NCAA Tournament bracket questions

yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 03-15-2011, 05:38 PM
Tournament time is here, and I was curious about how many folks here are doing brackets-

Are you filling out more than one?

Are you playing for fun, or in a pool?

Do you research team strengths/weaknesses, or do you just "wing it"?

And finally-

Who ya got?

...or do you have no interest in brackets (or NCAA Basketball) at all?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I am a Syracuse grad so naturally I root for the Orange. Cedric Golden in today's Austin American Statesman picked SU to go to the championship game where they would lose to Kansas. Others pick SU to lose to Xavier in the 2nd round. If they make it to the elite 8 I would be ecstatic. Hate their point guard.

I like OSU and Kansas out of the two toughest regions. OSU, North Carolina, Syracuse and Kentucky all in the East. Kansas, Notre Dame, Purdue, and Louisville all in the Southwest. Other regions have mainly flawed teams.
I would pick my Coogs to win it all but if I did so it would have to be in the Woman's bracket. And as much as I hate to admit, it probably won't happen there either! Eat 'em up Lady Coogs!

Since the Coogs were not invited to the Men's dance, I am pulling for my 2nd favorite home team to pull off a major upset against Duke in the Western Regional and then go on to win the whole shooting match. Hook 'em!

What can I say, I am a home team kinda guy!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
UT can definitely go a long way in the tournament -- or lose to Oakland in the first round. Poor free throw shooting. Lack of a true center. No real point guard who can break down defenses (and I do love Cory Joseph). Stagnant offense at times.

Defensively they are great, although Kansas destroyed them. I don't think they are in one of the stronger regions, so anything is possible.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Depends on which UT team shows up. They'd be damned near undefeated if the shot 70% from the FT line.

Lack of a true center is rather systemic throughout the NCAA. Tristan Thompson is definitely one of the better inside players in the nation, er, continent. He'll need to develop a 10-15 foot jumper if he's going to be a star at the next level. He'd be a first rounder in the next NBA draft, but a higher pick after another year at UT.
derek303's Avatar
I have KS wining it all. They looked great against us last week. Final 4 I have KS,Pitt, Duke and Ohio ST. There will be some potential upsets. I have Louisville playing KS. and KS wining. But Louisville is scrappy. K-State vs. Pitt, same thing. I wouldn't want to play them. TX-Duke, I have Duke but we could take them. That doesn't count UCONN who won the Big East which is probably harder than wining this.
yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 03-17-2011, 02:00 PM
Louisville just got bounced by Morehead State- It's gonna be an interesting tourney...
derek303's Avatar
Texas squeeked by Oakland. They almost came back. Another solid game from Tristan Thompson.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Horns had that one all the way. I think Rick Barnes was being a little too heavy handed with the coaching in order to play it safe.

Once upon a time, playing it safe like that cost my second favorite Cougar BB team the national championship.

Add in a couple of kicked balls by Oakland that the refs didn't call -- and Oakland players threatening to kick UT players' balls -- and UT wins that one by 15-20.

Tristan Thompson is a beast! Just wish the Austin Statesman's columnists weren't such pussy homers. Did anybody notice today's column? I thought I was gonna wretch!
derek303's Avatar
Are you talking about the one on Jocovan Brown how he has become less selfesh? That's true.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I am not a UT fan at all but this team must drive their fans crazy. At times they look like one of the top teams in the nation -- tight defense, strong rebounding, great shooting. And at other times they look like they could lose to just about any team out there. I think they will have trouble when they play another team with a strong inside game, as they did against Kansas. Tristan is fantastic but if you put a body on him his game declines. Be interesting to see if he comes back next year. I think he needs one more year, at least, to improve his game.
sixxbach's Avatar
Blame it on Barnes. Too nice of a fucking guy. I wish Barnes had the emotion of the Oakland coach and some others....

Little Monster's Avatar
Replace Barnes with Bruce Pearl he's a good coach with far more energy, plus he would have a better recruiting base here. If he could just stay out of trouble.
yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 03-19-2011, 06:29 AM
The Texas/Arizona game on Sunday looks like a toss-up. Of course, that all depends on which Longhorn team shows up!

On a side note, my bracket is 22-10 and my Elite Eight teams are still intact- then again, the weekend isn't over yet...
sixxbach's Avatar
I like Texas tomorrow. I think there are some motivated kids looking to elevate their draft status.....
