
I need a sewing machine, the older the better. Anyone have one lying around collecting dust? If you have one you can contact me tues- sat. Thanks so much! M
I have one in storage thats a muller sewing machine i think its a 1912....but can't be exact on that....i will have to go to storage and look but i'm pretty sure thats what it is!!!

It was my great grandma's......

I don't know if thats to old or not old enough but if you want to look at it....then i can go take pictures of it and send them pm...
Thanks tons!! I'd love to see it. Let me know. M
Please, please, please!!!! If anyone has a sewing machine I am REALLY in need of one. Please come to see me, I will trade massage if it is in working order and can be used!!!!!! Or even if I can fix it quickly. ANYONE???? I have to get this project done!!!
I've had some responses but noone has come through yet. STILL NEEDED!!!! HELP!!!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-19-2011, 07:30 AM
Sorry, never learned how to sew. Out of curiosity, why is older better? Looks like new ones start around $70?
Marcus78's Avatar
Maybe someone has a sewing fetish she needs to fulfill?
New machines are OK, but all the parts are plastic and they break easily. Pieces of polished crap is what I like to call them. Old machines are indestructible after you refurbish them.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
In enough of an emergency that I should come over with my sewing machine? not THAT old.... got rid of the pedal machine of my grandmas and wish I still had it! LOL

but I could help you ....... esp after April 1...
actually I have projects to put on your sewing list LOL. I will pay (of course the Dagny in me)
Jed Clampett's Avatar
I wouldn't mind seeing a naked woman sewing!
rrrabbit's Avatar
Miss max;

Ebay has 7 pages of old Singer sewing machines...From $19.50 to $ 2,000