Phone messed up

I am letting everyone know if anyone needs me for a reference or an appointment please send me an email and I will get back to you asap. My phone has locked up on me. I am not sure what happened but it started vibrating and then went dead. I have taken the battery out and tried to turn off and on but nothing. I am not sure if Metro is open today so as soon as it is fixed I will let yall know. I am wondering if it didnt get to hot. I was busy at home Sat and left it in the truck so I think it got too hot but nt sure. Thanks alot TP
I had an issue with my metro phone and thank goodness it was still under warranty so it was a simple fix they ordered me a new phone it will be their in 3 days and I have to pay $15 bucks !
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
In the interim, you might wish to supply a google voice number if you going to work for the next few days.

I lost my phone last fall and until it was replaced (I got mine in two days), I used a google phone number. There is a learning curve to use one of those numbers but it's a godsend if you don't wish to get a third phone to fill in until you get yours fixed.

Just a (hopefully!) helpful hint!
Maybe it got too hot when you used the vibrate function on it. MMMM MMMM!!!
Thanks Kaci and Elizabeth. Duke how I wish that was it.........
My phone will be fixed Wed hopefully. Here is the temp num. 214 773 0465. Thanks TP
My phone is fixed. I did notice there were some other people picking up the same kind of phone or bringing it in. I guess the Metro Motion Phones are having issues. Have a good week. Take care. TP