Bret Easton Ellis tells 'spoiled children' liberals to deal with Trump: 'He was elected president. Get over it.'

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As the author of the 1991 dystopian novel American Psycho, in which the Wall Street banker — and serial killer — protagonist Patrick Bateman venerates Manhattan real estate mogul Donald Trump, Ellis has a unique perspective on the 45th president of the United States.

He's also gay.

he calls them.. generation wuss! that's a brutal beat down of the snowflakes. he goes on to make a brutal critique of the millennial generation (generation wuss).

He brands them"Generation Wuss" and laments their "oversensitivity, their sense of entitlement, their insistence they were always right despite sometimes overwhelming proof to the contrary, their joint tendencies of overreaction and passive-aggressive possibility."

This, he argues, has been fostered by "overprotective, helicopter moms and dads mapping their every move" while "smothering their kids and not teaching them how to deal with life's hardships ... people might not like you, this person will not love you back, kids are really cruel, work sucks, it's hard to be good at something, your days will be made up of failure and disappointment, you're not talented, people suffer, people grow older, people die."

Ellis identifies disgust with this as one of the factors behind the rise of Trump. Born in Los Angeles and now living there again after decamping from New York, Ellis found himself as an almost lone voice in the "Hollywood bubble" who believed Trump could defeat Hillary Clinton.

don't like it??? tough shit!!! your parents fucked up pretty good.
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funny shit ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''