A few of you gentlemen don't deserve the "gentle".

This might turn long so bear with me.

To start, I am not naive, I know a few bad apples come in every bunch but damn!

Now for some back-story.
My little sister has a friend that moved here from San Antonio with another friend of her's. She was dabbling in this world of ours a bit down there before she moved so she has "been around the block" a bit. Long story short, she is here and was strapped for cash and wanted to jump back in. My sister asked me if I can help her do it the right way and be safe.

I helped her get verified and let her use my place- all is good. She told her girl friend that things are going great, she should check it out.

Now maybe it is because Jazz was verified rather quickly or because her name has been intersected with mine on the board in a review or whatever the reason; she hasn't encountered any problems. Her girlfriend on the other hand has.

I have not had the time today to send in any emails or anything to the wonderful ECCIE mods to try to help her friend get verified as a provider but I did and still do intend to. I have had a little time to talk to the poor girl about the phone calls, texts and emails she has been getting after posting in the Welcome Wagon.

See, I ran my mouth telling her that this is one of the best places she could grow a nice client list from. I did tell her that there are of course some worms but for the most part, a great group of people. What astounded me is vast amount of ridiculous crap I have read from some pretty WELL KNOWN posters here.

I was forwarded texts from her from eccie members saying stuff like;

"save my number, I take pictures of lots of the popular girls and write their ads for them, they give me free sessions in return. All the girls use me, don't worry."
"I see you don't have reviews, I will write a good review if you give me a free session. It will be great for you, you will make $3000 a day after my review."

There was other crap too. When she first called me about it, I told her to ask them for their handles when they gave her that nonsense and let me know. I couldn't believe the manipulation and pushiness and overall jerkiness from guys I talk to often here on the boards and thought they were pretty much good, respectful guys. I was wrong. The only reason I guess they act accordingly to me is because I guess I know many people here and word can get around?? To a new girl that seemingly knows no one, I guess it is a different story.

I know, I know. This stuff DOES HAPPEN OFTEN. You don't have to stone me to death. I just have not had it happen right in front of my face like I was a new girl again.

What happened to being a gentleman and not some dirty rotten scoundrel? I know there are many wonderful guys out there and today I am ever more thankful for them. It hasn't all been bad, she has gotten some very nice requests from some very lovey guys.

She is the cutest, sweetest, shortest thing I have ever seen. She is an absolute sweetheart. If she does decide to stick with, I hope the great guys come out and show her a good time and the assholes fuck off.

BJ, good lookin out for her. Its too bad so many opportunists have tried to take advantage of her. I think she has one of the best people she could have looking after her.
Throw these bad apples under the bus ASAP.
otrdriver's Avatar
BJ out the scoundrals! no way to treat a lady
Good mentoring has a lot of value. I have been amazed that the number of newbie/whatabe providers that have posted in the welcome wagon in the last few days. I am concerned that unless they have a mentor, they will get burned-out or harmed.
Guys and be guys and guys will sometimes be jerks.
Let's all meet at a social and discuss how to help newbies gradually enter the fold.

P.S. Thanks for making us all aware of the situation.
I did not post this to out anyone here. I do not involve myself in all the drama crap and do not intend to bash anyone on the board. I know it is pretty rotten and I will alert the ladies via back channels, it just wasn't sent to me personally and I don't feel it is my place to publicly entertain the masses.

Sorry folks.

Just a rant and advice to the male members here to please fuck with your dick but not act like one. Word does get around to the ladies.
BJ, I think you have a great heart and it is really nice to read that you helped like that. It has always pissed me off when I read things like you wrote but, the fact is, there are always going to be those who game the system -- guys and girls.

What you described should never happen but it will and your friend will not be the last to have that happen. There is no justification for what you described however folks have to remember that some people will do those kinds of things just because they can. It is an unfortunate part of the learning process yet it is something that everyone on both sides of the fence we call a hobby have to learn to deal with.

Sorry folks.

Just a rant and advice to the male members here to please fuck with your dick but not act like one. Word does get around to the ladies. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
I don't think any apology is necessary as I understand from where you are coming.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Oh hon...I am so sorry that this happened to her. Please do send us her information when you have a chance and we'll see about getting her provider status upgraded.

I hope the men who sent her those messages see this as a Firm warning.

And, come on....don't we all want new ladies coming into our hobby? We don't want them to be freaked out by these people.

