starting a blog

Today is a rare day where I have had way to much time on my hands and got to thinking my I would start a blog but am unsure how to do so..any ideas on the blog idea or how to get one started?
pyramider's Avatar
Include nekkid pictures.

Otherwise I am clueless.
Vixen, do you want a blog that can't be shut down (i.e. NOT FREE)? You can always get a free blog at or but if someone reports it, it will get shut down. It's best to pay for your own hosting and domain name and get a blog up yourself that can't be shut down. Let me know if you need help. You can pm me.
If it's going to be g rated, google. Otherwise, IDK.
Here are some updated free adult blog sites:

You shouldn't get shut down with these free adult blogs.
Also, my website is a blog site set up through; however I self-host (paid for by me) and have my own domain name, so they can't shut it down.

It's pretty cheap to buy a domain name and hosting. I can help you with the set up if you want to do that.