$$ Gift Cards Yes or No

harkontume's Avatar
I KNOW this as been discussed before.

BUT I my hobby frgeq and selection is dependent on at least some of the donation being Visa $$ gift cards.

Some Ladies accept some do not.

So who has no problem accepting up to half donation in Visa $$ gift cards?

Inquiring Minds want to know!

( I know , I can just ask but knowing up front would help me and probably others in our initial inquiries)
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I have done so in the past...I dont publicly post that I do often because when one recieced those its best to check them..and that is not fun for me cause either a>was nothing on it and ill have to speak up
B>full balance maybe even plus some..them I feel like an ass

either way has to be done
I have used them before and never had an issue, I always ask first, and if they are worried I give them the receipt but its me REB no worries..
i do use them, hey they can just call and verify the balance before proceeding.
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
I accept them as well and have never had any problems.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Can't some of these be used online? If so, couldn't the guy providing the card give the lady a valid card, and then drain the card of value right after the session?

If you've got a lady you see frequently, maybe you can pay in full for one session and then give her a card for the next session. She spends the card before the next session, so she knows it's good. Then, when you have a session, you give her another card for the next session.

No risk to her, at most you lose one prepay card.
Whispers's Avatar
Can't some of these be used online? If so, couldn't the guy providing the card give the lady a valid card, and then drain the card of value right after the session?
Originally Posted by GneissGuy

YUP!..... That CAN be done..... I've been burned before myself on a Craigslist Transaction for some equipment I was selling.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
I have taken them and Ive never had any issues..

I'm thinking that if you buy the visa card that are still in the package you would be safe..how would they know the card number then??
that and the reciept should be good enough,right?

...I did get worried once and went and bought another gift card of equal value (using the one I just got to pay for it)
as soon as left his place...but he was a weird sniper for the militaryand had me all freaked out by the end of the session.
any who...I do
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Once I had this guy give me Euros. It totally sucked because he didn't even tip me for the inconvenience of cashing them in. So here I am with about 240 Euros and I am wondering "okay, so I don't keep up with currency exchange rates but I've never had to exchange currency before, so, did I get screwed or should I be emailing him to thank him for the tip? In the end, my friend had to cash them out through his personal account because my business account isn't allowed to do interstate commerce and in the end, he had given me the equivalence of $200, which was the right tribute.

I was a little sad at the inconvenience and I really resented having the anxiety of wondering if they were really fake and I was just a dummy.

If a gentleman can say or do something to give me some peace of mind that the cards aren't bs, then of course I would consider it. Why not?

But there was another time that I was given 2 $100 gift certificates to Whole Foods and was so embarrassed when I was told they were useless. I had doubt so I took them to the counter before shopping, but still. Embarrassing because he may know what's up. Who knows how many other women came to him with empty cards before me?

So, what would you do if you had a bad experience? I had two problems with checks (and seldom accepted them, but I didn't expect the donation at the time of service and so at the end when they say "um, all I have is a check" ask them to leave an IOU instead? I don't think so) I have always had a "no check" policy. These are probably the same guys who leave paper instead of a tribute in the envelope.

Bottom line, what do you propose to do to earn the ladies trust so that you can hobby more on the company dime?
Dick Diamond's Avatar
cash is king!
harkontume's Avatar
Ha! Visa cash cards to euros and checks.. I have Taiwan money too! LOL

Here is how I usually work it.
1. See the lady .. pay cash
2. If I want to see the lady again,, I explain my situation. If she wants me to return she must say yes to either Visa cash cards or a combo of cash and Cash Cards.

Now, I know it is inconvienent. Sorry. It is also inconvienent for me to acquire enough donation to have a fantasy encounter on anything like a reg basis.

So ,, it isn't a "Strangers in the Night " transaction. I just dislike bringing it up and wanted the Ladies opinion on it.

Party on!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Just so the gents checks with the lady BEFORE he shows up with cards.

It is quite shocking when someone comes in with 50.00 and the rest in cards. Yes it spends but it doesn't pay the rent (or whatever she is going to need to buy after the session). As long as she knows.

And figure to wait (your paid time) while she goes into private spot to check if there is money in the card.
Taylor you would want to get paid in Euros now,, the exchange rate is 1.29 US for 1 Euro 30% more $$$