Older guys and Round 2

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Someone started a thread in ML that led me to think about this, and I wanted to bring it out to Coed to get the perspective of both sides.

For many older guys ("older" being subjective, perhaps being best defined as those concerned with this topic), it's difficult to ring the bell at the end of Round 2 in an hour. For those ladies willing to ring the bell twice, this presents us gents with a problem: We wonder whether to get Round 1 done in the first five or 10 minutes, recover for 30 or so, then try again, or to enjoy the pleasures of a more extended Round 1, knowing that that's all we're going to get.

I'm sure the ladies are happy with the amount of effort required if a one-and-done guy finishes relatively quickly. On the other hand, if a lady offers a second round, I doubt a guy is going to refuse, and trying to coax that second pop from him may require a substantial amount of effort -- which may wind up being frustrating for both.

Raquel de Milo's Avatar
It can turn out to be a frustrating situation and that is not how it should be. When I begin working my magic I use to often ask what the goal is. I like to know if should get the first done quickly or not to make room for number two. If he usually only is good for one I like to save that for the very end. I think I shocked a few when I asked, I guess they didn't understand why I wanted to know lol. I started a thread about it a while back. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=780139&highlight=
It can turn out to be a frustrating situation and that is not how it should be. When I begin working my magic I use to often ask what the goal is. I like to know if should get the first done quickly or not to make room for number two. If he usually only is good for one I like to save that for the very end. I think I shocked a few when I asked, I guess they didn't understand why I wanted to know lol. I started a thread about it a while back. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=780139&highlight= Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo
That impresses me that would ask that.
A lot of guys may be hesitant to bring it up.
Always the toughest decision for a guy, especially as we age.
We would all love to feel that orgasm twice in an hour, but we would hate to pop
Once in 15 minutes and then not get the 2nd one to happen.
I love to be edged over and over so sometimes denying the first
One for an hour can be a lot of fun. But sometimes I want that
First one so bad and know I will
Recharge quickly and be wanting you to keep going.
Nice to know up front
Which way we are going.
It can turn out to be a frustrating situation and that is not how it should be. When I begin working my magic I use to often ask what the goal is. I like to know if should get the first done quickly or not to make room for number two. If he usually only is good for one I like to save that for the very end. I think I shocked a few when I asked, I guess they didn't understand why I wanted to know lol. I started a thread about it a while back. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=780139&highlight= Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo
Raquel, I think that is very considerate and caring that you would ask and structure the visit accordingly. I've always been slow (20-30mins) to get off the first time even though I could get 2nd pop within an hour. As I've gotten older, no way in an hour. So I just enjoy the full hour and pop toward the end of the hour. Being right on the edge some during that time is great.
Raquel is in fact a sweet person.
It can turn out to be a frustrating situation and that is not how it should be. When I begin working my magic I use to often ask what the goal is. I like to know if should get the first done quickly or not to make room for number two. If he usually only is good for one I like to save that for the very end. I think I shocked a few when I asked, I guess they didn't understand why I wanted to know lol. I started a thread about it a while back. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=780139&highlight= Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo
I remember that thread. Very informative! One of the best on here imo
It can turn out to be a frustrating situation and that is not how it should be. When I begin working my magic I use to often ask what the goal is. I like to know if should get the first done quickly or not to make room for number two. If he usually only is good for one I like to save that for the very end. I think I shocked a few when I asked, I guess they didn't understand why I wanted to know lol. I started a thread about it a while back. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=780139&highlight= Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo
Raquel de Milo, That was a very nice Thread, as is this one.

I am going to try to answer your questions from MY perspective over the years but first let me say: I wish all providers would be as thoughtful and caring about their client’s satisfaction as you are. (Kudos to you and any provider that thinks about the solution to this topic) Raquel, I do have a very detailed Profile & BIO on P411. Sometimes the ladies don’t even read it. We get an email when they do.

Have you ever heard the term: “Your eyes are bigger than your stomach” during Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner? (This is EW answer about the turn-off switch) In the beginning, men see this beautiful feast with all our favorite trimmings, looking so good and are starving. At this stage: We think we can knock holes in the wall. The desire is so overwhelming, that if asked, we can go MSOG 2 or 3 pops with no problem. The first nut is most likely the hardest that we will ever be. After the FIRST pop and depending on his age or condition, he may not get stiff enough to penetrate the main course. We taste a few things then we need a nap. (Hence the turn-off switch) The desire has subsided.

I am an older gent and have found great success in getting 2-pops with BBBJTC when the lady is persistent and tries hard. But that leaves the kitty out, and so I figured if I am hardest during the first pop, why do I get BBBJTC on first pop, when I could be doing CFS, CG, or even trips to Greece with just a little prep of BBBJ, and save the BBBJTC for last, when junior don’t want to respond or cooperate enough for penetration. 2nd pop completed. It also helps getting the 2nd pop when the ladies bring their toys to bed with them without us asking to see her play with them. (Your body language and attitude plays a big part in getting us turned on again, you would be surprised on how much that affects our ability to perform) This is just from my perspective and may not be like all men, we will know by their comments.

