buy me gas?

2nd time at a qt station in Independance, I am asked by a man(40 and 30s)
to give him money for gas
would you give a dude money or even fill up his tank some?
I understand bad shit happens to people, but you are at a gas station, I just find it hard to buy you made it to a station and are out of money AND gas?
No way. A pretty girl on the other hand, might have a chance for a couple of gallons.
No way. A pretty girl on the other hand, might have a chance for a couple of gallons. Originally Posted by ez2plz
no, I hate pretty girls just for that reason
ever see "Zombieland" where the pretty girl loses her diamond ring and the smittten attendant ends up paying the pretty girls friend for the ring she "found"?
unless the girl is actually friendly, I treat her the same, if not worse because she's pretty and used to manipulating men to get what she wants
dumars's Avatar
Repeat after me:

"What's in it for me?"

What are your questions?
Some people have a hard time accepting the fact other people have to live on the planet too. We all have shortcomings and have been in situations where the kindness of a stranger could have been a saving grace. If the guy wasn't attacking you or trying to rob you, what would be the harm in giving him a few dollars to send him on his way? It's not the worst thing you could do all day with those bills.
dumars's Avatar

However, when 99 out of a hundred are doing nothing but trying to get free cash, what then? Mr Retard did not mention if the guy had a car. Would the guy have taken a credit card purchase for his "gas"? No mention of that either! If the event actually happened, I'd bet "NO" would be the answer to both. Wanna bet the guy would have turned down a credit card purchase?

How many reading this has been hit in a Wal Mart parking lot about a car breaking down somewhere, kids in car and need cash to get gas and get home? Ask yourself this question, what's he sitting in when it's raining? He wasn't wet! Yes, that is a no shit! It has happened!!!

For myself, I give about $200 a year to Harvesters and more to others. I don't give shit to some dip shit coming up to me with some bull shit song and dance, and at night? My mother might have raised an idiot but she didn't raise a dumb ass.

Now, to change the subject a bit. Do you realize that when you pull out your wallet to grab a note or two the dip shit is most likely checking you out? "How much cash do I see?" "How many credit cards does this guy have?" In other words, you are wide open to a robbery! Takes a ½ second to grab your wallet, that's already out, and he's 50 yards ahead of you! Reality's a bitch ain't it?

You can be as big a target as you wanna be dude, not me!


P.S. Nothing wrong at all about being generous but you gotta use your head for YOUR protection. NOBODY is going to protect you better than you will.

You're welcome!

Some people have a hard time accepting the fact other people have to live on the planet too. We all have shortcomings and have been in situations where the kindness of a stranger could have been a saving grace. If the guy wasn't attacking you or trying to rob you, what would be the harm in giving him a few dollars to send him on his way? It's not the worst thing you could do all day with those bills. Originally Posted by Y_eye_AwE_Ta
DallasRain's Avatar
Yep..that is a very common occurance on Bourbon St in New Orleans...but when I go elsewhere and it happens,I just go ugggghhhh!! It is so hard to tell the "true stories" from the scams! It is so sad that somebody is in a situation like that,but the real issue is how they got that way and how to BEST help them {if they even want true help}!
dumars's Avatar
The most likely way "they got that way" is from a decision they made earlier in their life! I've known a few, who lived in the neighborhood I used to live in, who were perfectly content with panhandling. I knew this guy, he was/is harmless, I did give him money, to buy a sandwich at QT. I later gave him a ride home. He had a bag full of sandwiches! No shit! The weird thing he was panhandling right in the store, as in INSIDE!

P.S. You're not "helping" these people you're supporting their free ride lifestyle. In many cases you're supporting other lifestyles too. Let your conscience be your guide.
Yep..that is a very common occurance on Bourbon St in New Orleans...but when I go elsewhere and it happens,I just go ugggghhhh!! It is so hard to tell the "true stories" from the scams! It is so sad that somebody is in a situation like that,but the real issue is how they got that way and how to BEST help them {if they even want true help}! Originally Posted by DallasRain
DallasRain's Avatar
wow he had balls...or guess true desperation

that was nice of you!

{I carry dollar bills with me when i viisit New orleans...I have learned which panhandlers on Bourbon St REALLY need help and give the dollars to them}
dumars's Avatar
Another story I have is when a nice looking young girl, 20 something, ask me for gas money with no car in sight. I offered to pay with my CC. "Oh no, I need cash!" Again, no shit!

Oh, that happened at my local QT too. 6 or 7 years ago.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I tell them I want an official receipt to use on my taxes for my charitable donation. They generally give me a WTF look and move on since they know I'm making fun of them for trying to scam me.
sasnaK's Avatar
Use to be a regular guy bumming money at 67 and I-35.....worn out shirt...Nice levies and Brand new Tony Lamas really..!
Some of these guys are in need. Majority are not. A young lady asked me for money at QT for gas. She was in a car with 2 guys and a another young lady. The car was decent, they did not look like they were in need. I said I don't carry cash. She asked if I could use my credit card. I started laughing, she walked away.
Some people have a hard time accepting the fact other people have to live on the planet too. We all have shortcomings and have been in situations where the kindness of a stranger could have been a saving grace. If the guy wasn't attacking you or trying to rob you, what would be the harm in giving him a few dollars to send him on his way? It's not the worst thing you could do all day with those bills. Originally Posted by Y_eye_AwE_Ta
it's pretty bad choice though
I pay taxes
money is power and money is time
why am I giving away my money and time?
least with ex-gfs, I'd get something out of it
some guy from he gas station, he could be more presistant and tell me he'd pay me back OR something

2am at qt , young gal on the phone, I approached her to see if she was ok
she had no where to go. and he phone was plugged in
no car. so I bought her $5=10 worth of food, cherrios, milk, candy, etc
just cause I felt badly for her and she was a kid. and I couldnt do more

I'd help out people, but these guys coming to gas stations in cars, is very suspect about what is reallly going on
I've had the same experience at hy-vee, people wanting me to buy them food(ice cream)