I don't mind driving a couple hours for an appointment...

...but I've come across a number of providers who find that fact, I don't know, intimidating?

I haven't posted much here because even though this forum is labeled "Hudson Valley" it tends to be pretty much Albany centric...but there are a number of ladies in Albany that I would love to spend some time with...I'm hesitant to do so because I've had a couple experiences with women who refused to book with me because they were uncomfortable with the distance I was traveling to see them without staying over in a hotel...

Is it unusual for a client to drive 2 to 3 hours, spend and hour or 2 with a provider, then immediately drive back home?
I do it all the time...Albany area has a lot to offer...
...but I've come across a number of providers who find that fact, I don't know, intimidating?

I haven't posted much here because even though this forum is labeled "Hudson Valley" it tends to be pretty much Albany centric...but there are a number of ladies in Albany that I would love to spend some time with...I'm hesitant to do so because I've had a couple experiences with women who refused to book with me because they were uncomfortable with the distance I was traveling to see them without staying over in a hotel...

Is it unusual for a client to drive 2 to 3 hours, spend and hour or 2 with a provider, then immediately drive back home? Originally Posted by jelloman42
I have guys that drive five hours each way to see me ...so no hun it's not weird ....sometimes the guys don't have better provuders close to them so it's worth it to travel...
I have to travel minimum of 1 hour 15 min to closest providers due to my rural location. I will make that venture of 2 plus hours if I do research that tells me she's legit... My type.. And can be a total gfe
When I book I let them know what time I want the appointment (my guestamation of travel time) not how far or long a drive I am. They think your coordinating work time or away from wife time. Gives them opportunity to take other appointments.. Fair on both ends... Win win.
I'm curious as to why there'd be a safety concern relating to how long a gent travels to meet a provider. I'm not saying the concern isn't valid, but I hadn't heard of this before. Also, if someone is in an area that is sparsely populated, I thought it would be a given that they might have to travel farther away from home to play.
Guest072118's Avatar
I'm curious as to why there'd be a safety concern relating to how long a gent travels to meet a provider. I'm not saying the concern isn't valid, but I hadn't heard of this before. Also, if someone is in an area that is sparsely populated, I thought it would be a given that they might have to travel farther away from home to play. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
I was thinking the same thing... Some just like to play away from home as well. Fellas travel to me frequently in Syracuse.
I'm not sure if it was a safety concern...could have been more of a scheduling or timing concern, which in my case really isn't an issue because I am notoriously early for appointments...

One girl expressed a concern about me being "disappointed" after traveling so far (Boston)...but there may have been other issues with her...

Thank you for the responses...looks like I'm going to start making more regular trips to Albany...
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
...but I've come across a number of providers who find that fact, I don't know, intimidating?

I haven't posted much here because even though this forum is labeled "Hudson Valley" it tends to be pretty much Albany centric...but there are a number of ladies in Albany that I would love to spend some time with...I'm hesitant to do so because I've had a couple experiences with women who refused to book with me because they were uncomfortable with the distance I was traveling to see them without staying over in a hotel...

Is it unusual for a client to drive 2 to 3 hours, spend and hour or 2 with a provider, then immediately drive back home? Originally Posted by jelloman42
There are guys who will fly cross-country to see ladies.
So a gent driving 2-3 or even more to see me isn't weird AT ALL.
Quite flattering.
Madame X's Avatar
Equally as confusing as the gentlemen who are waiting for me to "tour their city" when my stated location is less than an hour away. I live pretty rurally (by New England standards, which make most of the country laugh of course) and so traveling an hour or 3 for an appointment is something I just figured should be in my job description. Of course, most of my appointments are overnight or longer so I suppose that factors in. How much would a girl have to *hate* money in order to not fly across country for a week long engagement?

Since *you're* the one that's traveling the distance, I don't see why they'd care. For all they know they're not the only reason for you being there.

Imo, that kind of assumptive apprehension speaks of a limited world view. I'm known to be harsh in those kinds judgements, but still. If an hour's distance is considered "foreign territory" to you, then I'd say you should get out more.

~Mme X~
Imo, that kind of assumptive apprehension speaks of a limited world view. I'm known to be harsh in those kinds judgements, but still. If an hour's distance is considered "foreign territory" to you, then I'd say you should get out more.

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
Quick to judgement is more like it...the thread is headlined "I don't mind driving a couple hours" and you completely turn that around to my having a limited world view and assertive apprehension...nice try, though...
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
In her last mini-paragraph imo when she's saying 'you' I think she meant those particular ladies refusing to see you.
I THINK she meant those girls have a limited view by having apprehension of see you because of the long distance you'd need to travel to see them. Maybe they've just never had a guy drive a multiple hours each way just to see them without the guy staying in a hotel nearby.
Madame X's Avatar
In her last mini-paragraph imo when she's saying 'you' I think she meant those particular ladies refusing to see you.
I THINK she meant those girls have a limited view by having apprehension of see you because of the long distance you'd need to travel to see them. Maybe they've just never had a guy drive a multiple hours each way just to see them without the guy staying in a hotel nearby. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
Yes, Mocha, that's exactly what I meant. I thought I was pretty clear, but some people are self referential when it comes to pronouns, which I use fluidly (and attempt to use fluently )

~Mme X~
One of my best friends got caught fucking his neighbor...His wife finally let him back in the house, but they sleep in separate rooms and she keeps him around just to rub his nose in it...Some travel because they are smart enough to know "You don't shit where you eat"...