This was a first for me today...

dynamitekid's Avatar
>Hobbyist calls provider who advertises that she is in the "Greentree area." (Greentree is close enough that the hobbyist can put in a session without disrupting his workday.)

>(Provider) Just call me when you get to Greentree and I'll tell you where to go!"
>(Hobbyist) "Yipppeee!"

>Hobbyist fights traffic to get to Greentree and calls five minutes before session was to take place....

>(Hobbyist) "Hey ______, this is _______ and I am in Greentree."
>(Provider) "Great! I am actually in Carnegie in the......."
>(Hobbyist) "Wait. I thought you were in Greentree??"
>(Provider) "Well I don't like to advertise exactly where I am."

Doris day's Avatar
So did ya make it??
dynamitekid's Avatar
Nah...bailed and slunk back to work. A man has to have his principles, heehee!
Big Stig's Avatar
Greentree and Carnegie are what, 4 feet apart? I guess you showed her. LOL
Greentree and Carnegie are what, 4 feet apart? I guess you showed her. LOL Originally Posted by Big Stig
A bathtub and a toilet are usually 4 feet apart also but I am very particular as to which I will shower in.
You did the right thing DK.
dynamitekid's Avatar
Thanks GBJ. Some guys like to be led around, I guess?
I didn't/won't name the hotel she was in...but it is the outer edge of Carnegie in an industrial park and probably would have taken me another 10-ish minutes to get there.
Just kinda the principle of the thing. She could've easily said that she was not exactly in Greentree when she spoke with me, and I would've not asked specifics.
loneshark's Avatar
dynamitekid's Avatar