Trump: "Fauci is a disaster. If I listened to him, we’d have 500,000 deaths

matchingmole's Avatar
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  • 10-19-2020, 02:23 PM
Amazing. Later he said 700,000 or 800,000. And he knew reporters were probably on the phone. Is he doing his best to try to lose?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
What good has Fauci done?
Uh, compare his c.v. against yours, then reply. If you don't know that cv is without googling, you're not qualified to respond.
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2020, 02:43 PM
What good has Fauci done? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
If you’ve got the best quarterback in the NFL and he sits the bench he’s not going to do a lot of good. But if you were responding to my post, then what you wrote, and my analogy, are irrelevant. What’s important is that Trump is playing into Biden’s hands, when Biden says he’ll follow scientists’ advice and Trump won’t.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It's not like all science agrees with whatever comes out of Fauci's mouth.

I still don't know what good he has done, in regards to the current COVID-19 pandemic.
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump will get rid of Fauci...and replace him with Diamond and Silk.....he believes them...
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I can list at least one good thing T R U M P has done in regards to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

I can't recall a single good thing Dr. Fauci has done.

I don't view Dr. Fauci's recommendation to forcefully shut down the economy as a good thing. It didn't work, and according to Dr. Fauci, lockdowns historically do not work.

So, please just list a single good thing Dr. Fauci has done in regards to the current COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2020, 03:06 PM
It's not like all science agrees with whatever comes out of Fauci's mouth.

I still don't know what good he has done, in regards to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
If you're replying to my post, again, that's irrelevant. Sixty-four percent of voters believe Fauci's coronavirus response has been excellent or good. True or untrue, only 34% believe Trump's response has been excellent or good:

On the subject of trust, you can find polls showing 50% to 60% of people trust Fauci on coronavirus, versus 30% for Trump. And coronavirus is the biggest issue on many voters minds in this election.

Trump's playing into the Democrats hands, when they say he's killed 220,000 Americans by not listening to the scientists. That's not true of course. But his "super-spreader" rallies, his appearances and appearances of White House Staff without masks, his failure to communicate what the Administration has done to combat the coronavirus, and his comments about the virus that make him look like an ignoramus may have cost him the election. He never did learn how to filter what came out of his mouth, and as a result we're probably looking at complete Democratic domination of the presidency and Congress for the next four years.
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2020, 03:08 PM
So, please just list a single good thing Dr. Fauci has done in regards to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
OK, I'll reply to the public health issue, instead of the political one. Fauci has encouraged people to wear masks, socially distance, wash hands, and stay home from work when they're sick, in the process saving thousands of lives.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Well, actually the initial lockdown did make sense, to slow the spread until more recourses were available. But a second lockdown and these prolonged indefinite lockdowns are crazy. So, I'll give Fauci some credit for recommending the initial lockdown, but none for then recommending indefinite long term lockdowns that don't make any sense.
Fauci, nor anyone else alone can made covid go away. It is not a US problem, it is a GLOBAL problem, much like polio or smallpox. The current response is about mitigation and control as opposed to eradication. Like polio and small pox, a good vaccine is the answer, but it has to be given to a high percentage of the population to make it "go away". We are global travelers and a global economy, locking down travelers from one country is not effective.
Fauci, the CDC, and WHO, know their shit, and are the best resource our country has had in regards to public health for years.

Why are these great scientific institutions now scorned? Once again. I must ask for scientific, factual response.
matchingmole's Avatar
And Trump wants the US out of the WHO........ergo
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
If you're replying to my post, again, that's irrelevant. Sixty-four percent of voters believe Fauci's coronavirus response has been excellent or good. True or untrue, only 34% believe Trump's response has been excellent or good:

On the subject of trust, you can find polls showing 50% to 60% of people trust Fauci on coronavirus, versus 30% for Trump. And coronavirus is the biggest issue on many voters minds in this election.

Trump's playing into the Democrats hands, when they say he's killed 220,000 Americans by not listening to the scientists. That's not true of course. But his "super-spreader" rallies, his appearances and appearances of White House Staff without masks, his failure to communicate what the Administration has done to combat the coronavirus, and his comments about the virus that make him look like an ignoramus may have cost him the election. He never did learn how to filter what came out of his mouth, and as a result we're probably looking at complete Democratic domination of the presidency and Congress for the next four years. Originally Posted by Tiny
Idk, dude. I've no idea if T R U M P is going to win or not. Everyone knows H I S coronavirus briefings were complete dog shit. If you're scared of the virus, you have no choice than to vote Biden. I personally don't think Fauci has really done anything significant on coronavirus response. He had like two months in the spot light in which he contradicted himself, said shit that made no god damn sense and then disappeared.
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2020, 03:15 PM
Well, actually the initial lockdown did make sense, to slow the spread until more recourses were available. But a second lockdown and these prolonged indefinite lockdowns are crazy. So, I'll give Fauci some credit for recommending the initial lockdown, but none for then recommending indefinite long term lockdowns that don't make any sense. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
There's been no lockdown where I live after the first one, and there's not likely to be another one. That's probably a good thing IMHO. However, many people here aren't taking this seriously, by wearing masks and socially distancing and staying home when they're sick. Doing these things doesn't cost much money. Masks are cheap. The costs of medical care and people staying home from work and people not going out to eat and shop because they think they may get a disease are expensive.

From the aspect of setting an example and educating the public, Trump has done poorly, while Fauci has done a good job.