Writing reviews, what's in it for everyone.

I've just gotten the latest upset PM about not giving credit for a halfassed-written review and thought maybe it's time for a simple, open discussion about reviews.

First off, I completely enjoy being able to give PA credit for a review, it's a priviledge granted to me by Eccie. I try to find reason to NOT deny PA credit, not the other way around. It takes +/- 10 minutes to write a review, might as well fill in the blanks and make it count. Some expect me to finish their reviews but if I do that and make it PA credit worthy, I should keep the credit right?

But seriously, it helps all parties for someone to write a complete review with at least the showcase link so no one has to try to figure out who they wrote about. The ladies benefit from a good review and the guys get to see if they are a good match. My thinking is 'why write a halfassed review if you are going to do one at all?' Both parties benefit from a well-written review, why not just follow the instructions?

Love to hear from men and ladies on this.
dj8rocks's Avatar
Agreed, reviews are good for both the ladies and the gents, but only if it is not a half assed attempt at one. I hardly write reviews anymore, mainly due to the fact that most of the ladies I see are well reviewed and don't really need much more than has already been said in previous reviews. If it's a new lady, or she hasn't had a review written in quite a while, I'll write one. I don't write them like a penthouse forum read, but I try to put accurate, relevant info in the ones I do write.
If you write a review be honest truthful and give all info truthfully so that no one gets bad info. Fill in all contact info so guys can contact providers easily. No use leaving spaces blank or lying doesnt help anyone.
I do not like writing reviews. I wrote one as an agreement with a nice lady. PA access has little value to me, ROS seems to be full of junk and lies to me. I cannot elaborate on that because I cannot reveal ROSS, but trust me mostly bullshit. So no value there.Men's lounge offers little value too, although men seem to be a little more honest in there. My thought is, if you do not have the balls to say it to all, do not say it. I no longer have PA, big whoop.

I am not a man that subscripes to kiss and tell. In civie life a gentleman never brags about his exploits, so here it is same. Besides what really did he accomplished? He called a woman and gave her cash, we all can that, no accomplishment. Prostitutes are easy, do not have to look good, act right, nothing, no charm needed, just cash and a phone, so why write?
Good topic, RL, thank you for starting this thread. I also agree that a review helps all involved make an educated decision to see or not see a provider or client for that matter. It gives some insight on what the provider is like, what she offers during a session and so forth. I, personally read previous reviews of gentlemen whom I'm meeting for the first time to get a feel for what kind of person they are. Granted you can't gather all the info you need although it is a good start. I like the idea of providers offering "review specials" I've offered it as well, it helps get the provider noticed while giving the gentleman a bit of a financial break. Luckily, I have never had a bad review, although if I don't live up to expectations of what my client expects from reading my previous reviews then that falls on me. Now, to give a bad review just because you're pissed off at someone is not cool and can be harmful. Anyway, that's my two cents worth for what it's worth. ;-)
Reviews should paint a picture. An impression, such as a painting in the pointillism style. And the let the reader fill in the blanks to create the full image. In that regard, hot chick doesn't say much and dead ringer for Ellie Mae Clampett maybe says too much.

Anyway, from my (guy) perspective, the purpose of the review is to say "stuff happened". And to let others know that I was more or less happy with the results and I will revisit (or not) at some other date. Basically the results more or less equal the advertisement.

The lady reading my reviews of other ladies should be able to understand a bit about my likes (or dislikes) and make a decision about meeting me (or not).

If there are zero reviews, we are back to trial and error and a lot more distrust and confusion.
I do just fine. Do not have access to ROS and I have never had an issue. All the providers I have seen do exactly what I like as long as I communicate. I get screened just fine, and women do what I like.

If reviews were honest there would be more value for men. I am estimating but over 95% of reviews have Yes. So, every woman is just as great as the next woman. I guess Coke and Pepsi are equally good as well, McDonalds and Burger King just as good. Star Wars is as good as Moon light in movie field. Food critics and movie critics tend to be honest about their opinions which gives the critic credibility. Here no one has any credibility except No reviews which small percentage is more honest. A point system is much better review process. On a scale of 1 - 10 who is a ten and who is a one? Who is a five? Etc. I have the balls to put my honest opinion instead of a simple yes or no. But most of you do not, thus review system is only free ads for provider, why do that? What does she do for you for free?
agree that yes/no is too coarse of a rating scale, maybe there should be a neutral rating or yes/no with reservations rating.

That said a pure numeric scale is subject to way too many issues to be useful in a small sample set, especially scoring the appearance & skill set of the 21 year old hot chick versus 40 year-old MILF.
I've seen reviews where the guys would give a 1-10 rating on things such friendliness, comfort, the fun stuff, attitude, overall, etc. Maybe we should all try doing that and see how it goes.

Also, I don't see reviews as automatically true or false, that's just too simple. What works for one guy doesn't do so much for another. What I would rate a great experience, someone else may say it's so-so. Neither one of us are lying, it's perspective. Add to that, a lot of what happens BCD is purely YMMV. The guy may do something that makes the women hesitant and if that happens, the whole session is crippled. Certainly the reverse is true also.

I like what Name said about 'painting a picture' and that to me is the best review. Some are better artists than others so their pictures look better.

Also, you can give a 'Conditional Yes'...just check the Yes button, submit then go back and edit it in there. I've seen a review that said 'Yes with reservations' and guys had conversation about it to clarify the review, that's healthy.

GM2, I've been thinking about what you said that 95% of reviews are "Yes" and you don't think that's possible and I want to counter that with this: It's because of the reviews that the vast majority are "Yes", the guys get a preview of who they may like or not and can avoid the ones that they don't match up with so well. And that is the whole purpose of the reviews in the first place. So in that regard, it just simply works and helps us avoid mistakes. If it didn't work so well, it would be a crapshoot like BP where you only have the women's word that they are great.