Trump begins to unravel

It's always someone else's fault, never his. He is beginning to unravel. Is this the beginning of the end. We hardly hear about any of the other candidates. Trump is sucking up all the air.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's queer how little airtime the MSM gave to this gaffe by your dim-retard buddies, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

DNC site mistakes foreign vets for former U.S. troops

Democrats’ election outreach efforts to veterans may need to start with a refresher course on what U.S. troops look like.

For starters, they don’t wear Polish military uniforms.

Until Thursday [August 27, 2015], the Democratic National Committee’s “Veterans and Military Families” website had as its only picture a shot from White House photographers during President Obama’s visit to Warsaw in 2011. (Military Times)
Well, you've tied your own record. Dragging a thread off fucking topic on the second goddamn post. Way to go, turdnuts. I don't give a shit about that, we're talking about Trump. Either talk about Trump or GTFO
I B Hankering's Avatar
It would seem that the POS C-in-C you elected would have someone one his dim-retard staff who fucking knows the difference between veterans wearing Polish uniforms and veterans wearing U.S. uniforms, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

DNC site mistakes foreign vets for former U.S. troops

Democrats’ election outreach efforts to veterans may need to start with a refresher course on what U.S. troops look like.

For starters, they don’t wear Polish military uniforms.

Until Thursday [August 27, 2015], the Democratic National Committee’s “Veterans and Military Families” website had as its only picture a shot from White House photographers during President Obama’s visit to Warsaw in 2011. (Military Times)
It would seem that the POS C-in-C you elected would have someone one his dim-retard staff who fucking knows the difference between veterans wearing Polish uniforms and veterans wearing U.S. uniforms, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Someone one? You having a seizure, shitbird? Get fucked.

This is a likely excuse considering all of the controversy surrounding #BlackLivesMatter.

PEMBROKE PINES — An Arby’s employee in Florida accused of denying a police officer service for being a police officer says it was all a joke, not a refusal of service.
CBS Miami reports that Kenny Davenport, 19, said he was working when Pembroke Pines Police Sergeant Jennifer Martin pulled up to the drive thru window. But he says their interaction was a joke that was taken the wrong way.
According to a police report on the incident, Martin was told by a manager at the restaurant that an employee, now identified as Kenny Davenport, did not want to serve her. The manager allegedly said, “He doesn’t want to serve you because you are a police officer.”
After the uncomfortable encounter, Martin said she was uncertain she wanted to eat at the restaurant because her food may be tainted. The manager tried to assure her everything was fine, and handed over her food.
According to the report, the manager allegedly laughed and said the clerk was allowed to refuse service to the officer.
“We don’t hate cops,” Davenport told CBS Miami. “We don’t hate anybody. We’re just trying to get people out of the drive thru.”
I B Hankering's Avatar
Someone one? You having a seizure, shitbird? Get fucked. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You'd best have your own shit in order before you start criticizing others, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, but your deflection doesn't change the fact that you dim-retards can't even tell the difference between American veterans and Polish veterans, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

DNC site mistakes foreign vets for former U.S. troops

Democrats’ election outreach efforts to veterans may need to start with a refresher course on what U.S. troops look like.

For starters, they don’t wear Polish military uniforms.

Until Thursday [August 27, 2015], the Democratic National Committee’s “Veterans and Military Families” website had as its only picture a shot from White House photographers during President Obama’s visit to Warsaw in 2011. (Military Times)
You'd best have your own shit in order before you start criticizing others, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, but your deflection doesn't change the fact that you dim-retards can't even tell the difference between American veterans and Polish veterans, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
woomby is the typical "do as I say not as I do" liberal like his heroes odummer and the Clinton's that think they are free to criticize anyone and then duck for cover when they start receiving incoming. And then blame the other side for not understanding their "nuance", as woomby likes to say to make himself appear educated .

It's always someone else's fault, never his. He is beginning to unravel. Is this the beginning of the end. We hardly hear about any of the other candidates. Trump is sucking up all the air. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Nobody gives a fuck who the president of Shitstasistan is.

Prsident Regan had the bst answer to these "gotcha" questions. He sai it eas not important that he know who these obscure leaders were, it was important that they know who was.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's queer how little airtime the MSM gave to this gaffe by your dim-retard buddies, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

the communist in chief salutes a bunch of pollacks. that figures. no offense meant to pollacks! all offense meant to the mulatto communist in chief.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

It's always someone else's fault, never his. He is beginning to unravel. Is this the beginning of the end. We hardly hear about any of the other candidates. Trump is sucking up all the air. Originally Posted by WombRaider
and you fucking hate it don't you? go read some more shit from vox, libtard. we know their slant don't we?

Trump, no matter his gaffes, is a media machine. he's everywhere. here's how he gets there.

did i mention he won't take any money? he doesn't need it. he's stated he'll only take money from the RNC if he wins the nomination. contrast that to the whore Billery who will take very cent she can get. and she's still losing.
Don't ask the Trumpet any "gotcha" questions. You know like on foreign policy. Or who is on first.
Don't ask the Trumpet any "gotcha" questions. You know like on foreign policy. Or who is on first. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Wormser has his tongue down your throat on first. Bet you can't wait to get to second... eehhbhuuurrrrrrrr
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

It's always someone else's fault, never his. He is beginning to unravel. Is this the beginning of the end. We hardly hear about any of the other candidates. Trump is sucking up all the air. Originally Posted by WombRaider many times have they declared Trump DOA? Four times, five times? The shallow thinkers strike again. The average people don't know who these people are either but they do know that experts will be on hand to tell the president who they are and why they matter. This was just another gotcha question. I would like to hear the reporter answer this question, can you name the CEOs of the five top companies on the American stock exchange? What do you want to bet that he can't....he probably couldn't name those terrorists until he looked them up.

I'm reminded of when the Ford family tried to take the business away from Henry Ford. They put together a competency hearing and had old Henry on the stand. The attorney asked Henry if he could explain certain engineering principals. Ford said that he couldn't. The attorney ask Ford if he could go into any detail about economic theories, Ford said he couldn't. The attorney than asked the courtroom how someone without this knowledge could run a major company. Ford looked him in the eye and said that if he had a telephone he could get a whole room of experts in the room to explain all of that in 10 minutes.

I think that people will see this for what it is, an ambush. They will treat Trump just like they would an average person who probably doesn't know who these people are but they know experts are available who do.