The laptop...full of corruption and perversion.

If you don't believe that cunter and his senile old man aren't completely corrupt and cunter a spaced out pervert then this shouldn't leave you in any doubt. This story is STRAIGHT for the computer repairman. Has anyone seen this story in the LSM???

Repair Guy Describes Night Hunter Dropped off the Laptop - and That Password
By Nick Arama | May 07, 2022 8:00 AM ET

John Paul Mac Isaac had a fateful meeting with Hunter Biden that changed his life — the night Hunter dropped off the laptop. It cost him his business and he had to go into hiding after the media falsely claimed it was Russian disinformation and then people began harassing his shop and threatening him. As we reported, he’s now suing Rep. Adam Schiff, Politico, CNN, and The Daily Beast for the false smear regarding Russian disinformation.

The computer repairman is now describing the night he met Biden and more in a new book, “American Injustice.”

He explained how Hunter showed up at his Delaware Mac shop shortly before closing, smelling like alcohol from the nearby cigar bar. He had three laptops. “I need the data recovered off these, but they all have liquid damage and wouldn’t turn on,” he said. He said his name was Hunter Biden and one of the laptops had a “Beau Biden Foundation” sticker on it.

Mac Isaac took his phone number and email. He thought the laptops perhaps contained some important memories about Hunter’s brother and that’s why he wanted the data recovered. Little did he know at that point.

When he examined the laptops he discovered one of the laptops was unsalvageable. The next one was in better condition so he asked Hunter for his password to log in.

Hunter started laughing.

“My password is f–ked up. Don’t be offended!” he said, before announcing that it was “analf–k69” or something to that extent. His inebriated condition made it difficult to understand is speech. My eyes widened a bit, and I told him that maybe it would be best if he tried to log in himself.

“Hey, you fixed it!” he stated, slurring slightly. I asked if he had an external keyboard that he could use to get around the failure of his internal keyboard, and he just looked at me blankly.

“Here, you can borrow this one to perform the recovery yourself,” I told him. “That way I don’t have to check it in and bill you. Just bring it back when you’re done.”

After Hunter left, the computer repairman then sat down to work on the remaining recovery.

That’s when all the porn files started to come up. While the repairman said that was a “vocational hazard” of helping people with their computers, he was stunned by the sheer volume.

“Oh s–t,” I thought, pausing. The preview image in the right column was clearly displaying the customer. He was wrapped in a red scarf and wearing what looked like a jock strap. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“How embarrassing!” I thought. “Who on God’s earth would feel comfortable with this lying around on their desktop?”

But I shook it off and continued down the list of files. It didn’t take long before another one appeared, and then another. Hunter, with his salt-and-pepper stubble, stared into the camera attempting to look cool while taking a naked selfie. Gross.

“How many of these does he have?” I wondered. It wasn’t just him alone either. Although it looked like he was having a love affair with himself, there also were photos with women. I decided I’d had enough, that I was no longer going to preview the data. I would just go by the file name and hope for the best. And I tried to work out how to keep a straight face when he returned for the recovery data.

But then he got to an intriguing file titled “income.pdf.”

It was an email from January 16, 2017, saved as a PDF. At the top were the years 2013, 2014, and 2015. Next to each year was the amount of taxable income earned: $833,000+ in 2013, $847,000+ amended to $1,247,000+ in 2014, $2,478,000+ in 2015. I was blown away. All that money and this asshole couldn’t spring for a backup drive!

I read on. Amounts that I could never even have imagined earning were broken down by the year. Then I read, “Since you couldn’t have lived on $550,000 a year, you ‘borrowed’ some money from RSB in advance of payments.” I was speechless. This guy couldn’t live on more than ten times what I earned every year?

The whole document seemed shady. I saw that a lot of money had exchanged hands, and it didn’t seem like it had been recorded lawfully.

It’s stunning to think of how much money he was raking in while he had so many issues. And I’m wondering who RSB is? RHB would be Hunter, his full name is Robert Hunter Biden. Was that a reference to someone — like Joe — borrowing money “in advance of payments” from Hunter? In which case that would raise another whole question. We already know that they had bank accounts to which both had access. Was it a reference to Rosemont Seneca Bohai Bank?

I’m guessing the FBI is probably intrigued by that file as that would seem pretty central to any case that they might be looking into regarding taxes or what he’s made from his foreign connections.

