How will you read it?

bamscram's Avatar
I don't trust Politico. They, generally, are just another Dim media hub. I'm not reading the entire report. I'll let Lexuslover read it and accept his findings.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
YES! I cannot wait for the section on all the indictments Trump faces for collusion and obstruction!!!

Regardless of all the different interpretations, Preside the Trump will still be President Trump.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the report will have redactions color coded with an explanation for it on the side margin.

that would be one colorful report.

are the color codes a new thing?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Simple. I'll read it knowing the Attorney General is not going to get his majesty beheaded.

I don't trust Politico. They, generally, are just another Dim media hub. I'm not reading the entire report. I'll let Lexuslover read it and accept his findings. Originally Posted by gnadfly

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Simple. I'll read it knowing the Attorney General is not going to get his majesty beheaded.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Your premise is false from the start. you assume that for Barr to coverup, Mueller must be bent too ... for your supposition to hold water. So which is it? Do you think Mueller is bent or such a lackey stooge he won't say shit against Barr and Trump even if he's brought to Congress to testify?? Under Oath?


P.S. that includes Mueller's entire staff being bent too. So .. when the inevitable happens, how many will take the 5th for Trump?

Do you begin to see where this was always nothing more than a cheap 4th rate pulp fiction spy novel? They shoulda plagiarized Ian Fleming. Way better source fiction than the Steele Dossier, yeah?



Originally Posted by bamscram
Are you President of the tin foil hat gang...

Originally Posted by bamscram
Are you President of the tin foil hat society ...
I'm not convinced that those who are going to be allowed to read this report will have the mental capacity to understand what it is they're reading ....
Simple. I'll read it knowing the Attorney General is not going to get his majesty beheaded.

... Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Truth is finally driving the narrative. Sucks to be you?

I'm not convinced that those who are going to be allowed to read this report will have the mental capacity to understand what it is they're reading .... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
The Lawfare group was embedded with Mueller to drive and help write the report. They've transitioned out to Pelosi's impeachment attack squad. When Pelosi said there wasn't enough for impeachment before the report was out I knew President Kong was clean. After all, there wasn't a pic of Kong and Putin together before his election.

When the new Freshmen group sputtered when questioning AAG Whitaker having to constantly look down out their notes, I knew they weren't capable of impeachment even with Harvard educated lawyers helping them.

Hotrod511's Avatar
Are you President of the tin foil hat society ... Originally Posted by bb1961
Nailed It
it doesn't matter what the report says

the dims have called for impeachment since the moment hellary got drunk on election night

nothing is going to change

they will glom onto any twisted fact or statement they can in furtherance of their blather

what I'd like to know is will Barr indict the dims for obstruction of justice as they are trying to impede his investigation into what started the spying
txdot-guy's Avatar
In June 2018 William Barr sent an unsolicited 20 page memo to the Justice Department critiquing special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference. The memo questions the scope of the inquiry and it argues that Mueller should not be permitted to demand answers from the president about possible obstruction of justice based on attempts by Trump to pressure former FBI Director James Comey to drop the investigation of Trump's former ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. This person is then subsequently chosen to replace Jeff Sessions as Attorney General of the United States.

How are we to believe that he won't shade the report in the best possible light toward the President and his administration when he has already made his bias public. The problem as I see it is not what the Mueller report says but that there is no confidence that we'll see a full and unbiased report from the Attorney General.
Hotrod511's Avatar
In June 2018 William Barr sent an unsolicited 20 page memo to the Justice Department critiquing special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference. The memo questions the scope of the inquiry and it argues that Mueller should not be permitted to demand answers from the president about possible obstruction of justice based on attempts by Trump to pressure former FBI Director James Comey to drop the investigation of Trump's former ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. This person is then subsequently chosen to replace Jeff Sessions as Attorney General of the United States.

How are we to believe that he won't shade the report in the best possible light toward the President and his administration when he has already made his bias public. The problem as I see it is not what the Mueller report says but that there is no confidence that we'll see a full and unbiased report from the Attorney General. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Well if that's what he did than why didn't Mueller recommend charges