actual numbers are 12.8 mm vs 14.8 mm

VitaMan's Avatar
According to Neilsen, the debate on Fox News brought in 12.8 million total viewers.

In comparison, the episode of “Tucker on X” with Trump had 14.8 million views. Carlson outpaced the debate on Fox News by 2 million.

The video of Carlson auto-played for at least two seconds for a total of 236 million views. However, the 46-minute interview itself played 14.8 million times.

You could say 2 seconds with Trump was enough for 213 million viewers !
adav8s28's Avatar
I want Trump to be on the Republican ticket for next presidential election. If Trump cannot beat all 4 indictments, it will not matter how many people are looking at him on T.V.
According to Neilsen, the debate on Fox News brought in 12.8 million total viewers.

In comparison, the episode of “Tucker on X” with Trump had 14.8 million views. Carlson outpaced the debate on Fox News by 2 million.

The video of Carlson auto-played for at least two seconds for a total of 236 million views. However, the 46-minute interview itself played 14.8 million times.

You could say 2 seconds with Trump was enough for 213 million viewers ! Originally Posted by VitaMan
If Trump would have been in the debate it would still bring in 12.8 Million views. Trump breaking away from the pack and engaging in a casual one on one interview brings in more views. Trump did this for the sole purpose to give a signal to Democrats that their lame efforts in damaging him politically isn't working out as well as they think. The more Democrats pursue Trump and the less progress they make the less credible they begin to look in the eyes of the voting public.
DNinja69's Avatar
Let's be real about the fact that Trump while not shying away from the media in general also does not want to be in an unregulated arena anytime soon. Nobody would in his situation. Smart move the man has a following, a resume nobody else has having been President before, and the ability to get coverage for free on his own terms.

He will continue to claim the election was stolen and Democrats are just manipulating the legal system to punish him for being a good Republican. Not sure how many people really buy much of that let's be honest about the fact that DJT is in the position to skip debates for really just one reason. Numbers. Nobody else on that stage has nearly his support within the party primarily because they are not seen as able to beat Biden in the general election. Let those numbers shift and Trump will sing a much different tune. Until then we can expect more sit downs from Trump on debate night as he has zero reason to join in the fun of trying to out talk people who he may need on the ticket as VP one day.

He may have sat out the first one either way but announcing he would no show up for any Republican debate is 100% due to a laundry list of legal issues.
HoHound's Avatar
According to Neilsen, the debate on Fox News brought in 12.8 million total viewers.

In comparison, the episode of “Tucker on X” with Trump had 14.8 million views. Carlson outpaced the debate on Fox News by 2 million.

The video of Carlson auto-played for at least two seconds for a total of 236 million views. However, the 46-minute interview itself played 14.8 million times.

You could say 2 seconds with Trump was enough for 213 million viewers ! Originally Posted by VitaMan
Trump still outperformed the debate, Trump wins. Bahahahahahahahahahaha
Let's be real about the fact that Trump while not shying away from the media in general also does not want to be in an unregulated arena anytime soon. Nobody would in his situation. Smart move the man has a following, a resume nobody else has having been President before, and the ability to get coverage for free on his own terms.

He will continue to claim the election was stolen and Democrats are just manipulating the legal system to punish him for being a good Republican. Not sure how many people really buy much of that let's be honest about the fact that DJT is in the position to skip debates for really just one reason. Numbers. Nobody else on that stage has nearly his support within the party primarily because they are not seen as able to beat Biden in the general election. Let those numbers shift and Trump will sing a much different tune. Until then we can expect more sit downs from Trump on debate night as he has zero reason to join in the fun of trying to out talk people who he may need on the ticket as VP one day.

He may have sat out the first one either way but announcing he would no show up for any Republican debate is 100% due to a laundry list of legal issues. Originally Posted by DNinja69
My assessment is realistic. Yeah his legal issues may play a little part but he wouldn't have had an interview with Tucker either.
According to Neilsen, the debate on Fox News brought in 12.8 million total viewers.

In comparison, the episode of “Tucker on X” with Trump had 14.8 million views. Carlson outpaced the debate on Fox News by 2 million.

