Charities for Christmas

TexasCowboy's Avatar
Hello Everyone,

If you know of a charity that would benifit from a money donation will be glad to contribute to help out those that are less forunate and will bring a smile to a family and kids this Christmas.


I do the child crisis centers all year long but all the child charities are beyond well above capacities with donations, coats, gifts ect... I personally am buying a a couple dozens of nice slippers and blankets and sending them to a goverments based elderly home, they are soooo easily forgotten, most are cold during the winter months, and have not a single person to visit them all year long.... very sad. Doing this helps you to give directly and see their faces light up when you personally hand them something to keep them warm!!
This is just my personal recommendation....
A few to consider (my personal favorites):

North Texas Food Bank

Union Gospel Mission

The Bridge Homeless Center

Safe Haven of Tarrant County

Toys for Tots
Great call st. Kildare! I love that Kroger deal where you buy a prefixed bag that they donate to the food shelters. Each bag is about 10-15$ worth of canned goods
Grace Preston's Avatar
Food Pantries in general are hurting for donations this year. Samaritan House in McKinney is always in need as well.
I'm a HUGE fan of the Kroger deal too. Food banks are really low right now
Food banks are really low right now
It's been a tough year in general for a lot of charities, especially those with no religious affiliation (people tend to give to their churches first, naturally). Both the food banks and the homeless shelters are really hurting for funds.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
I will be making a $25.00 donation to each of the last four that have been listed.

Union Gospel Mission

The Bridge Homeless Center

Safe Haven of Tarrant County

Toys for Tots

On the mailing list for these charities below....

Already have contributed to the two which have been mentioned and work is a sponsor of North Texas Food Bank, & Samaritan House in McKinney.

Make good money at work and always trying to save it or help out those that are not as forunate in life for various reasons.

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 12-21-2012, 09:46 PM
I am a big supporter of the women's haven / safe haven....
pyramider's Avatar
Long before I was chasing taint I did a lot of volunteer work. I always got more out of it than I put in. I wish I could pay my bills doing volunteer work, but then I would not be volunteering. I learned a lot of things and I am probably very late posting this.

Many local food pantries do not get their food from the Food Banks. Food Banks have their rules and some pantries do not, or cannot, work with Food Banks for any number of reasons. A good way to help the local pantries and food drives is during the course of the year watch the grocery store ads. When the items listed below are on sale ... stock up. Your money will then provide even more food.

Peanut Butter-a good source of protein
Jelly-pantries are always short on jelly
Mac& Cheese-a good buy point is when its 3 or more for $1
Canned vegetables-a good buy point is 2 for $1
Canned meats-canned tuna, chicken, Vienna Sausages, etc ... again protein
Flour-small packaging works best for the pantries
Baby Formula
Baby food

The store brands are perfectly fine.

A trick I learned years ago while doing a lot of traveling for business is soap and shampoos. I used to use the soap the hotels provided until I smell very girlie for several days. Since then I pack my own soap and shampoo, I want to knwo what I will smell like. I take the soap/shampoo/lotions/conditioner/mouthwash to pantries and shelters. A very easy way to do good. So easy its almost an accident. Just think how a week of hotel soap and shampoo multiply.

Shelters always need:

Cleaning supplies-brooms, mops, buckets, etc
Toilet paper
Disposable Diapers
Good ideas Pyramider. I contribute to charities through an automatic payroll deduction. Many companies, state and govt. agencies and educational institutions offer this deduction to their employees. You can designate which charities your money goes to. I give to Scottish Rite, Salvation Army, Red Cross and St. Jude's Children Research Fund.

Some grocery stores have sacks of food for a Christmas dinner for 10-15 dollars that you can purchase and will be distributed to needy families by the store. Throughout the year when such disasters as 911 and Katrina happen you can send a text through your phone and a small amount (typically 5 dollars) will be added to your bill.

I'm looking out the door at a beautiful White Christmas, the first that I can remember where the snow completely covered the ground. I'm feeling blessed because I know that I could be homeless and having to find shelter from the weather. TexasCowboy, thanks for starting this thread.