If that kind of crap works for them and other ladies...fine. To each their own. But, don't hassle the new girls right off the Welcome Wagon with your crap.

Feel free to contact me BJ and we'll see what we can do.

**I do need to talk with you.**

~Kelly TNT

I'm with you on this. Good for looking out. Sometimes the best thing is to rant.

Miss you girl, "j353 forever by the way. In case you forgot. Just my name has changed.

Trooper H
SweetAterPie's Avatar
[quote=Kelly TNT;197931]Oh hon...I am so sorry that this happened to her. Please do send us her information when you have a chance and we'll see about getting her provider status upgraded.

I hope the men who sent her those messages see this as a Firm warning.

And, come on....don't we all want new ladies coming into our hobby? We don't want them to be freaked out by these people.

If that kind of crap works for them and other ladies...fine. To each their own. But, don't hassle the new girls right off the Welcome Wagon with your crap.

Feel free to contact me BJ and we'll see what we can do.

**I do need to talk with you.**

To often this shit is allowed here with a wink and a nod and then the girl is black balled or banned.

BJ you are a dear to to stand up to this crap and call bullshit.
I did not post this to out anyone here. I do not involve myself in all the drama crap and do not intend to bash anyone on the board. I know it is pretty rotten and I will alert the ladies via back channels, it just wasn't sent to me personally and I don't feel it is my place to publicly entertain the masses.

Sorry folks.

Just a rant and advice to the male members here to please fuck with your dick but not act like one. Word does get around to the ladies. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
Also, these were text messages and phone conversations. There is no real way to verify that the handle they said they were are in fact the person they are. It would not be fair to slander someone's handle if it were a 'wannabe', but you know, whatever.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
I know who you are talking about. My initial contact with her started off fine but turned sour. She sent pictures to my email at my PM request. At the time I didn't know she had a BP ad and the avatar picture she had on here was not enough to make me want to rush over to see her.

She told me thru PM that she just got a room in Arlington but I was busy and couldn't go right then. A few hours later I asked for location and OMG she's right in the area that Arlington Vice has targeted recently and vowed to clean up (did you and Jade help her select the location or was that arbitrary?)

I decided to see her anyway but since it was getting late in the day I asked her if she was "fresh"...if not I would see her early in the morning some day when she was. She copped an attitude about that.

I then tried to explain to her that the area she was in is very hot insofar as LE is concerned. I can't believe none of her mentors told her that. I advised her that the corridor she's in is heavily monitored, and to be extremely careful. I think a phone rings somewhere every time a hot young chick checks into a room alone at most of those places.

I hope she does well, but good looks do not always equate to good service. She could get several favorable reviews and become the next "flavor of the month", but IMO she needs to change location.

I'm sorry that my efforts to warn her were taken the wrong way and in the future might not try to be so helpful.

One would have to live in a news vacuum to not realize that Jerry Jones, the new Mayor, has told vice he doesn't want prostitution going on in the shadow of his billion dollar space ship.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
That figures.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
BJ have her get they handles and post them here.
Everybody would like free session are reduced session but that's NOT going to happen, I don't know who she is talking about but if you are one of them then you are lower than snake shit.

If a girl has a price of $100.00 are $1000.00 you know what it is before you call them most of the time but if you find out after you call them then you know what the rate is. You have two choices pay it are pass it, that's it.

I see on here men trying to get freebies are reduced rates and that's BS.
just pay her fee are move on.

They is a lot of ladies on this board and some are my type and some are not but the fact remains whatever they price is I will pay it are pass and go to the next lady on my list.

Also some of these ladies like sex and others are just here for a job and with that being said I'm sure at some point these ladies take a session for say $250.00 but after they meet the guy they wish they would have charged $500.00 are $1000.00 for the session, Think about it guys we want to look at they picture before we book a session the ladies don't get that opposition we just show up and they stuck with us for a hour fat, bald, missing teeth, one eye looking to the left and the other looking down to the right, walk with a gimp, are whatever the cause my be but most of the time they smile and welcome us into they place and make us fell special and let us stick our dicks in they mouth are ride them like a jockey riding a race horse.

Guys think back when you were 20 are early 30 would you take a big ugly women and go down and daty are get a hard on and service her if she didn't turn you on and smile and make her feel special I don't think so.

Just pay the ladies they fee and STFU stop asking for freebies are reduced rates.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Just a rant and advice to the male members here to please fuck with your dick but not act like one. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
Truer words are seldom said. You go girl!