Trump’s sister quietly retired in February, and it’s actually a really big deal

eccieuser9500's Avatar

A key hint in the question of whether the president evaded taxes.

This all makes for extremely relevant context as the Trump administration continues to defy legally valid requests from congressional Democrats to see his tax returns.
Hotrod511's Avatar
A key hint in the question of whether the president evaded taxes.

This all makes for extremely relevant context as the Trump administration continues to defy legally valid requests from congressional Democrats to see his tax returns. Originally Posted by eccieloser9500
so the picture of Trump is proof his sister retired "OK" you and mystic must be related
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

A key hint in the question of whether the president evaded taxes.

This all makes for extremely relevant context as the Trump administration continues to defy legally valid requests from congressional Democrats to see his tax returns. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
an article from VOX claiming their "experts" say Congress can get Trump's tax returns means Congress WILL NEVER get them.


VOX has been consistently wrong on every claim they have made about Trump. The Madcow has more cred that VOX.
Oh now they're peeping into a dead man's finances and how his wealth was turned over to his kids. This has no bearing on anything. This is nothing but brain play for Democrats. These people are stupid.
an article from VOX claiming their "experts" say Congress can get Trump's tax returns means Congress WILL NEVER get them.


VOX has been consistently wrong on every claim they have made about Trump. The Madcow has more cred that VOX. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Correct. Vox is another Dim fake news hub like Media Matters or ThinkProgress. Let's Dance.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar

A key hint in the question of whether the president evaded taxes.

This all makes for extremely relevant context as the Trump administration continues to defy legally valid requests from congressional Democrats to see his tax returns. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
"Legally valid requests" in what universe have demands become requests and under what legal precedent is the congress using? They have oversight but only of the operations of the IRS. They cannot single out an individual for scrutiny. They have no legal authority unless they can first prove crime. They still have no authority because they are not a law enforcement entity.
A key hint in the question of whether the president evaded taxes. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I was under the impression that this was the job of the IRS(treasury department) ...not congress...if not please direct us to that statute.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well VOX can be useful. Who knew? this article from a link in the OP's post shows how ridiculous this so-call "valid legal request" is.

"The president’s lawyer has claimed that Congress must but does not have a “legitimate legislative purpose.” Congressman Neal, the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, has provided such a purpose. Neal claims he is investigating the effectiveness of the IRS’s policy of auditing the tax returns of sitting presidents— although that doesn’t quite explain why he is requesting returns including years both before Trump became president and during his presidency."


This horseshit will never fly. The Supreme Court will crush this as an abuse of authority and about 10 other things. The Dems are once again desperate now that Saint Mueller (obviously compromised by Trump and Putin) didn't give them the goods they wanted.

So Neal's contention is what?? that the IRS missed clear violations over the 40+ years Trump has been filing taxes?

"All she wants to do is, All she wants to do is,

Fake news. Real Dance!
gfejunkie's Avatar
The only thing Vox knows is how to sell ad space to suckers.

Did it ever dawn on anyone that Trump's sister retired in New York so she'll be ready for a bigger job in DC? A really BIG job. Heh.

Whisky_1's Avatar
The only thing Vox knows is how to sell ad space to suckers.

Did it ever dawn on anyone that Trump's sister retired in New York so she'll be ready for a bigger job in DC? A really BIG job. Heh.

Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You know you might actually have something there! So 45's sister resigns as a federal judge to avoid investigation and possible prosecution for alledged unethical conduct to join the Trump family rackets in the swamp.....seems ligit to me! After all it appears the rule of law and ethical conduct is only applicable to the political left.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You know you might actually have something there! So 45's sister resigns as a federal judge to avoid investigation and possible prosecution for alledged unethical conduct to join the Trump family rackets in the swamp.....seems ligit to me! After all it appears the rule of law and ethical conduct is only applicable to the political left. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

if you say so.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It goes without saying.

I like your thread about the greatness of Socialism BITTER...