voters is that this race will be nailbighting close because about 65 million or so voters like lickidyclit with no moral values will vote for whomever the dims nominate ..... and they will vote for them simply because of their hate for Trump ..... just as mid-America was tired of Odumbo's lack of leadership and wanted no part of a continuation of that with HiLIARy, I think in 2016 voters weren't voting FOR Trump as much as they were voting AGAINST HiLIARy ..... and I think it's quite possible that situation is exactly reversed in the upcoming national election ..... and if that doesn't scare the shit out of you then think again, it should, it very well could happen .....
Hard to believe any American citizen would want another four years of his Majesties third grade level name calling, mocking his opposition, tantrums for not getting his way, making American the laughing stock of the free world with this buffoon at the helm! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
I would take that over a Globalist criminal any day, which is all the Democratic Party can offer.
lickidyclit's Avatar
AS i stated in another thread, it really wont matter which two losers end up being on the dimocratic ticket in 2020, what scares millions of mid-America voters is that this race will be nailbighting close because about 65 million or so voters like lickidyclit with no moral values will vote for whomever the dims nominate ..... and they will vote for them simply because of their hate for Trump ..... just as mid-America was tired of Odumbo's lack of leadership and wanted no part of a continuation of that with HiLIARy, I think in 2016 voters weren't voting FOR Trump as much as they were voting AGAINST HiLIARy ..... and I think it's quite possible that situation is exactly reversed in the upcoming national election ..... and if that doesn't scare the shit out of you then think again, it should, it very well could happen ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Since myself and 65 million plus other voters do indeed have higher moral standards than the Trump mafia ,the MAGA theme in 2020 will be gocb,got our country back!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
AS i stated in another thread, it really wont matter which two losers end up being on the dimocratic ticket in 2020, what scares millions of mid-America voters is that this race will be nailbighting close because about 65 million or so voters like lickidyclit with no moral values will vote for whomever the dims nominate ..... and they will vote for them simply because of their hate for Trump ..... just as mid-America was tired of Odumbo's lack of leadership and wanted no part of a continuation of that with HiLIARy, I think in 2016 voters weren't voting FOR Trump as much as they were voting AGAINST HiLIARy ..... and I think it's quite possible that situation is exactly reversed in the upcoming national election ..... and if that doesn't scare the shit out of you then think again, it should, it very well could happen ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
It would certainly scare me if the Democrats nominated someone like AOC. Yes, I know she can't run but I'm saying someone LIKE her. Biden's political viewpoints don't scare me. Neither do those of Harris. A long time to go and a lot of politicking to do.
Redhot1960's Avatar
It would certainly scare me if the Democrats nominated someone like AOC. Yes, I know she can't run but I'm saying someone LIKE her. Biden's political viewpoints don't scare me. Neither do those of Harris. A long time to go and a lot of politicking to do. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You should get you one of these t-shirts.

Speed why don't you tell us what all the ++++++'s on the DEM platform that with inspire middle America to embrace them...
The left coast and the Northeast are ALWAYS going to go for the left.
I don't see sanctuary cites, abolishing ice, open boarders, 70% taxes on the rich, the new raw deal...THAT NO DEM VOTED FOR!!...more Gumment regulations and abortion at any stage of pregnancy as wining issues.
Maybe you can list those issues that you feel will win over the populous.
I have never heard a President losing because he was hated...people voting in droves for what they believe is terrible policy, but voting so because of dislike of the President...GOTCHA!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hard to believe any American citizen would want another four years of his Majesties third grade level name calling, mocking his opposition, tantrums for not getting his way, making American the laughing stock of the free world with this buffoon at the helm! Originally Posted by lickidyclit

You don't speak for America. You do realize, don't you that all other world leaders are in complete meltdowns politically? May is under siege for BREXIT fail. Marcon has rioters wanting his head in Paris. Trudeau has real scandals (not the fake ones the US media sell YOU) and has a hard fight to re-election. Merkel won't run again.

only Trump and Putin are getting it done, sparky. those uber nationalists. who saw that coming?