Do Not Go to Costa Rica during the week before Easter!

BR-8's Avatar
  • BR-8
  • 03-22-2012, 01:09 AM
The week prior to Easter Sunday is called Holy Week. NO liquor is supposed to be sold. Many businesses shut down for the week. Many of the GIRLS shut down for the week.
We unknowingly went during this time last year. Stayed a couple nights at the Del Rey and then headed to the west coast beaches. There were maybe 15 girls there both nights at the Del Rey and they WERE probably rated 1 to 5... mostly 1 and 2's.
The village that I went to on the coast was small and a bit crude. However, I did manage to find a nice 21 year old Tica to spend time with while I was there.
Went and visited The Sportsmans Lodge in San Jose while there just to check it out. It was during early evening and no girls were working except the bartenders; had a great evening brunch off their menu... pretty good food. Really cute little bartender. I think that I would be interested in spending a couple nights at the Lodge in the future. Totaly different atmosphere than the Del Rey.
**JUST REMEMBER** Don't go during the week before Easter!!!
Easter and Christmas are not the times to go. The only exception may be Jaco as the party moves to the beach. The down side is the prices are higher in Jaco then San jose.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
word I got is only 2 days they can not serve liquor in bars/restaurants.
thats from a american resident in jaco.

Jaco is reasonable, 60-100. always been that way for 6 years
word I got is only 2 days they can not serve liquor in bars/restaurants.
thats from a american resident in jaco.

Jaco is reasonable, 60-100. always been that way for 6 years Originally Posted by Hawkeye9
Hawkeye9, you are correct on the two days, starting Thursday April 5th through Friday April 6th.

As far as reasonable it just depends on what you are use to paying. Living here in CR anything over $60 is too much for my taste (you just have to find the right non-tourist areas), but that is just me.

Hawkeye9's Avatar
only tuesday and good friday, tica bartender in jaco told me.

also at 1201am saturdaythey will open
only tuesday and good friday, tica bartender in jaco told me.

also at 1201am saturdaythey will open Originally Posted by Hawkeye9
Then Jaco has different rules then the rest of Costa Rica. I can say from personal experience living here, it is always Thursday and Friday that no sales are allowed.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
your right, it got lost in translation!
bars close 1201am thursday reopen, 1201am sat.
SpursFan's Avatar
Am sitting in the Sportsmens Lodge typing this reply.

Confirming that this Thursday and Friday are the shut down days.

What a country, had a blast and leaving tomorrow -


Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Am sitting in the Sportsmens Lodge typing this reply.

Confirming that this Thursday and Friday are the shut down days.

What a country, had a blast and leaving tomorrow -


SF Originally Posted by SpursFan
Have safe trip home, looking forward to the details of you adventures.

BTW Spurs have been kicking some serious butt...........GO SPURS GO!!!!
SpursFan's Avatar
What an adventure.

The shock of returning home to decompress is never fun.

SpursFan, good to hear you had another good time. Don't stay away to long the weather is great here!
SpursFan's Avatar
Don't rub it in hobbie, LOL.

Now that I have been there 12 times in 8 years I may just cool my jets and wait 2 years before going again.

This past trip was more for relaxing and vegitating. The only drawback was taking an awkward step off a high curb by the Mas Y Menos and getting lower back pain which took me out of commission for awhile. Could only do activities where the young lady did all the work, heh heh heh,,,

asktiquica's Avatar
Easter and Christmas are not the times to go. The only exception may be Jaco as the party moves to the beach. The down side is the prices are higher in Jaco then San jose. Originally Posted by hobbie
The beach during Easter is not for the faint of heart. The hotels will be full, and for the most part the place is flush with cash. You won't find as many girls who want to party for pay.

I suggest you review the following article with respect to the timing of your next trip in Costa Rica.

The country has some very specific seasonal cycles and holidays that have more impact than holidays do in the United States.