Screening Requirements....why do you ask for certain things?

Hi everyone just wanted to get everyone's opinion on screening requirements. What do you ask for and why do you ask for it?
allofamber's Avatar
Provider references..and they must be from reputable providers who have reviews, and are known names in the industry....the referencse must also be with-in the last 6 months....and the ladies must be currently working

I no longer accept work as any type of referencing, because legit companies have been working with LE to give out false employment verification, and LE has also set up fake websites and companies to pass screening....
Even further, do you all screen simply to make sure person isn't LE or to get a feel of the person b/4 hand?

What if a provider tells you: "oh girl, he's a nice guy but to be honest I had to imagine brad pitt was fucking me while closing my eyes"

What do you do when a provider tips you off that he's probably unattractive?
Jack Flash's Avatar
I will ask this one as a few guys have mentioned to me.

If a guy is on p411 and he has 10 okays, does he automatically get passed for screening or do you still want provider references?

What if he is on this site and sends you a PM and has 10 reviews in the past 6 months? Does that satisfy your screening or do you still want references?
It's pretty agonizing to sent a request to see a woman and you're waiting for her to get in contact with certain people. a waiting process.

If you're just trying to make sure he isn't LE just see if he had more than one successful review on eccie with a provider who was seen by others who u know are main hobbyists.

for instance, there was a bp chick I saw one time simply based on the fact that a guy with 7 reviews commented about seeing her in a thread where a 2 review hobbyist saw her.

This is why I bank so much on eccie reviews a lot of the providers in my reviews are hard to reach now. But hey, if I got 8 up I'm not LE. Let's enjoy ourselves, give me an immediate "yes" and not have me working so hard.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
When I had the blue water empire. I accepted a gent with 2 recent reviews of well respected providers.
allofamber's Avatar
When using P411 the last few "okays" should be contacted and asked for physical appearance..and make sure that everything went okay....just cause you got an okay does not mean the appointment went perfect...we as provider on P411 "MUST" give an okay if the guy paid & we weren't hurt....but just cause the provider didn't "click" is not a reason to not give an I contact the ladies and get there feed on the member and if they tell me "yea I saw him and I gave him and okay, but he was a pain in the ass, and wouldn't take no for an answer"...well then I know not to see him....I'll pass on the appointment all together.

Looking at a guys "okays" also lets providers know what type of girl he sees...if he has 10 okays from 10 5"0, 98lb, Asian women, and then contacts me for an appointment 9/10 times I'm going to decline cause i already know we are not going to be a good match.....

As far as reviews go....hell no that does not get you pass screening there are so many fake reviews written on a daily bases so that guys look like they've seen a lot of girls so when they contact a provider they want to see..all they say is "I'm joe smith just look at all my reviews...", and they think that gets him in...(sometimes with the new girls it does..) but the veteran girls will contact those ladies, and we always hear.."Nope never saw him that's a fake review..." once you call the guy out on it he miraculously stopped responding...

Ladies I can not stress this enough CHECK REFERENCES...make sure you have the correct email addresses for these ladies and phone numbers' that way you are sure you are talking to the right person....don't ever just take what is sent to you to be the valid emails or phone numbers to provider references....guys have set up fake email addresses and phone numbers to get past was done to me..

A guy used me as a reference with a well known big boob model..(her and I are friends)...he told her he saw me on such and such date in Los Angeles...he gave her the email address of my real address is (one less "X" ). Well he wasn't aware that she and i were good friends, and that she had my personal phone number..well she called me asked me if i was in L.A. and i told her "nope"...and she said the email looked off by one letter we set the trap..she sent an email to the fake email address and sure enough she got a response from "him" acting as me...saying "yes we had a great time, you'll love him girl...he's so sexy..have fun..".....well guess who ended up calling him back on three way....yep you guessed it me and her....he hung up so fast after he heard my voice...

I also know of guys who work with other ladies to help rob providers...the guy uses his female partner to act like a provider on the phone and give him an "okay" then he sees the lady and robs her....

So lady make sure you double check those email addresses and phone numbers against provider ads and websites...
Jack Flash's Avatar
All great information there for the ladies Amber. How do you feel about girls that come on this site and want business but THEY have zero or very little reviews. Should they have to provide us clients with references. You for instance, I only see one review listed on your profile, none on your site.
I ask for provider references, full name if they can not give me that, work number and I call at my leisure or a personal face book page.

Needless to say this tends to have me saying 'Sorry'..

I am seeking references as to rather the fella is not a 'mad man' or LE !
humanoid's Avatar
AllofAmber. I understand your concern with making the session click but profiling a guy on what kind of chick he sees seems kind of unfair.

For example 90% of the time I am into really skinny chicks but now and then I may want a girl with big ole tits or maybe I come across a pic of a chick with a certain look that drives me crazy. Please, screen but don't judge. Variety is the spice of life. Isn't that why we are here?

That said I hobby like 2 times a year so it is almost impossible to keep current references. I have been on Pref411 since 2007 and have Basic +12. This is not a guarantee that I am going to be able to see the provider that I want as most of my references are old. I think it should say something about me though. I have been in it that long and have not been kicked out.
allofamber's Avatar
All great information there for the ladies Amber. How do you feel about girls that come on this site and want business but THEY have zero or very little reviews. Should they have to provide us clients with references. You for instance, I only see one review listed on your profile, none on your site. Originally Posted by Jack Flash

I have reviews they are linked to to my showcase, plus I've been around for a minute..people already know me...don't need anymore reviews for business..I'm not new.

As far as the new ladies having to get business..get on P411 get an account...get an account on here and start at the bottom just like everybody else had to...once you got some reviews under your belt and peeps in our community can vouch for you is when the veteran ladies will start trusting their word/references...

....and humanoid my concern is not concern is running a smooth business..with that said I will not risk having a bad appointment...if a certain "type" of provider is all a member sees than he should not contact me, cause I will decline him....
GinaXXX's Avatar
just cause the provider didn't "click" is not a reason to not give an okay....

Also, asking for multiple appointments, or expecting a tip, is not considered an acceptable reason for denial, nor would only giving Okays to those who post a review be acceptable.

A provider account on P411 means that you have agreed to share information about all of your P411 clients, without extra drama and bs attached.

Basically.... my position is that if the client was ok, meaning no more trouble than your average client, he deserves an Okay. An Okay is only intended to mean that he was OKAY during his time with you.... it doesn't mean he is a zillionaire with a body of a God.

we as provider on P411 "MUST" give an okay if the guy paid & we weren't hurt....but
You don't have to give an Okay is the client was a jerk, was late, tried to overstay his time, annoyed the piss out of you, etc..... we just ask that you give us the reason.

If you are a provider who FREQUENTLY has some silly little reason every time we hear from you, then I'd probably be in contact with you about it. My business lies in keeping the network functioning smoothly. While I don't want any problem clients on the site.... I don't want to be wasting my time with every "he was TWENTY EIGHT YEARS OLD and I clearly state that I only see 30 years or older" nonsense.... and trust me, I waste way too much of my life on nonsense. Most of us do!

I think I highjacked the initial topic a bit, my apologies. Oops.

Amber you're pretty sexy.
allofamber's Avatar
Gina..I've been really lucky..or I've selected my boys very carefully cause all the guys I've met off of P411 have been really nice, and super sweet...I have yet to say that I wont give an okay...all my guys got one quickly...

Coefficient..thanks hon, that's always nice to hear...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I can testify that amber is absolutely 100% real as I have met her and talked to her in person but i can barely remember since I manipulated them boobs out and it was very hard to concentrate lol