Are you a Belly Dancer?

Clouddancer's Avatar
The other day while channel surfing I stumbled across a show that had a scene with a belly dancer. It reminded me of a time long ago when I dated a belly dancer, awesome lady, and the sex was amazing.

I asked this once before a few years back on the other board but got very little response so, I'll try again.

Is there a lady here who actually is a belly dancer? It would be a fun fantasy to explore.

Mhmm,...I'm not an actually bonefide bellydancer, but I did take classes a couple of years ago. I performed with a troupe and I also experimented with tahitian dance. I still have my costumes in the closet, but my hips have got too big now. lol.

I miss bellydancing, but its such an expesnsive hobby to keep up with....