Let's talk Meet&Greets Part 2

Late last year, I put out the call for people in Jackson and the Coast to let me know if they would available, and a lot of people responded...thank you!

I made notes about who could be where & when and realized that the Jackson area just isn't ready. I had more ladies ready to come than guys. I get that a lot of guys have to be quiet but I couldn't put together a realistic number of guys there that would make this work. Ideally, I need at least a ratio of 2-to-1 guys to ladies to make this happen. 3-to-1 would be better.

Now here's a new idea I've had and I need the guys from Jackson area's input; How about we have a mens-only M&G for the first round just to break the ice? It would open it up to more guys as we wouldn't have to screen as heavily and make for a good cover for the married guys. Something I get from meeting some guys here is we have a good time trading stories and building camaraderie which leads to more trust. I just met with someone else from here on Thursday, had a great time and he & I are looking to go roaming for ladies together in the future.

So Jackson area guys...whatta ya think? Is this more workable?

Also,I've got a M&G planned for the coast a little down the road, there's a special occasion associated with it and the details will be sent to interested parties in the coming weeks.

Yall speak up, I need to hear from you.
I will meet up with just the guys it doesn't matter to me just let me know when
mstwn1's Avatar
I am up for it.
I'm game
That's more like it! What's better for yall, weekdays or weekends?
I would like to get together with other members. I'm game
Good deal.

I can't actually set one up on the board, rule violation, so what I'll do is in a day or so, get the names from this thread and send yall an invite. I'll tell you where and when then.
JackC866's Avatar
Sure, why not..
Probably Monday through Thursdays work best for me , but whatever y'all come up with just let me know
Sounds good. Weekdays are best.
Ok this is looking more promising! I'll get something together, we'll have a time in the late afternoon, trade stories, tell lies and become new friends. Watch your PMs in the next few days.
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
Im interested.
tracerxxx's Avatar
you know me I'm ready for one on the coast... jackson is a little far...
put me on your list -