Hobby Dilemma and choices

All of us hobby for different reasons. I jumped in during a low point in my marriage when the sex was drying up and our fights were getting more frequent over different bullshit, but generally about money and my lack of planning for the future.

Anyway, I started slow at Strip Clubs and graduated to AMPs. Only few Escort meetings due to my own fears. Anyway, things were looking up on the sex scene at home (thanks HRT) and we were growing closer. Then I had what could be considered a mental breakdown from stress and anxiety at work. At that point, she shifted back to cold and uncaring and sex became a necessary chore that both of us would do since we were both horny. She told me to get my shit together or get out. So I took a hobby break and have been trying very hard to get over my bullshit.

That has been for the past 6 months. I have had one hobby experience in that time that was not planned. And I thought I might be over this phase of life.

Then we had another huge fight over my breakdown and she harbors a ton of resentment.

Anyway, I don’t think she is justified in her recent actions towards me and I think I am ready to sample some Asian delights again. For the first time since I joined this site in 2018, I have not guilt or reservations about having a nice adventure. I think that is a signal the marriage has run its course.

Any of you ever experience anything similar?
Man, as Robin Williams said in Good Morning VietNam, I think ur in more dire need of
A BLOW JOB than any man I know!!! Go get one & some DATY while ur at it!