With age comes experence

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A young guy found himself unemployed, with no money to pay his rent, bills, food etc. Being a good looking stud, he decided to hire out his body. He pinned a notice to his apartment door which read "On the bed $100.00. On the couch $50.00. On the floor $25.00"
A little while later an old woman walks by. She stops at the door, reads the sign and then thoughtful, goes home. There she breaks into her piggy bank takes the few savings that she has left and, money in hand, walks back to the young man's apartment and knocks on the door.
The young guy opens the door and the old lady hands him the money. The boy, touched, gives her a kiss and, after counting the money tells her "There's $100 here, so you want to do it in bed?" "Hell no" she replied. "Don't be so naive young man. I want it four times on the floor."