But it sounds like there are more excerpts from the book to come, so grab the popcorn, there’s more to come.
bambino's Avatar
Ashley Biden’s diary is pretty depraved too.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-07-2022, 04:33 PM
You two peeping Tom's jacking off to the laptops content?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You two peeping Tom's jacking off to the laptops content? Originally Posted by WTF

reports claim many images on Hunter's laptop would be criminal to view. meaning he's a criminal for taking them.

and don't think Joe Biden doesn't know just what a depraved piece of shit Hunter is.

Biden named one of his dogs "Major" after the rank of his son Beau in the Army. he had to name his other dog "Champ" because if he named him after Hunter the dog's name would be "Crack"

What verified reports?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What verified reports? Originally Posted by royamcr

many of the emails from the laptop have been verified. we've gone from "doesn't exist" to "Russian disinformation" to "yes the laptop is real" and best of all "yes much of the contents have been verified".

do try to keep up on current events before you post, sparky.
I verified you as a fucktard. Show me email verifications, contents verified. etc or shut the fuck up cause you don't know shit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I verified you as a fucktard. Show me email verifications, contents verified. etc or shut the fuck up cause you don't know shit. Originally Posted by royamcr

you've been TWK'd

texassapper's Avatar
I verified you as a fucktard. Show me email verifications, contents verified. etc or shut the fuck up cause you don't know shit. Originally Posted by royamcr
and you That's funny, I don't care who you are...

you've been TWK'd

BQQM Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I got 2 fucking mac books whoopd fucking do. Show contents of emails and then prove that there was wrong doing. This is just another Hillary email stunt because Republicans have no other stance besides trying to insinuate corruption... In most cases it is Repubtards projecting their own corruption.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I got 2 fucking mac books whoopd fucking do. Show contents of emails and then prove that there was wrong doing. This is just another Hillary email stunt because Republicans have no other stance besides trying to insinuate corruption... In most cases it is Repubtards projecting their own corruption. Originally Posted by royamcr

you shoulda just clicked the googie search link .. now you look stupid and angry.

The New York Times Belatedly Admits the Emails on Hunter Biden's Abandoned Laptop Are Real and Newsworthy

EXCLUSIVE: They're as slow as Joe! Sleepy New York Times FINALLY wakes up and admits Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop IS REAL, a YEAR after authenticated its contents and broke dozens of stories about his shady dealings

  • The New York Times admitted the contents of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop are indeed authentic, in a report about his business dealings published this week
  • The Macbook Pro was recovered in October 2020 after the president's son left it at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware in April 2019 and never returned for it
  • When files from the device were first published ahead of the 2020 election, the NYT cast doubt on its provenance and linked it to Russian disinformation
  • On Wednesday, the paper changed its tune in an article referencing the files, which they confirmed 'were authenticated by people familiar with them'
  • Last March, authenticated the laptop and was the first – and only – news organization to publicly verify its contents using expert analysis
  • can also reveal that the Washington Post has had a copy of the laptop hard drive for over six months, but has failed to admit it or report on it
  • 'They haven't done anything. They're not just late to the party, they didn't even show up,' said Jack Maxey, a political activist who gave the laptop

Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Finally News Fit to Print

The press that ignored the story in 2020 admits that it’s real.

NYT verifies Hunter Biden's laptop two years after intel experts called it disinformation

Still no details on what was bad on the laptops. Just stupid speculation to deflect from retardplicans lack of purpose in politics.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Still no details on what was bad on the laptops. Just stupid speculation to deflect from retardplicans lack of purpose in politics. Originally Posted by royamcr

keep not reading the links and remain ignert. two years ago you said it didn't exist, was russian disinformation. now you know it's real and a large part of it has been verified as true by the leftist media. more is being verified so stay in DA NILE and keep ignoring the failure that Biden is. you were lied to that Trump was the threat to democracy, now you should know who really is. the Democrats and their globalist puppet Biden.
TWK it is an exercise in futility to try and get ignorance to become inlighten...
Don't try and convince him the tooth fairy and Santa don't're dealing with a guy that thinks the senile fucker is doing a good job!!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I'm with bb on roy. Total futility. The boy has anger and reality issues and likely more than I care to think about. However, the award for Abundant Patience should go to TWK.