DEMS upset Trump want to send Illegals to their sanctuary cities.

This has to be the best case of "you get what you asked for".
Trump knows how to play the DEMS like a Bass fiddle!!
I like the policy of "you want them you got them".
This is like asking the DEMS how best to eat a SHIT sandwich.
nancy pelosi calls them (illegal aliens) precious

I think her current euphemism is "newcomers"

sanctuary cities are already set up as the most welcoming places we have

so why wouldn't we want to do our best for the newcomers and settle them in the safest places?

plus why aren't the news media and dims happy about taking in the lost lambs, why is it a bad thing to send them to sanctuary cities?

btw, Obama wanted to settle them in Alabama to needle Senator Sessions who was an outspoken proponent of following the law

Obama wanted to settle them in Alabama without regard to the newcomers safety and no concern for finding the safest and the most hospitable place for them, he couldn't have cared less for them as people, merely wanting to use them as a way to flaunt his ability to be a scoundrel and scofflaw
rexdutchman's Avatar
But wait the dims in those cities are going to be wanting money from the feds ( mo money mo money I can see it now )
They get upset over anything Trump does. To me it's gotten to the point were I expect them now to get mad that I just don't hear anything they have to say because it's all about Trump bashing.
Lemme guess: President Kong drops them off in Sanctuary Cities in States whose Republican Senators voted against the wall.
The mayor of Oakland made herself look like an absolute fool in her interview. Claiming that she was "proud" to be the mayor of a sanctuary city and claiming that these illegals are great upstanding citizens. Then in the next breath whining that President Trump wants to send the illegals to those "safe, welcoming, inclusive" cities. So, the illegals are great people, but don't you dare send any of them to our city. Calling Tump racist, then saying she doesn't want these people in her city. Hypocritical much?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Classic Trump.

He’s the only one with the balls to do something like this.
The mayor of Oakland made herself look like an absolute fool in her interview. Claiming that she was "proud" to be the mayor of a sanctuary city and claiming that these illegals are great upstanding citizens. Then in the next breath whining that President Trump wants to send the illegals to those "safe, welcoming, inclusive" cities. So, the illegals are great people, but don't you dare send any of them to our city. Calling Tump racist, then saying she doesn't want these people in her city. Hypocritical much? Originally Posted by Lantern2814
She should have to answer for her bullshit.
They get upset over anything Trump does. To me it's gotten to the point were I expect them now to get mad that I just don't hear anything they have to say because it's all about Trump bashing. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Thats how they'll lose in 2020. Everything will be Trump this Trump that. It will get old real fast. More and more people are walking away from the Democratic party because Democratic politicians are dumb as shit they can't run their own lives less this whole country. They deserve to fail and they will.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
What a circle jerk this forum has turned into.

". . . to preserve & protect the Constitution of the United States. . ."

Fuuuck THAT!!!

"You get a pardon! You get a pardon! ALL of my loyal subjects get a pardon!!!"
Hotrod511's Avatar
What a circle jerk this forum has turned into.

". . . to preserve & protect the Constitution of the United States. . ."

Fuuuck THAT!!!

"You get a pardon! You get a pardon! ALL of my loyal subjects get a pardon!!!"
Originally Posted by ecciecirclejerkpivotman9500

What a circle jerk this forum has turned into.

". . . to preserve & protect the Constitution of the United States. . ."

Fuuuck THAT!!!

"You get a pardon! You get a pardon! ALL of my loyal subjects get a pardon!!!"
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I'm sure if you contact immigration they will send ALL the illegals you can handle to your home
P.S. Just keep them there!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What a circle jerk this forum has turned into.

". . . to preserve & protect the Constitution of the United States. . ."

Fuuuck THAT!!!

"You get a pardon! You get a pardon! ALL of my loyal subjects get a pardon!!!"
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you want anyone to pay attention to your views try not making every post "I HATE TRUMP' .. ok? we got that by now.

why not try discussing the actual things that are screwed under Trump's disastrous dictatorship of America? should be plenty there yeah?

you could start with how, as we all knew he would, Trump has destroyed the economy and the markets. How we are amidst the GREAT GREAT DEPRESSION with record unemployment, starving people rioting in the streets and total despair across the land.

oh wait .. that didn't happen. never mind.

well there's always starting WWIII yeah?


Let's dance!

Classic Trump.

He’s the only one with the balls to do something like this. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Quit right.

Of course, he has the usual crowd of Swampers and Never Trumpers a e singing yhebusual tune of "it's against the law".

Really? He's the Presidrnt of the United States. There is ample precedent for him to simply say, "fuck you".

Lincoln did it. Roosevelt did it. Hash it out in the Courts later. In the mean time, park a bus load right on Nancy Peloci's front porch.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Trump is gas-lighting Dems. LOL!