Question about canceling and 1 hour and 20 mins early

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I was just about to cancel on a hobbyist due to personal reasons. Just when I was about to text him to let him know he texts me first to tell me he is here.

But here is the problem......

He is 1 hour and 20 mins EARLY.

I had NO CLUE he was even on his way. He didn't warn me and he was aware of the fact he was VERY EARLY.

Of course he got pissed when I told him that I was just about to contact him and tell him I had to cancel.

Granted, if he wasn't so unreasonably early, he wouldn't have wasted a trip over here because I was just about to contact him. I would NEVER allow someone to drive here for nothing.

So who is at fault here and how should I handle this? I feel bad but at the same time, I feel like I got set up to be the bad guy when I really wasn't.
melannie_star's Avatar
1 hr and 20 minutes.. That is way way too early.
He would have been upset either way if it was me.
Did he even contact you to let you know he was on the way?
That is very inconsiderate on his part I would think.
But I'm a girls
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
No, he didn't contact me to let me know he was going to show up early.

He totally blind sided me with it.

Besides, a person can't show up announced that early and expect good results.
Skout's Avatar
  • Skout
  • 01-03-2015, 05:02 PM
Kudos to you for planning to notify him of the cancellation. You were giving him plenty of time. It was his fault for jumping the gun early. Had it been the designated time and you were cancelling, I'd side with him. Under these circumstances, however, he can be disappointed but has little cause to complain.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Thanks. I'm pretty bummed about it because the LAST thing I want is problems.

I respect peoples time and I would never waste it on purpose.

I wished he wouldn't have showed up so early. It would have saved him a trip and me some stress.
That's creepy he arrived that early without letting you know he had even left! Signs of a different agenda other than having a good time with a hot lady. . .
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Awww thanks Eva. To be honest, that was one of the reasons why I was going to cancel on him. The more I thought about it, the more nervous I was getting because his communication style just seemed off and pushy.
That's way too early...especially since he didn't warn you. Not your fault at all
jimmylbob's Avatar
I am with Melannie... That is just too early. Oh, well, I'm not really a girl'a girl, but I guess I could be if Melannie wants me to be.

Anyway, don't sweat it... That early is just on him.
pyramider's Avatar
Posting a taint photo should make it right.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Only if you post a picture of the famous dangling ding a ling of death.

pyramider's Avatar
My taint and dangling death have been posted several times.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Damn...I missed it. LOL
From what you are saying, Kaylee, it sounds like you wanted to cancel on him based on women's intuition. Not a bad thing. I have to agree with what everyone else is saying. Not good to show up that early.

I'm am glad that the ladies are saying that they expect a contact from the guy to let her know he is on his way. That is exactly what I do, and sometimes I feel like I'm overdoing it when I do that. But, not so much now.

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I love it when a guy lets me know when he is on is way. :-)