Which one of you clowns lost the white envelope?

I'm sure you've heard this story about the Plano teen that found $2,000 cash in a Chase Bank envelope...just laying on the ground. No one claimed it...
Seems to me Chase could have done a computer search for a 2 Grand withdrawal and narrowed it down...
So guys...who lost it? Or did a Provider let it slip out of her purse? Very CURIOUS nobody claimed it...LOL!
I was planning a 2hr 4-some session after reading latin6pack's review.
Can you believe the girl end up getting $7k in donation after the story broke?
OldGrump's Avatar
I'm happy for her and the donations. If I read the story correctly, Texas has a "finders keepers" law if unclaimed after 90? days. Dallas decided to toss it into the general trash can fund instead. If I'm wrong, someone is sure to correct me. I'm just feeling very Libertarian lately.

Prolongus is right, Chase could have determined what $2000 cash transactions occurred that day. At least they jump started her reward fund.
Randall Creed's Avatar
[patting myself down]

Oh, man. Is THAT where I dropped it at?!!
Well at least someone finally won the Eccie raffle!
LazurusLong's Avatar
See what happens when you elect a bunch of Democrats in Dallas offices?

Notice that this is a NEW policy being enforced to keep the money?
Hercules's Avatar
The bank she found it at was in Plano...how in the name of Hogan's goat did Dallas PD get their mits on it?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Just another reason to stay away from the HDH's. Never lose more than $$ - $$$ should the envelope slip.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
See what happens when you elect a bunch of Democrats in Dallas offices?

Notice that this is a NEW policy being enforced to keep the money? Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Uh, the election hasn't happened yet.
Ranchhand's Avatar
A political thread? Thought those were frowned on.
JohnJohn's Avatar

When they are leaning Republican, it's okay. However, when the Democrats fight back, they usually get closed quick

I really find it amazing that a teen in-this-day-and-age actually turned in $2,000.
Int3rested's Avatar
good actions awarded well...
  • Sami
  • 05-12-2011, 08:54 PM
I am happy for her! She did what was right, as a kid that is amazing!! Many grown people would haul ass. Makes me smile to know some do have good morals. One at a time can make a difference for the good!
I love to hear some good news these days all the robbing, killing just pure bullshit on the news.
Lana Warren's Avatar
The bank she found it at was in Plano...how in the name of Hogan's goat did Dallas PD get their mits on it? Originally Posted by Hercules

News article said the young lady, who found the money in a north Dallas parking lot, is a high school student in Plano!

So far, $8000 has been donated as a reward for her honesty!

I love these type of stories!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Uh, the election hasn't happened yet. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Since 2006, Dallas has had more Democrat wins of more local races in Dallas county than the rest of the state.

This election Saturday is "non partisan" but you can surely tell which party each candidate follows and believes in by their track record.
A political thread? Thought those were frowned on. Originally Posted by Ranchhand
Considering this thread has zero relevance to the hobby and shouldn't be in this forum but SHOULD be in the Sandbox where political threads are permitted, what's the difference?