Legalizing the hobby

exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Providers and Hobbyists,

I am not sure how you all feel about legalizing the illegal dark sides to the hobby that some may or may not engage in, *ahem*, but I would imagine many of you tire of this ridiculous forced morality we face as a society.

Does anyone know of some activism groups out there? I have began contacting repre sentatives about it but I doubt without stepping into serious activism and being less apathetic we will never achieve that goal.

Any thoughts? This is Texas but I think we could yell loud enough.
mansfield's Avatar
The Baptists will always yell louder, unless they are in disguise in the liquor store.

Hell, it wasn't too many years ago you couldn't buy UNDERWEAR on a Sunday here.
john_deere's Avatar
it'll never happen. pay for play upsets the male/female power balance. women know that, but they assume you don't. nevertheless, women will make sure it never even comes to a vote.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Well you kind of need an activism group to form to get somewhere I would think. I mean do we prefer this illegal or should we actually stop pretending this doesn't matter and doesn't effect everyone badly?

I am very aware of the imbalances in feminist theory but I think a lot of feminists have to back it because of the lack of control a woman has over her body in this area.
B.Wayne's Avatar
It's a mixed bag. On one hand, I don't think society as a whole will be willing to accept it to make it legal. Especially the women in society. What could the argument be to them for why they should vote to legalize something that could potentially destroy their family, and relationships. On the other hand, if it were made legal then most likely taxes would have to be paid and all kinds of criteria would have to be met. The problem with the taxes, and among many other things, discretion (or lack of) could play a key role in price structure. That in turn could either hurt, or help. And many might find that keeping their earnings private may have served them better because if it were made legal, the tax man cometh, and he would probably come with a vengeance. Then if you were required to have licensing or something and failed to keep up to date with that and were caught or just didn't meet the criteria at all then that could lead to more offenses like a fine, and/ or jail time. I just don't see it happending. But I'm not an expert, so who knows.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Well it is something I have studied extensively and debated to a huge level. It is something most people support but few are active to pursue promoting change on.

Sadly, Texas is probably one of the worst states when it comes to being against it when it comes to the people I have debated locally. The religious ideals stand in the way the most, feminists tend to want women to be empowered to sell their bodies more. Since feminism is pretty much the way of the modern western world it should hit the forefront but I think Texas may be a last adopter even if our very existence as a state was the result of the Yellow Rose keeping Santa Anna at bay while we attacked the Mexican encampment. Even if we had the famous Chicken Ranch.

It is sad really, and if there was ever a capitalist ideal which communists would hate it is the Hobby. Ironically both sides should be both for it and against it. It is a social issue and a human right while still being a powerful element of Bourgeoisie culture which the USSR tried at all turns to stop. You would think the Tea Party was our best ally and yet we have the ACLU more on our side in this case.
FishGuy13's Avatar
Although I agree with the taxes help society as a whole, but there is too much of a social stygma against P4P that over-all it is best left as it is. Think back a few years ago when the Super-bowl was here in Dallas, a minor misdemanor fines about the same as running a stop light on the legal side of things equal on the social side of things having your life destroyed up to and including loss of job, family, child custody, etc.
The Baptists will always yell louder, unless they are in disguise in the liquor store. Originally Posted by mansfield
The pimps will yell even louder than the Baptists. Legalize the hobby, and you bring in regulation. Bring in regulation, and you bring in licensing requirements. Bring in licensing requirements, and you take the pimps out of the picture since most of them can't even get a driver's license.

All the more reason to legalize it, huh? It's not going away, legalized or not, but you can lessen the influence of pimps by legitimizing it and subjecting the industry to regulation.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Ah but pimps just change forms (brothel owners) and let's face it, this could happen in a lot of different ways.
pyramider's Avatar
Pimps would not evolve into brothel owners ... They would never pass the licensing requirements. Pimps would not be able to maintain the records that the bureaucracy would require. Pimps would be unemployed.
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 12-28-2012, 08:34 PM
Pimps would not evolve into brothel owners ... They would never pass the licensing requirements. Pimps would not be able to maintain the records that the bureaucracy would require. Pimps would be unemployed. Originally Posted by pyramider
Aren't the pimps already unemployed? Isn't that why they have ladies supporting them?
david1978's Avatar
I guess they can enter the TS market.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Aren't the pimps already unemployed? Isn't that why they have ladies supporting them? Originally Posted by 200K
Exactly, many strip club managers barely have a high school diploma, and get paid dirt crap, thats why they scam the strippers out of all kinds of money for "fines" that are never documented and go straight into the managers pocket!

Ah but pimps just change forms (brothel owners) and let's face it, this could happen in a lot of different ways. Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer

I feel like strip clubs are legal pimps,... what business besides strip clubs can actually make the dancers pay them!! and pay their staff (dj, bathroom attendant) even if they dont make any money that night? Independent contractors my ass!
Thats like a restaurant charging a waitress to wait their tables!!!

I dont think they will legalize it anytime soon, heck they legalized stripping and look at how many women are sitting on their ass in a dead-ass club ... seems to me when things get legalized thats when they get real cheap.... more people get into the biz cause the only thing stopping them was because it wasnt legal... then i would assume you would have to do porn to even get noticed cause all the porn stars are gonna be usng porn as advertising!

I believe that you can file taxes and assume a postion such as a massage thrapist or date only escort, or even private webcam model... then send in a log of all your business... you just have to of course not put any mention of any sexual encounters what so ever.... but ya know the more money you make the more taxes you have to pay... so if we legalized it, we'd have to share alot more money with uncie Sam...
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Well girls go through a lot because it isn't illegal, it is a huge danger to them. Then again, at least decriminalizing it would be a huge compromise that I think would make us all happy. What I don't understand is why a little hand stimulation at the end of a massage is considered so EVIL for example. There was never logic in that.

I just wanted to see your opinions on it but it looks like most of you guys kinda like it the way it is. Personally I don't want a felony one day because I played around. With our 3 strikes laws it does scare me.
Ah but pimps just change forms (brothel owners) and let's face it, this could happen in a lot of different ways. Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer
Big difference between licensed and well regulated brothel operators and street pimps who answer to nobody. Not 6 of one and a half dozen of another. Not close. Very few if any street pimps could ever get that license. Anything that eliminates a street pimp, I'm for. And the regulation associated with a brothel would make the regulations governing strip clubs look like the nothing that they are. Nevada has already made the blueprint, and it works for the most part. All the other states have to do is follow it.