Thoughts and concerns on the Japan crisis?

First of all I would like to extend a prayer for all those suffering between the threefold earthquake, Tsunami and multiple Nuclear plant crisis. These poor people. Even though far more prepared than we were with Katrina how much devastation and trauma can any society handle piled on all at once?

What about the government claims that the radiation is a very minor threat to the West coast because it is dissipating over the ocean?
These claims just remind me of the miles of oil covered ocean floor and the exact same (False) claims made by the same people about it having dissipated.

This of course is going to be whatever it will be because there is no cleanup and no control.
What are your thoughts and feelings? Do we stock up on medicine and canned foods or do we literally cast our fate to the wind?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I can't watch the news reports, it's so horrific! I had friends working in Sri Lanka and Haiti after those disasters, but this is going to wind up worse than the other, I suspect. Particularly because of the meltdowns.

Their government, on the other hand, is as full of shit as ours. Probably worse. We're looking at the China Syndrome come true.

I don't think we in the U.S. are in imminent danger because of the natural disaster. (I don't know jack shit about that.) The financial ramifications of this (also political) will be devastating (and I DO know jack shit about THAT).

God help them all.
There was numerous studies on both air and ground detonation of nuclear materials. 99.99% of all fallout precipates easily in a month period, most of it within the first week.
So, probably minimal impact, if at all to the US.

However, the poor Japanese will see more tragedy over the next few weeks, months, years as medical problems will start to become more aggrevated.

As YR points out, I'm more concerned with the world economics. Think, NEC, Toyo, Honda, Toyota, Mitubishi, Sony, Hitachi, Onkyo are pretty much fubar for quite some time from merely just the energy standpoint.
There was numerous studies on both air and ground detonation of nuclear materials. 99.99% of all fallout precipates easily in a month period, most of it within the first week.
So, probably minimal impact, if at all to the US.

However, the poor Japanese will see more tragedy over the next few weeks, months, years as medical problems will start to become more aggrevated.

As YR points out, I'm more concerned with the world economics. Think, NEC, Toyo, Honda, Toyota, Mitubishi, Sony, Hitachi, Onkyo are pretty much fubar for quite some time from merely just the energy standpoint. Originally Posted by winemaker
unfortunately the only place it precipitates is right back down to earth, right into the ecosystem. So yes, among the health issues that are already developing, there will likely be more to come.

Economic impact, who can really know right now. But I think we all knew that economies are pretty much fucked as across the board right now. Middle east screwing us, natural disasters recent and looming, etc. Maybe we should default on paying China back and call it done.

The Japanese government may be lying out here ass about radiation, but here's what I find interesting.... Where are the scandalous news reports about post-tsunami looting, raping, and murders? Not to say it may not be happening, but damn if you couldnt change the channel without seeing/hearing it when Katrina hit.