I have a cold... any advice?

I have a completely free day today. No obligations, no work, nowhere to be. Perfect day for a little hobby time right? But no, I caught a freaking cold. While a little attention from a pretty lady would certainly distract me from my misery, I doubt any providers would even want to see me.
Guest092815's Avatar
Rest yourself, you can take vitamin c, 500mg 2x a day, and that helps some. I would avoid zicam or zinc medications--too risky. Drink lots of fluids, take sudafed if your nose is like a faucet, rest your weary body, and get well. salt water gargles DO make your throat feel better, as does good old fashioned chicken soup.

Please don't hobby until you have been well and without fever a few days.

it is cold & flu season, and the best thing to do is take good care of YOU. You are the only one you have got *(smile)*

I hope you feel better soon.

ps.. alka seltzer (regular) works very quickly for aches and pains
austinkboy's Avatar
I feel your pain you! I had the same thing happen recently. My all time, THE ATF had been gone on vacation for a whole friggin week. The week she came back, I had long planned out a an extended get together, cleared my calendar for that day, carefully constructed my alibi, hit the bank, got the wine, etc. etc. I even resisted all other temptations a few days before. We exchanged several "I can't wait to see you emails..." and, the the day before... BAM, I woke up and had lost my voice! DAMN! (Excuse me).

Of course, I had to do the right thing, cancel and reschedule for next week. Sigh... can't wait to see her.
That's the absolute worst. I wake up every day thinking I've contracted some deadly virus, but as soon as my morning antihistamine kicks in, I realize it's still just those damn allergies. I can't figure out a good cure for those.

But, for the cold/flu/virus type affliction, I swear by 3 things:

(1) Double doses of Airborne and/or Emergen C. Tons of vitamins and antioxidents to boost your immune system.
(2) Increase your folic acid intake through foods or supplements - it's a great immune system booster as well.
(3) Hot "tea" made with water, honey or Grade B maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemon. The brew is amazing for soothing a sore throat, opening up the airways and warming your chest.

If I catch it early enough, I can usually knock impending sickness out in a day or two with those steps, combined with whatever medications suit my symptoms.

Hope you feel better, darling!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-01-2010, 04:23 PM
Two words: Neti Pot.

I got mine at Walgreen's. Most drugstores should have them.
Simple: Jewish Penicillin
blenderhead's Avatar
OH! I totally forgot about the Neti Pot. I need to go unpack mine. Yay, Carl!

Blender... BACON. Another one of God's finest creations. YOU ARE AWESOME.

Adding both fabulous creations to my "get well soon" list.