Adultsearch, do not call this number 818 650 2162

  • KNFW
  • 03-15-2024, 12:57 PM
I've just received numerous threats, and black mail after inquiring about Marina in one of thier ads. They called and texted me from several different numbers. I proceeded to block them all. I even got a pic of a black dude holding two assault rifles claiming he's gonna kill me and my family if I don't pay up. No dollar figure was mentioned.
BigBamboo's Avatar
I'm novice in this field.
Pros, is it a genuine encounter or someone trying to have the model for themselves?
I would have replied with a pic of my own guns and a GIF of Val Kilmer from Tombstone.
I've just received numerous threats, and black mail after inquiring about Marina in one of thier ads. They called and texted me from several different numbers. I proceeded to block them all. I even got a pic of a black dude holding two assault rifles claiming he's gonna kill me and my family if I don't pay up. No dollar figure was mentioned. Originally Posted by KNFW
Oh no! Not a Black pimp!
CG2014's Avatar
He's not a pimp. He is just misunderstood. His Mama will say he is such a good boy, never hurt a fly and he didn't do nuthin.
AdultSearch is so full of scams. I'd say 8 out of 10 adultSearch posts are scams.
HenrySwanson's Avatar
Too bad, that's sell my soul level beauty right there.
NuruGuru's Avatar
Everybody call this dude from your burner phones and blow it up lmao
Is there a backstory here? Did Mr. Pimp pick your name at random? Yes, thanks for the warning. I will not call that number. I avoid adultsearch, as it is the operating base of scamsters, addicts, hustlers and lowlifes. I went there a few times, was used, abused and left confused.

Tell us how they chose to target you.
eatyoualive_2024's Avatar was a mostly peaceful text?