Cancel my handle! ASAP...Thanks

Dear Staff,

Please cancel my handle and change my post to guest. I thought I could handle this hobby, but instead it has become an addiction that has caused me to spend hours on the computer reading reviews, or making calls trying to schedule my next visit. I went to church this morning and I heard a very good sermon about honoring God! And, I kept thinking to myself how I am honoring God by doing this? I spend time in prayer seeking his best for me, but I am constantly wasting money on pleasure that is worthless!

Take care, and I hope that some of you will realize the same!
will put in your request
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Mary Magdalene was a whore. Bet they forgot to mention that at church.
oilman12's Avatar
What does your post have anything to do with this man's request Robert Downey lover?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I went to church this morning and I heard a very good sermon about honoring God! And, I kept thinking to myself how I am honoring God by doing this? Originally Posted by Realreviews
Obviously you didn't read.
Russ38's Avatar
He'll be back.....a hard dick will always trump a church sermon.....just ask any preacher...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Maybe he felt conflicted before he went to church - all his review recommendations were "No".
Maybe he felt conflicted before he went to church - all his review recommendations were "No". Originally Posted by chicagoboy
You know I was thinking the same thing...At first I was gonna wish him well, believe me, tried to bounce myself, although not for any religious reasons, easier said than done. So I stopped fighting and gave in. But all his NO reviews...seemed the hobby either wasn't working for him or he was conflicted with guilt every time out...Either way he's probably better off.

oilman12's Avatar
Nah DG I did, and it was lame.
macksback's Avatar
He spent 420 dollars total for his 3 reviews. How are you constantly spending your money? 420 dollars is nothing. I believe one honors god through a happy, fulfilled life. If you believe you cannot honor your god and enjoy the hobby then best of luck to you.
Russ38's Avatar
I spent over 420 on beer last weekend.....hey, it's the holidays.....don't judge bitches....
macksback's Avatar
I spent over 420 on beer last weekend.....hey, it's the holidays.....don't judge bitches.... Originally Posted by Russ38
God damn are you serious? Thats alot of beer. I couldnt drink that much beer in 5 years.
Russ38's Avatar
God damn are you serious? Thats alot of beer. I couldnt drink that much beer in 5 years. Originally Posted by macksback
I had friends helping....420 bucks doesn't go far....Godamn Mack......I said don't judge.....we were celebrating the birth of Christ....Lol
I had friends helping....420 doesn't go far....Godamn Mack......I said don't judge.....we were celebrating the birth of Christ.... Originally Posted by Russ38
The boots I'm wearing cost more than the sum total of his negatively reviewed hobby habits.

Reading his reviews, he obviously had unrealistic expectations of what his money could buy. His mantra was "she looked better with her clothes on." Well, usually people do!

He was expecting pornstar bodies on a Latin agency budget. He needed to leave. His guilt was causing him to be overly critical of beautiful, well reviewed ladies. Not cool.
patient's Avatar
I always remember god while when I'm fucking...Oh God..yes harder...oh sweet jesus...