TheMoneyTeam is a Complete Time waster

4ariel's Avatar
So I responded to his ISO on the board for company this weekend for a bachelor party. He immediately responded and was excited, asked if we could do a 3 hour date and go to the club first and then back to his room on Friday night.

I said great and we exchanged numbers so we could put together the rest of the details.

He texts me on Thursday night (kinda of a weird text) that said Hey, we are getting together tomorrrow night.

I wasn't sure who it was so I asked and he let me know It was him.
We chat a bit about tomorrow and where we are going to meet and what time.

Friday comes and I text him around 530 to confirm our 11pm meeting. It takes him a little to respond and when he does it says
'Sorry Who is this?'
This should have been my first red flag, but I know people often delete hobby related numbers.
So I tell him who I am and ask him if we are still getting together He says they changed where we are going but YES we are still on and he will text me later as it gets closer.

I took a nap and woke up at 10, to give me an hour to get to the hotel. I text him when I get up making sure 11 is still good and he says 'can you be here by 1045?' I tell him that its pushin it and I can try but 11 is more likely. He said no problem just get here soon as you can.

I get to the hotel and park at 1045 and inform him I'm parking. He says he's in the lobby waiting. So I go to the lobby and call him and he sends me to voicemail, so I call again, same thing. He texts asking where I am and I tell him I'm in the lobby and ask where he is so I can meet him. He tells me he cant hear his phone- yet he keeps sending me to voicemail.
Then he texts and says he is near the Casino. So I walk over that way and try to call, Now his phone is off.
I try to text again to tell him I'm leavin and he had turned his phone off.
Our imessages went from Blue to green.

Just a complete waste of time, I missed several calls due to this asshole.
PM for the rest of his number (hope i did the masking right?)
vegasbaby7's Avatar
Guys like him give us all a bad name. Sorry to that happened to you beautiful. If he was P411 be sure to report him there too.
the thirst is so REAL! sorry these losers have nothing better to do with their time.

stay safe beautiful
CryptKicker's Avatar
Not really an alert-- more like the provider equivalent to a NCNS so moving to COED>
Kitty_Rains's Avatar
Thats why you need provider references BEFORE agreeing to meet someone. You can avoid the time wasters that way.