Cher is now officially a facist white nationalist.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Gee. Sounds like Trump. Maybe there's hope after all. Trump calls their bluff and wins again.
imajustme's Avatar
She's right.
bambino's Avatar
She should step up and build some shelters.
There's entire streets of LA covered in homeless tents. Cher has a chance to make a difference.

For the record, I liked Sonny better.
bambino's Avatar
There's entire streets of LA covered in homeless tents. Cher has a chance to make a difference.

For the record, I liked Sonny better. Originally Posted by gnadfly
At least she’s on the right track. Until her peers try to destroy her for agreeing with Trump.
She is right. Fucking tents along the side of the road are everywhere around here. Highway underpasses, side streets. The people in charge around here are a bunch of pussies afraid to do what has to be done.

LA is a great big shithole with fantastic weather.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well its ALL Not in My Backyard , To the LA thing well the Dimwits have been running that city for a long time .
Wow, she finally figured it out.
Well its par for the course with Liberals. They are the first ones to squawk about inequality, oppression ect. When it comes right down to doing something about it they shit on themselves. California has always been an extremely expensive place to live. Even with all the wealth in California the State is broke and poverty and homelessness is the highest in the country.
rexdutchman's Avatar
May Be she should take some home with her,,, sing to them ,,,, Oh wait never mind all she wants is to bitch
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Wow, she finally figured it out. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Not until she admits that she was wrong.
long ago and far way I used to be in love with the young cher
adav8s28's Avatar
There's entire streets of LA covered in homeless tents. Cher has a chance to make a difference.

For the record, I liked Sonny better. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You're kidding right? Cher carried Sonny. You were right about the Temptations and Marilyn McCoo of the 5th Dimension though.
adav8s28's Avatar
Cher is not a facist. She has correctly pointed out that "trickle down" is not working for some in Los Angeles. Perhaps that one grand a month that Andrew Yang was talking about would at least get the tent people off the streets.
You're kidding right? Cher carried Sonny. You were right about the Temptations and Marilyn McCoo of the 5th Dimension though. Originally Posted by adav8s28
so cher carried sonny?

while Cher had the singing talent

Sonny was the prime mover

She would most likely be just like you and me today, unknown, had she not met sonny in a coffee shop at the age of 16

Sonny worked for Phil Spector, sonny wrote and produced their hits that got them off the ground floor

Baby don't go and I've got you babe

so yeah Cher could sing, but they needed each other, just remember who got you there once you get there