So I guess this just begs the question, why do some of those who post often presume that they speak for the entire Austin community?
Originally Posted by eglrdr
Because of what the Lurkers choose to read when they log in.....
Actually...... That has been my contention as well over the last several years......
So if Lurkers do not participate, then what are they on the boards for?
They come for the Ads, Reviews and information.....
I field more PMs and Emails every week from lurkers than from participants. It's been that way for years.
Lurkers contribute to if not drive view counts on countless threads.. I get PM comments from people that are members and never post regularly....... .As well as suggestions....
Since they don't participate they obviously have not missed much of the "Look At me" or "I made $3000 last week but I can't pay my rent today" threads that we've made a good dent in getting rid of......
They also did not participate in all the flirt stuff..... So they must not miss that....
It is my contention that the MAJORITY of posters that hang out in CoEd commenting on each and almost everything a lady has to say tend to be the pathetic extreme of those attracted to the hobby.... These are the poor saps that get no female attention or interaction in their daily life and need that reassurance, even if it's just in a post, that a woman will pay attention to them.
I speak for myself and express my views and often those views are influenced by the lurkers that contribute and share behind the scenes.... Some subjects are suggested.....
I had Lunch this week with a guy on another site that never posts here.... exchanged stories and information and helped him with a couple of recomendations from the local community as well as helped him hook up with a dancer he expressed an interest in.
Some think we've lost ladies and some posters....
I believe the ladies still post their ads and see guys and no longer post because they never really had anything of substance to contribute.
And the men that no longer contribute were not necessarily men who provided much in reviews or in the locker room.....
There are hundreds of posts spread across 3 pages of threads for the last week alone with a variety of male and female posters....
Far Less Look At me, flirting and Threads.....
The "community" seems content to live with the direction the forum is going. As much as I would enjoy being an omnipotent being..... I'm just one voice......
The changes here did not happen because of me and me alone.....
The changes here happened because I was not afraid to speak up or call out the behind the scenes manipulators and as soon as others realized I could say it and be heard they joined in as well.... Not so long ago all of this would have vanished and a lot of us would have been banned.... or simply posted in the locker room and shared privately.... Then you had the same old bats and their lapdogs posting all the time and the vast majority of whaat was posted was drivel, reviews were far less informative, there was no SW or strip club sections per se and sharing behind the scenes was all we had....
Lurkers drove change by selecting what they wanted to read...
if I didn't generate topics of interest that caused people to log in and view threads they would have shut me down a long time ago.
So you are right..... Far more Lurk then Post but their "views" are reflected in the changes that have occurred.....
I'll also mention that of the 192 names on the current GC Event Mailing list almost half are lurkers and 13rd-1/2 of the guys that regularly attend are lurkers as well.....
So some of us, through networking, socializing and simply participating are tied into networks that include lurkers.....