Trump refuses to support Paul Ryan in upcoming Republican primaries

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm totally shocked. The STAR of the Republican party , young, bright, charismatic, and 100% electable with cross over appeal and Trump is shitting on this guy despite him supporting Trump. If you Trump guys really cared about the future of your party you'd wake the fuck up AND NOW!!!

Trump is setting you guys back for decades and when he loses the lose will be profound as you will lose control of the Senate with the House even being in play. I will say this if you guys are too stupid enough to see what's going on that's lost on you. Like the old cliche. If you like it then I love it!!!

I'm stunned. You guys can exchange insults with the liberals all day and mock Hillary all day but these are serious fundamental issues and there will be hell to pay for decades if yall don't wake up to your senses now. I can't believe you guys are this stupid. Look it's ok to disagree with Liberals but do you guys realize how stupid yall look to the world. I mean seriously the republican right is embarrassing this Nation on the World stage and it's appalling.

There's no spinning this throwing Paul Ryan under the bus is game over for you guys. Just think about it fellas. It's over for you guys.

  • The Kochs are the most generous republican / conservatives in the Nation - they refuse to Support trump.
  • Ted Cruz the most anti-establishment guy in the world refuses to Support Trump
  • The Bushes refuses to support Trump and on and on and on.
Now Trump is trashing the only real bright spot in the Republican party which is Paul Ryan. I'm completely at a loss for words. It's really clear the guy has mental problems.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This is good.........spam
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Why the Crickets fan boys?

You guys are about to get double fucked by Trump. Not only will he lose the Presidential election but he's too stupid to realize the Republicans will lose the Senate and quite possibly the House could be in play. This only proves he's in it for himself and not at all concerned about the other branches of government nor the truth averse people supporting him. He doesn't get it he doesn't understand and it's going to cost you guys.

Right now it's comedy hour at the expense of the Republicans and the Donald is the comedian. You guys handed us the election and you only have yourselves to blame it's pretty embarrassing to be honest.

More crickets?

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-02-2016, 05:06 PM
Damn soon as one spammer is banned here comes the replacement. This one seems to not have a job as much posting that is going on. They could be on food stamps and still live in their moms basement. Wonder if Dungeons and Dragons are making a come back this year.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ lol as long as Trump loses the election life is good. ;-)
gfejunkie's Avatar
The desperation is strong with this one ^^^^^^.

5 new anti-Trump threADs in one day?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
no reason to be desperate. I have faith in America and so does the rest of the world. We won't let yall vote a man who is not fit to serve on the basis of incompetence. Can't allow it
gfejunkie's Avatar
Why not? That's what we've had for the past 7+ years. Incompetence.

Shrillery offers nothing more. Except the same incompetence.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Why not? That's what we've had for the past 7+ years. Incompetence.

Shrillery offers nothing more. Except the same incompetence. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

whether you want to accept it or not your life is BETTER and AMERICA is better than it was 8 yrs ago. That's not incompetence that's called APTITUDE ;-)
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-02-2016, 05:41 PM
^ lol as long as Trump loses the election life is good. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I'm a Rand Paul fan. But I will vote for Trump just to piss on you're^day. Don't get it twisted.
gfejunkie's Avatar
whether you want to accept it or not your life is BETTER and AMERICA is better than it was 8 yrs ago. That's not incompetence that's called APTITUDE ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
LOW aptitude. Like under the bridge LOW. Like yours.

"It's the economy, stupid."
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm a Rand Paul fan. But I will vote for Trump just to piss on you're^day. Don't get it twisted. Originally Posted by R.M.

LOL ok I will let your guys duke it out. You pissed away your support once on Rand and it's likely you'll be pissing it away again. These are your guys could have gone better I imagine. ;-)

I almost miss WTF. ALMOST. Well, not really other than in a fuck with moran kinda way.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-02-2016, 06:33 PM
I actually prefer WTF over the OP {monkey fart}.
More crickets?
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
LilSis Chappedass you eat crickets out of Puke_Likely's ass...