Oh the hypocrisy

Missouri state Senator Nasheed (D) was arrested while protesting in Ferguson on Monday. She has been a strong anti-gun nut. She has introduced several anti-gun bills. Guess what, she was carrying a 9mm with extra ammo when she got arrested. What a dumb ass.

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That figures - liberals like one set of laws for themselves, and then tell everyone else what is best for them.
He cops fucked up. They should have demanded a blood test for public intoxication. Then, if she does have a concealed carry permit, they could have upped the charge for violation of her CHL.

I guarantee, in Texas, if you get busted being drunk, you have a CHL, and you are carrying, your ass is in deep shit, probably to the tune of a Class A Missdomeanor.

But, anyway, she is a typical lying piece of shit Democrat. The Government is full of them.
I love it when these things happen.. typical Libtard or Progressive-tard
Oh, look....all republicans are drunks because this drunk republican got himself arrested for DUI after hitting Taco Bell: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/0...n_5191932.html

Oh look....all republicans are thieves and ethically challenged because this thieving, ethically challenged republican got arrested on 23 felony counts the other day:


Oh look: all republicans tamper with witnesses and bribe people because these shitbag witness tampering, bribing Republicans got arrested this past summer for tampering with witnesses and bribing people.


Oh, look: all republicans use cocaine because this shitbag republican got arrested for using cocaine.


So, JewLawyer, I guess these conservative shitbag republicans think that there is one set of laws for them and one for the rest of us, huh? Typical hypocritical conservative assholes....like you.

I can go on if you like.
both parties suck ass, they all suck ass.. its just so funny when Libtards preach and preach then do just the opposite,. everyone expects GOP'ers to be this way.. that is nothing new.. we hold you Demtards to a higher level.. ay carrumba!
both parties suck ass, they all suck ass.. its just so funny when Libtards preach and preach then do just the opposite,. everyone expects GOP'ers to be this way.. that is nothing new.. we hold you Demtards to a higher level.. ay carrumba! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
You got at least one part of it right.