Ready For Roleplay

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Hey everybody,

First I want to say that I love all of my clients and each session I have is even better than the last. That being said, wouldn't be great if sessions were more fun and exciting? I always feel nervous asking my straight laced clients if they want to be the teacher to my schoolgirl or something like that but such things should be done more often. It would definitely add some spice to an ordinary session. What are ya'lls thoughts?
KingCobra36's Avatar
I have never tried it, but I am also very interested on doing it. Role playing seems like a lot of fun and seem like a good way to add spice.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 09-02-2015, 05:19 PM
I tried role play once and it just didn't work for me. Because it was discussed and agreed in advance it just seemed too ----- put on.
Ted_Bear's Avatar
Sounds like fun. I could be the teacher.
There's nothing wrong with spicing up the encounters especially if they have been long term. I try to pride myself keeping each encounter different. Why not add a little spice and fun into the mix and try to top the one before.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
I think we should all do it more. The whole hooker/trick thing is hot but i personally like to mix it up.
I'd role play with you Morgan.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
i did one! i was his daughters best friend and he came home while i happened to be there alone. it was hot. he convinced me to give him a bj on the kitchen floor. it was like a porno i swear! i may do only role playing sessions from now on.
corona's Avatar
Role play can be super hot!! Love the wife's friend / maid / stranded damsel thoughts. Something where she knows she can be of service or looking for a way to repay your kindness.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Role play can be super hot!! Love the wife's friend / maid / stranded damsel thoughts. Something where she knows she can be of service or looking for a way to repay your kindness. Originally Posted by corona
That is a really good one. The old classic hook up at a bar is always hot. If the pair goes in separate and 15 minutes later she has her tongue down his throat and he is grabbing her tits, it's gonna turn some heads.

I have always had a fantasy about walking down the street and being picked up by a car full of guys and fucked by all of them. I guess that's not role play, unless I am wearing fishnets and a mini skirt playing the role of dirty streetwalker. Hmm, I wonder if I could pull that off.
I tried role playing once with a girlfriend but she wasn't committed and we aborted midway (we both started laughing), now if you committed to the role then that's a different story.

I'm one of those guys that love mental stimulation and that can be as pleasureful as physical.
I love role-play, and find that the classic roles can be incredibly exciting. The problem for me seems to be the ladies ability to play the part. If a girl isn't really into it, it can feel forced, or silly.

When it's good, it's great though!
I enjoy it if the parties commit to the story. If there's any breaking of character that kills the mood for me. One of my favorites is the job interview. She (or he) really needs that job!
Ceri Chanel's Avatar
Ill role play with you Morgan
No, but on a serious note... yes role play sounds very intriguing and I would love to try it!!
I can be your Mexican yardman and ask for as cold drink of water and take you on the kitchen floor and then dine on you on the dining room table