Am I on the wrong site

Hey it’s bugleboy as you know
Important question for you all
Honestly am I on the wrong site

Look at my history and all the providers I have seen. Notice I try to get personally involved and befriend many of them, wanting to do non sexual activities like going swimming or for a walk etc or even hoping that one of them turns into a girlfriend
Honestly am I on the wrong site?
Does everyone else here specifically come here just to get laid and not care about the provider personally, only care about having sex with her and leaving?
Cuz it seems in my case that is not what I’m looking for, just look at my history with various providers and how I have fallen for them or tried to befriend them
As my granpappy once said to
Me he said "grandson you can not turn a hooker into a house wife"
As my granpappy once said to
Me he said "grandson you can not turn a hooker into a house wife" Originally Posted by Logandog
I mean everyone here who knows me
Knows about what happened with jada, I’m talking about before our falling out.
when I was seeing jada as my provider back in November and December, I fell in love with her (it was all one sided and all in my head as she never saw me more than a client) and I cried like a little kid all night, when she didn’t get back to me (her phone was broken or misplaced at time in which I did not know),almost ending up in the psych ward at Ellis again.
And even after jada, various providers I have seen, I have become pesonally attached with and cry like a little kid if they don’t get back to me.
Honestly I’m lonely and getting laid is not going to fix anything.
Like if a provider I become personal with say screws me over or decides to stop seeing me, I become very sad and depressed.
Sex with the hottest girl wouldn’t make me feel better in that situation
Instead I just like to stay in bed all day and cry, then a few days later feel better - almost like going thru a breakup or being dumped by your real girlfriend
That’s how I feel about these providers after they dump me
Dude, we’ve already told you- you’re on the wrong fucking site. This hobby is not for you, plain and simple. If you still can’t get that thru your head, see a psychiatrist.
I mean right now I’m seeing this girl in Schenectady as my main provider

Someone referred to her as Schenectady Sucker on the other site
She celebrated my birthday with me and even since then when I see her
We do stuff like go for walks on bike trail holding hands or watching sunset by the lake together then finish at my place having sex

So even though I’m seeing her as a provider, it’s the emotional connection with her im focused on. I call her my bff even.
And also would cry like a little kid if something happened where I couldn’t see her.
Bbfs? Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
No bffs not bbfs

Bff meaning Best friends forever

Like remember that old phone commercial
Where that little girl said idk my bff Jill and her mother took her phone away
Well if you go bbfs with her be careful.. there’s a reviewer on the other site that said she likes to fuck bare.
You are absolutely on the wrong site. The sex trade is not for you. Someone is going to take advantage of you and either financially devastate you or physically harm you. There is no positive endgame here for what you want out of these girls.
Well if you go bbfs with her be careful.. there’s a reviewer on the other site that said she likes to fuck bare. Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
I’ve done bbfs before
I’ve fucked about 5 different providers bare thoughout ny time here
Which ones? So we know who to stay away from.
This is the ENCOUNTER SITE,you should be asking in COED.
Dude, we’ve already told you- you’re on the wrong fucking site. This hobby is not for you, plain and simple. If you still can’t get that thru your head, see a psychiatrist. Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
He should start his own page Warren
Which ones? So we know who to stay away from. Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
Let’s see jada, my utr from Bennington, lauren in Troy, another utr and one other
I’ve fucked all of them bare