The video of Carlson auto-played for at least two seconds for a total of 236 million views. However, the 46-minute interview itself played 14.8 million times.

You could say 2 seconds with Trump was enough for 213 million viewers ! Originally Posted by VitaMan
... And THAT'S according to Neilsen.

And YOU...

... See? ... The problem there, mate - and Neilsen's
is that "at least" 2 seconds....

So they don't KNOW how many people watched the interview?
And HOW LONG they watched??

So if they zipped off in the 40th or 43th minute... What then??

... And yet - there's the 236 MILLION VIEWS.

There's what? ... 330 Million people in your country?
You do the math. ...

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Auto played at least 2 seconds for 236 million views

What you need to be looking at is 14.8 million watched the 46 minute interview. The rest gave up.

If you used 236 million, that would be like a Trump supporter stuffing ballot boxes. And we certainly wouldn't want to accuse a
Trump supporter of doing that.
ICU 812's Avatar
I want Trump to be on the Republican ticket for next presidential election. If Trump cannot beat all 4 indictments, it will not matter how many people are looking at him on T.V. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Whether Mr. Trump is in or out of jail, it is my belief that if he is the Republican nominee, the progressive power brokers on the liberal-left will do everything and anything to see that he is defeated. The 2020 election was just a warm-up.

However, if the Republicans nominate about anybody BUT Mr. Trump, Centrist-Undecided voters will see Biden and Harris to be the ineffective idiots that they are. . . .and vote for the only reasonable adults in the room.
Whether Mr. Trump is in or out of jail, it is my belief that if he is the Republican nominee, the progressive power brokers on the liberal-left will do everything and anything to see that he is defeated. The 2020 election was just a warm-up.

However, if the Republicans nominate about anybody BUT Mr. Trump, Centrist-Undecided voters will see Biden and Harris to be the ineffective idiots that they are. . . .and vote for the only reasonable adults in the room. Originally Posted by ICU 812
... Interesting view... That memes AGAINST itself.

So the "progressive power brokers" will do anything
and everything to see that Trump's defeated?

However - if the Repub nominee is NOT Trump,
then the "power brokers" will just WHAT??

Back-off and let the Republican WIN? ...

Do YOU actually believe that the election riggers
and "power brokers" who will do ANYTHING to stop
Trump will just let another Republican WIN??

You don't think they'd just stomp over WHICHEVER
Repub it is??
(where is the smiley with the rolling eyes??)

TRUMP is FAR-AWAY leading the field and had
200-some Million views because people SUPPORT Him.

#### Salty
A fair election is all we need. The people of the US will defeat trump. We've already seen someone who will try anything to win in action. He got crushed. The courts are ruling against the trump lawyers and their bullshit legal arguments. People like you continue to push misinformation and outright lies about his actions. He has been indicted in the Jan 6th attempt to overturn the 2020 election, the document case, in the Georgia election interference case Your belief in a stolen election has no evidence to back it up. It's been over 2 years and the only evidence of election misconduct to be found is against trump and his gang of miscreants. If you could prove your claims you would.

The number of views is more than 3 times the number of votes he got which proves the number is not significant. Just like the number of fox news viewers didn't help trump win.

... Interesting view... That memes AGAINST itself.

So the "progressive power brokers" will do anything
and everything to see that Trump's defeated?

However - if the Repub nominee is NOT Trump,
then the "power brokers" will just WHAT??

Back-off and let the Republican WIN? ...

Do YOU actually believe that the election riggers
and "power brokers" who will do ANYTHING to stop
Trump will just let another Republican WIN??

You don't think they'd just stomp over WHICHEVER
Repub it is??
(where is the smiley with the rolling eyes??)

TRUMP is FAR-AWAY leading the field and had
200-some Million views because people SUPPORT Him.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... We've (me-self and others) have pointed out the
rigging of the election and voter fraud claims
a number of times here... How do you keep missing them??

... You might wanna take a look at the "ballot fraud"
situation that happened in Muskegon, Michigan.
Evidence there the FBI is tryin' to tamp down.

.. Though WHY do you liberal lads always wanna change
the threads 'round here?... This thread concerns
the views - which was (to this point) over 260 MILLION
views of the Trump/Tucker interview.