After these 2 threads, I will be calling Raquel soon,
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
Excellent responses to an excellent topic...

I hope more guys come forth and offer honest answers. As for me it's been a reluctant couple of years to admit the mind and desire want to go where the body will not follow. I'm fortunate enough to get an erection 80% of the time without any ED meds, but the little blue pill does enhance things. The first pop is almost a certainty. It is a real struggle at times to detach myself from the bliss of a good BBJ to allow the erotic pleasure of DATY and time for CFS as I've learned that 2nd pop is almost certainly not going to happen in a half-hour or even an hour session.

To be honest, that second pop is likely not likely going to happen for a couple hours later and making it even better is taking a short nap which makes the pole rise a lot harder too. I've also noticed that simple cuddling even without touching or stroking the genital area seems to be a plus. Maybe it's simply the pleasure of a woman's body and warmth, but it works even in the opening act. Just laying together and talking or LFK and the banana rises really well. I'm guessing not getting a 2nd pop is the reason so many older guys start looking for the FBSM+ specialists.
Chung Tran's Avatar
from my perspective, a second pop is extremely overrated. occasionally #1 takes longer than I like, and I'm happy to finish, period... it's fun to try for #2, even if I know I won't make it... the activity is still pleasing, whether pop #2 occurs.

if a second pop happens, it's no where near as good as the first.. labored, and too intense, just a blip on the pleasure meter... not much of an objective to seek, really.. besides that, I had a bad experience with too much popping, a couple of years ago.. I had 3 girls in 10 hours, the first 2 within 2-3 hours, no problem... but #3 was difficult, lengthy, and laborious... I finally popped after a Herculian effort... but an hour later I peed a small amount of blood... just once, I was ok after that... but it soured me on the allure of multiple shots, in too small a time window
Thank you Copierguy, Chocolatebanana, and Chung Tran for your responses! This is definitely great advice and gives me a different approach to MSOG as a provider who likes to get hers first.

Also, getting a second pop is not restricted to older men or men with ED. I think this subject could relate to men of different ages.
Chung Tran's Avatar
if I ever mention "round 2", it will not be me seeking another pop... it will be to hear this iconic album:

Attachment 273430
Nurseguy76's Avatar
Sheesh what are you guys taking to go for 2 pops in an hour LOL? I haven't been able to do that since my 20's. MY problem is the first one takes awhile and I orgasm so hard I damn near break my own spine LOL. I'm completely empty and a 2nd round aint happening.
Me too!

I usually shoot a load once and that's about all I can do in an hour. The only times I've been able to cum twice in a playdate are when it goes well over an hour and I haven't gotten any for a week before. Even then, most of the time it ends up being a massive double-load on the first shot.

I don't really worry about it since in my experience, the better the session the emptier I'll be after the first nut. Some girls just know how to get the very last drop of Mr Jake's Special Sauce the first time!
doublebogey49's Avatar
Someone started a thread in ML that led me to think about this, and I wanted to bring it out to Coed to get the perspective of both sides.

For many older guys ("older" being subjective, perhaps being best defined as those concerned with this topic), it's difficult to ring the bell at the end of Round 2 in an hour. For those ladies willing to ring the bell twice, this presents us gents with a problem: We wonder whether to get Round 1 done in the first five or 10 minutes, recover for 30 or so, then try again, or to enjoy the pleasures of a more extended Round 1, knowing that that's all we're going to get.

I'm sure the ladies are happy with the amount of effort required if a one-and-done guy finishes relatively quickly. On the other hand, if a lady offers a second round, I doubt a guy is going to refuse, and trying to coax that second pop from him may require a substantial amount of effort -- which may wind up being frustrating for both.

Thoughts? Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
What a great topic to bring up. I'm only going to be good for one pop, but here is my quandary. If I wait until the end, after my favorite activities of DFK, DATY, & BBBJ, there are times when even the first pop doesn't happen. Either I'm just over-stimulated or my body just tells me "that's enough". I still leave a happy guy, but am just a little disappointed that I didn't climax. On the other hand, I'm hesitant to go for the O right off the bat, thinking that I may disappoint the lady or come across as somewhat selfish. I would appreciate the ladies' point of view and any suggestions on the best approach.
Why plan? Just have fun and let it flow. (pun intended) I think going into a session worrying too much about how many pops you can get..or me worrying about how many I can produce, causes too much tension. Tension can lead to disappointment. Relax and have fun and take care of each other.