Sport-Fucker or IOP-fucker or Both?

Guys / Girls

Sport-fucker or Illusion of Passion-fucker?

Which describes you best AND why?

Guys: What drives you to see a particular girl once she meets your physical desires; her potential for passion or her potential for fun?

Girls: Do you like to be his temporary girlfriend or his illicit noon romp?

I was going to give the option for "both" but that's a cop out.
nbs4143's Avatar
Her potential for passion is most important and if she is good at it the fun comes along with the passion.
lda523287's Avatar
Her potential for passion is most important and if she is good at it the fun comes along with the passion. Originally Posted by nbs4143
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Personality and passion. Every time. And thanks to those ladies who provide it.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I'm iop all the way.
Zimmie6942's Avatar
wouldn't fantasy fucker with no illusions be an option
Boltfan's Avatar
Her potential to be a kinky bitch. Don't really have any use for passion.
pyramider's Avatar
No mention of taint ... what a bullshit poll.
IOP to the MAX! Keeps Roger on Task
A Sport Fuck with an occasional IOP thrown in...
lgbsfu's Avatar
IOP for me
Epimetheus's Avatar
IOP All the Way For Me......