When does the hour, 2 hours, etc begin?

Cpalmson's Avatar
In homage to the clock-watcher thread, here's a question for both guys and gals. When do you consider the clock to start? Is it when either party arrives at the play location? Is it after TCB? Is it when the BCD activities start? I think everyone has their own definition on this, but there is some gray areas in play. Sometimes after TCB, there is some mundane get to know you chit chat going on. When does the clock start? Also, when does the clock stop? Do you consider "clean up" time to be part of the agreed upon length of time. Just curious to find out what others think.

For me, the clock starts after TCB and includes the mundane chit-chat. If I don't want the chit-chat, then it is up to me to initiate the more fun type activities. I do think there should be at least a 5 minute window at the end for both parties to collect themselves and their stuff without being rushed. All in all, I think a 60 minute appointment is really more like 65-70 minutes of real time.
Naomi4u's Avatar
As soon as I walk in the door, the clock starts.
When time is up, time is up.
Having said that, I don't stall.
I let the guy control the session if he wants.
It's all about what he wants..
This has kind of been done to death, but I'll play.

I think it starts when one of us walks through the door. At least that is when I start marking time.
Pretty much unless you thought it started when you officially "get it in". But for me it is the moment I say hi at the door.
When I walk thru the door, but there are Providers that will let me take a shower and not start the clock until I dry off and hop in the bed. Very nice.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
I really dislike the whole "by the hour" deal to begin with. I just want an amazing experience, whether that is 25 min or 90 min. Although I understand how easily guys would take advantage of this, so the clock is required, I guess. I'd rather pay by the pop, with a minimum and max time, just in case. Example: $250 - first pop, $150 - second pop. Minimum 1 hour, max 2 hours. No incentive to rush, no incentive to drag it out forever either. Just a thought.

To the OP, after TCB to start clock.
Jannisary's Avatar
I've always understood the clock to start as soon as one of us walks through the door. The time agreed is the time agreed - 1 hour, 2 hours, etc..which includes the small talk, the warm up exercises, the two round main event (sometimes 3 rounds on a multiple hour date), some cool down cuddling, clean up and a sweet kiss goodbye right before opening the door to leave. Its silly and disrespectful to the provider's time to think that the intro chit chat, pre or post showering and clean up shouldn't be counted as part of the paid time. Some guys will argue and twist logic all around trying to gain extra time with the providers.

There aren't grey areas in this. An hour is 60 minutes, two hours is 120 minutes, etc.. etc. Now should a provider or hobbyist quibble over a few minutes one way or another, no they shouldn't but if you're consistently more than 5 minutes off then there is a problem.
Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 12-25-2011, 08:24 PM
When I get to through the door is when I expect the time to start, I always shower right before I leave therefore I'm fresh and I expect her to have done the same. I don't mind getting an hours time for an hours pay, but if she's good and pops me off in twenty minutes then rushes me out the door, I won't go back to that particular provider again.
I don't include shower/clean up time. That being said I'm not going to bend anymore than 15 minutes for that.
In homage to the clock-watcher thread, here's a question for both guys and gals. When do you consider the clock to start? Is it when either party arrives at the play location? Is it after TCB? Is it when the BCD activities start? I think everyone has their own definition on this, but there is some gray areas in play. Sometimes after TCB, there is some mundane get to know you chit chat going on. When does the clock start? Also, when does the clock stop? Do you consider "clean up" time to be part of the agreed upon length of time. Just curious to find out what others think.

For me, the clock starts after TCB and includes the mundane chit-chat. If I don't want the chit-chat, then it is up to me to initiate the more fun type activities. I do think there should be at least a 5 minute window at the end for both parties to collect themselves and their stuff without being rushed. All in all, I think a 60 minute appointment is really more like 65-70 minutes of real time. Originally Posted by Cpalmson

I do primarily incall so as soon as the client gets there, sets the donation down, we exchange a little small talk, then time begins.
Still Looking's Avatar
Time starts when I walk in the door. But if a provider wants to chat for 30 minutes that’s fine with me. I just let them know by saying, we should start the clock on our fun time! My way of letting them know I'm not paying to BS. It becomes all but obvious when providers show a genuine interest in chatting trying to burn up the clock. This doesn’t happen very often but when it does the BCD session becomes a lot less passionate and very animalistic if you know what I mean!
Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 12-25-2011, 09:44 PM
I don't mind small talk, but small talk with someone who rushes isnt a good combination. Don't chat with me for thirty minutes, give me a dry CBJ for ten minutes then rush me to cum in the next five.
Still Looking's Avatar
I don't include shower/clean up time. That being said I'm not going to bend anymore than 15 minutes for that. Originally Posted by Shayla
Shayla, keep in mind your perspective might be skewed! Guys lucky enough to see you are probably already cuming in their pants two minutes after getting there! Its harder to get from point A to point B with less desirable ladies. I wonder how many guys think about you when they are trying to get a nut? LOL

Note to self: Shayla only bends for 15 minutes. I wonder if that includes doggie?

Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think the session officially starts when she waves some sort of flag.

. . . The clock is now ticking!

  • Sami
  • 12-26-2011, 08:49 AM
I would say when we greet at the door, that's when it starts. Now I have had a few in the past that book and are always late always. I have started a few of them whatever time they said they where going to be here. My time is as important as theirs so if they are 15 late well session will be 15 short. This is usually done by regulars and sometimes they get carried away, not realizing it.

Needless to say they work harder to be on time. Now I understand traffic, many things can put you behind but not every single time you come to visit.

I have 2 peeves must be clean, and being on time. I am always generous with my time and often go over. It really boils down to be respectful of me and my time and I will always do the same.