#### Salty
A casual one on one?
Carlson tried to steer the interview towards the subject of civil war breaking out. Amazingly, trump didn't bite this time. But trump still made 9 false statements because there was no one to challenge him. Getting an interview with carlson is a lot easier these days. He has a lot of extra time on his hands.
The less progress they make?
Oh, I forgot. You only follow bitchute. You don't see trump's desperate stunt for what it was. Sole purpose? Signal to the dems? How many dems do you think watched the repub primary debate?
You don't have to make a number up. The number of dems who watched it, when added to the repubs who watched it,
equaled 12.8 million. About 1/5 of the people who voted for trump in his failed attempt for re-election. As far as the interview goes, there is no possible way to determine who or how long anyone stayed on the site. Which is exactly what trump wanted. trumpys can claim anything they want. There is no evidence against their claims. Just as there is no evidence to back up their claims.

Your claim "Trump did this for the sole purpose to give a signal to Democrats" is what they told you to say. And you said what you were told to say.
They have parrots like you to say what they tell you to. What dems would listen to a known and proven liar talking to another proven liar? Other than a brief view to see if he was being an even bigger douche-bag than normal.
Again you fail to see this is a primary. I'm not sure if you can't see or won't see any signals trump is sending are for repubs. And it doesn't matter if you can't or won't see the obvious
Your analysis is wrong. They used your "brain". Again.
If Trump would have been in the debate it would still bring in 12.8 Million views. Trump breaking away from the pack and engaging in a casual one on one interview brings in more views. Trump did this for the sole purpose to give a signal to Democrats that their lame efforts in damaging him politically isn't working out as well as they think. The more Democrats pursue Trump and the less progress they make the less credible they begin to look in the eyes of the voting public. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Your word, without proof, means less than nothing.
We have pointed that out many, many, many, times. That will not change
The only proof you provide is that you can't/won't provide proof that you aren't talking out of your ass. On top of that, you don't try to refute information from provided links that show you ARE talking out of your ass. You put your hands over your ears, close your eyes, and say, "lalalalalalalalalalal".
I can see you think that counts for truth in trump world and apparently in austrailia.
... We've (me-self and others) have pointed out the
rigging of the election and voter fraud claims
a number of times here... How do you keep missing them??

... You might wanna take a look at the "ballot fraud"
situation that happened in Muskegon, Michigan.
Evidence there the FBI is tryin' to tamp down.

.. Though WHY do you liberal lads always wanna change
the threads 'round here?... This thread concerns
the views - which was (to this point) over 260 MILLION
views of the Trump/Tucker interview.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
A casual one on one?
Carlson tried to steer the interview towards the subject of civil war breaking out. Amazingly, trump didn't bite this time. But trump still made 9 false statements because there was no one to challenge him. Getting an interview with carlson is a lot easier these days. He has a lot of extra time on his hands.
The less progress they make?
Oh, I forgot. You only follow bitchute. You don't see trump's desperate stunt for what it was. Sole purpose? Signal to the dems? How many dems do you think watched the repub primary debate?
You don't have to make a number up. The number of dems who watched it, when added to the repubs who watched it,
equaled 12.8 million. About 1/5 of the people who voted for trump in his failed attempt for re-election. As far as the interview goes, there is no possible way to determine who or how long anyone stayed on the site. Which is exactly what trump wanted. trumpys can claim anything they want. There is no evidence against their claims. Just as there is no evidence to back up their claims.

Your claim "Trump did this for the sole purpose to give a signal to Democrats" is what they told you to say. And you said what you were told to say.
They have parrots like you to say what they tell you to. What dems would listen to a known and proven liar talking to another proven liar? Other than a brief view to see if he was being an even bigger douche-bag than normal.
Again you fail to see this is a primary. I'm not sure if you can't see or won't see any signals trump is sending are for repubs. And it doesn't matter if you can't or won't see the obvious
Your analysis is wrong. They used your "brain". Again. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Sounds like you watched the interview. It's obvious you didn't understand it. Oh by the way America is in a Civil War there's just no shots being fired.