
wizard2005's Avatar
Hello, everyone! I am a total newbie to the hobby and have some questions that I am embarrassed to ask but I have to. How do you contact a provider properly? What is the polite protocol? Some reviews have phone numbers but what is the etiquette for that situation? I feel like such a dork for having to ask these things but I don't want to do the wrong thing or be thought of as rude. Thanks for your help everyone.
Not clear as to what you are asking but, for those that have there #posted that tells you it is okay to call and inquire about their posting, be sure to read the posting thorghly so as to not ask questions that have answers clearly stated in the posting. For those that do not post their # send them a PM and they will respond to you. You will struggle to advance if you have no references, for this I would recommend a P411 account.
wizard2005's Avatar
Thank you for your response. I will definitely look into a P411.
jaydalee's Avatar
No need to be embarrassed everyone at some point was a newbie.
As far as contacting a provider I would suggest reading her website if she has one to see what her requirements for setting an appointment.If she has no website read her ads see what is required from you.Some ladies will not see newbies and some will so if you do not find that info in her website or ads ask if she sees newbies.

If contacting a provider by email a short introduction of who you are with the specific info the lady is requesting.At this point you can let her know you are a newbie and to see if that would be an issue.Never discuss explicit language on the phone or email.
A big no-no asking about rates especially if already stated in her ads and/or website.
If there are differences in rates in her ads then of course you would need to ask for clarification.Contact by phone introduce yourself and inquire on her availability for day and time you had in mind.If you call a lady and receive no answer I would suggest leaving a message stating it is okay to call you back or she can only call you back at a certain time.When ladies are working they can't always get to the phone so leaving a message saying it is okay to call back will help.Many ladies are discreet and would not return your call without being given the okay to do so.

Also,if you have not already I would suggest signing up for membership with a verification site such as P411.That way you can search for newbie friendly ladies in your area.Good luck to you!
When I finally decide I want to see a lady, I either send them an appointment request through p411 or I send an introductory email to them as follows-


I'm Pipefitter73. I would like to meet with you please. Below is my screening info. When you have screened me, let me know and we can schedule a date.

eccie link- http://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=53943
p411# ____ (only if they are on p411)
Date Check# ____ (only if they are on Date Check)
TER# ____ (only if they are on TER)

Reference#1, their contact email, and my last visit date with them.
Reference#2, their contact email, and my last visit date with them.
Reference#3, their contact email, and my last visit date with them.

Thank you and I look forward to meeting you.

Once they have screened you and an appointment date is made and confirmed, the provider will most likely give their phone number out, then I will give them my hobby phone#. Also after you have been screened you can ask questions about services or fees, but I never do because the services they offer are in reviews and if I contact them through p411, I am paying that fee less the p411 discount.

Any providers who ask for your real name or work info are SOL, I'm not giving that to them. Select another lady to meet because there are too many fish in the sea.... or as we gentleman say in the hobby, always another provider at the next hotel.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Welcome! No need to be embarrassed.
This thread should help answer many questions for you.

wizard2005's Avatar
Thank you all for the answers and the reassurance that it was not such an embarrassing question after all. Now to work up the courage to take my first big step!
pyramider's Avatar
Do yourself a favor and use the Search function. You can answer 99% of your questions that way, even questions that you never thought of. Do not be lazy like most newbies, do your research and homework . . . Remember SEARCH is your friend.
Hello, everyone! I am a total newbie to the hobby and have some questions that I am embarrassed to ask but I have to. How do you contact a provider properly? What is the polite protocol? Some reviews have phone numbers but what is the etiquette for that situation? I feel like such a dork for having to ask these things but I don't want to do the wrong thing or be thought of as rude. Thanks for your help everyone. Originally Posted by wizard2005
You shouldn't be embarassed to ask, that's the only way you're going to learn. I'm not sure what you mean though about 'contacting properly'. All girls have their e mail or phone listed ( if not the phone then an e mail or PM box) . That's the way to contact them, whatever method they prefer. Whatever you do, just be polite. Explain you're a newbie. Don't ever ask questions about 'what do I get for my money' or anything vulgar or sexual in nature. Just be yourself. In e mails, some men find it easier to explain themselves..." Hi my name is ___ and I'm a newbie to this. " Now some girls won't see newbies ( many require references so I'd recommend joining a verification site like P411 where even if you are a newbie, you can at least say you're in the process of being verified and are serious about making an appointment in that sense)

Good luck to you!

Also, read reviews of a girl you might be interested in seeing. That way you'll know SHE'S for real and a good provider and you won't have a negative experience.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
First of all if her manager looks like this, you probably should go to church instead.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL @ FNF ! Stop posting my mgrs picture! He prefers to be discreet!

All Good Advise for you Wizard, the link Chica gave you should help you the most
Good luck and have fun

Welcome Wizard. No dumb questions. Even the veterans are still learning. As pyramider suggested, use the search function. Not only will you find answers to your questions but you'll find that the veterans themselves are using this board to exchange information. It's why the board exists.

Glad you're here.
Tori Hastings's Avatar
Definitely read the provider's website and most recent ad. Make sure you get most if not all of your questions answered via those two things. Then shoot her an email or pm here on eccie or via her website. I think most providers prefer newbies to contact them via email or pm first before just calling. Send them your references or p411 ID for screening or if you're a newbie and no references, then she can screen you first, then she may ask you to call her. I would think most providers who list their phone numbers do that for their regulars or clients they've seen before so they can just call her up. If I listed my number, I think I would prefer email first and screening, then a phone call. I would prefer not to be recorded by "anyone" or listened in on by "anyone" by screening on the phone or answering any questions on the phone.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
Now to work up the courage to take my first big step! Originally Posted by wizard2005
As a recent newbie myself, make sure you really want to do this hobby. Once you taste the forbidden fruit, there is no going back. Some of the providers here are so good at what they do they will blow your mind. The lines between reality and fantasy can become blurry. Pace yourself mentally and emotionally and fasten your seatbelt for the ride of your life!

PS: If you are nervous, tell her you are a newbie and she will know what to do. Don't worry about being totally out matched in the sack. You will get better. Practice makes perfect, right!
make sure you really want to do this hobby. Once you taste the forbidden fruit, there is no going back. Originally Posted by tonytiger4u
Ain't that the truth............